Oklahoma bill would require 'furries' be picked up from school by parents, animal control

Jordan117@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 608 points –
Oklahoma bill would require 'furries' be picked up from school by parents, animal control

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I've got to admit that Republicans are always finding new and creative ways to be outrageously villainous and hateful

It’s because furries are overwhelmingly queer and often used as a stand in for fear mongering about trans people (ex: the “litter boxes in schools” rumor).

Furries are the next target after trans people.

I would say it’s more that they recognize furries are largely a queer subculture (regardless of the fact that straight furries exist) and correctly recognize it as less objectionable to most people’s sensibilities to say you’re getting furries removed from schools by animal control than it is to say you’re getting queer kids removed from schools by animal control.

It sounds really outlandish until you remember that in the 80s, DnD was used to make everyone afraid of a literal Satan, and we ended up with children testifying they were flown across the country and back to participate in Satanic rituals or flushed down toilets into hidden chambers where people were sacrificing live animals to the Dark Lord in the 8-9 hours they were at daycare.

People went to prison over this.

In the early 90s my mom was convinced Satanic women got pregnant and gave birth to babies to murder in rituals, and nobody could prove it because they gave birth outside a hospital and no record of the children existed.

I get some of the 80s/90s nostalgia but SO much of it was just actual hell lol.

I mean, furries have been targeted by the right for a long time, but they are nothing if not famous for winning the battle but losing the war when it comes to trying to stamp out subcultures they don't like. They've finally given up on trying to legislate homosexuality away, so now they're turning their attention to a less understood and more marginalized subculture of individuals. They'll give up on that eventually too when they realize they'll never win and turn their attention to the next vulnerable group to rally and galvanize their base.

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Not to mention wrong. Sounds like a result of the litterbox panic from a little while ago.

Which stemmed from an active shooter measure that would have allowed kids to relieve themselves without out having to leave the safety of their hiding place.

Is that really what it's from? If you could share a link I'd much appreciat it!

Well, it’s not from a school allowing children to use a litter box instead of a toilet because they’re a furry, because that doesn’t happen.


The [Jefferson County] district — where Columbine High School is located — has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of “go buckets” that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom during a shooting. The buckets also contain candy for diabetic students, a map of the school, flashlights, wet wipes and first aid items.

Thank you! I mostly want that to shove in people's face when they go on about it.

I'm pretty sure kids are going to do that regardless of the legality....

I know 11 year olds who would rather take a chance with a gunman than piss themselves in front of their whole class. Giving them a more dignified way to do things is only a good thing

Being a politician is all about getting attention. The more outrageous the bill or the thing the bill is addressing the more attention. This bill will hopefully never pass, but here we are talking about it.

And projection that a bunch of them are probably into furries, or domination, or both.

We clearly need Barney Frank’s ‘expose em when they oppress’ tactics back in the house.

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