Lols [they/them]

@Lols [they/them]
0 Post – 258 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

exclusivity is shit and blatantly anti-consumer

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i can excuse hiring mercenaries to rough a guy up for leaking cards, but using AI art is a step too far!

im so glad that blizzards internal culture and conduct align with microsofts values enough for them to skip the hands-on approach theyve shown with other subsidiaries

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he didnt forget about the enemy at his gates, hes been extremely busy making said enemy bigger and angrier

because invading another country usually involves mass civilian deaths and should be avoided as a rule

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a budget gaming pc that requires minimal upkeep or research into picking parts or putting them together

if that isnt a good enough reason, counterpoint: maybe consoles just have no point then

nobody here is hiding stories about the criminal acts israel is committing, and in fact a lot of thr folks talking about killing and raping random women being bad are not pro israel

do you ever have a moment of clarity between frothing over folks saying torture is bad and think 'am i a bad person'?

but it noticeably altered Hillary into this jaded cynic completely lacking in vision or idealism

it noticeably altered hillary clinton into hillary clinton

fediverse is dealing with a large influx of users thats way bigger than anything theyve had to deal with so far

this coupled with the fact that you can join in on from any of the sites if you are banned from a specific instance means moderation has not been able to keep up

the devs of the various sites are working in improving their teams and tools to better deal with the moderation required, its likely a temporary issue

for now make as much use of the block button as possible, both for specific people and whole communities that seem to exist solely to be assholes

on top of that, beehaw has recently defederated with two of the biggest instances, and shitjustworks, meaning that moderation will probably be able to keep up more again

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putting people in serious, permanent financial financial trouble with no real chance of escaping is famously effective at treating criminality

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spreading child pornography is in fact illegal in most of the world

from the netherlands where this nonsense is starting to take root, i refuse to pay more than it said on the bill

i do not order or buy from places that dont include taxes in the price tag and report them whenever i come across them, i refuse to order from places that dont include the deposit on cans and bottles in the price tag, and i refuse to to tip people for just doing their job

ill tip if i messed something up, but i dont see any reason why i should pay someone extra for doing what their job requires them to do, especially since theyre at worst making the same minimum wage i am

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hiring modders, which is what folks have been telling bethesda to do since skyrim, is bad and lazy actually

this is good

banning all major social media from city owned devices would be better

TikTok is a massive confidentiality hazard, but the only major difference between it and facebook is who its sending a live feed of every click, step and toilet break to

accepting bribes is bad actually

being sent to war against your will is bad actually

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there is currently an extensive international effort to not let them invade other countries

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even if this shit wasnt deliberately allowed to happen, the level of neglect coupled with the sheer fucking gleeful violence israel has unleashed in response makes the distinction practically meaningless

somewhere between soc dem and communist

i have a list of issues that i want fixed, and whether that happens by achieving communist utopia or just properly regulated capitalism isnt that important to me

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98% of 13,306 recorded cluster munitions casualties that are registered with Handicap International are civilians, while 27% are children

bombing your own population and its kids to own the russians

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its the principle behind the 'right to be forgotten'

if you posted something to a public forum and changed your mind, deciding it shouldnt be public after all, you should have that option

this is an extraordinarily terrible title

i have no clue how this happened

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you sound exhausting

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apparently they deleted this right after, but its a sign of some bullshit either way

im not particularly convinced that the shooter was acting in name of a pc gaming fan club

i like the slow stumble from "self-determination is a human right" to "eradicating religions in france"

"85% of the muslim women in france ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ᵏⁿᵒʷ" really adds to the experience too, thank you

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is this a psyop? surely its a psyop

youd probably have a hard time naming one billionaire that hasnt done anything good

theyre still a shit thing to have, practically never got the money they have by being a good person and shouldnt exist in the same world as homeless people, starvation or massively underfunded public projects

more tragic than this mother wearing her baby in her arms smashed by a - supposed - legal entity.

can you point to the specific sentence where they even implied this, or are you actually just throwing a tantrum because someone said 'man getting your daughter tortured and murdered must suck'

evidently they dont give much of a shit either way

an open, honest government where the declassification of documents is possible and even normalised regardless of how damaging they are for the image of said government is still beneficial for all of us

also, reiterating and proving commonly held beliefs is still beneficial for all of us, same way that actually researching things that everyone already thinks are true is still good

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where are you people buying your bulbs, i have not touched onein a year at least

tldr: yes

conservatives tend to believe that people not hosting their bullshit is a free speech violation, and that disagreeing with their bullshit is even more of a free speech violation

thats what happens when you dont hold free speech as any sort of ideal, and just like it as a tool for your team to beat the other team with

the good intentions are a pretense at best, the french governmenr is perfectly aware that criticism of zionism is not antisemitism

they dont want jewish folks to feel safe, they want palestinians to feel unsafe

having a 'principled objection' to others telling you that you can't see child sexual abuse tapes is very admirable and sounds much better

i doubt its going to change anything though, since 'principled objection' to laws doesnt actually stop said laws from applying to you, or the site youre using

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thats funny, i was under the impression that 'outside hospital grounds' distinctly does not mean 'on hospital grounds'

itt: being attracted to adult petite women is bad

sorry, adult petite women

lemmygrad is geared towards radical marxists supportive of china and/or russia

this means their users (and moderators) come from a far side of the political spectrum and are going to tend towards radicalism and extremism, and that their views tend to align with two hostile dictatorships notorious for their repeated disinterest in citizens rights or basic decency

all of which makes for a hotbed of toxicity with a modteam that doesnt particularly mind as long as its directed towards non-marxists

yeah, lets not pretend the VVD has actual ideological issues with reunification of refugee families, or an ideological backbone in general

theyre banking on bullying refugees selling well to the voters theyve lost to pvv, fvd and BBB, a coalition that lets them sit more comfortably and with even less critical actors, and pushing back all the important, time sensitive shite they dont want to work on as a happy bonus

what makes it even more transparent is the surprise, unlike every other actual difference in opinion, the vvd has opted to just instantly dissolve the cabinet after, like, a day

pretending that this is about a difference in opinion is basically just a courtesy at this point
