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Joined 12 months ago

Don't waste your time. They didn't read it, because they want a narrative to peddle.

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The way I search on all my Windows devices is:

Install PowerToys.

Install Everything

Install Everything extension for PowerToys Search

Change PowerToys Search to open with Windows key and spacebar

Best search experience I’ve ever had on my Windows machines.

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The catch is that it requires, and there is no way in hell I'm giving some third party a picture of my fucking drivers license.

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JESUS CHRIST at the amount of suckers talking about MTX being okay in this game because "yOu CaN eArN tHe ItEmS iNgAmE" are missing the point!

Good lord, what happened to being in an uproar about horse armor DLC? I miss those days!

If you add 20+ items of "DLC" into a singleplayer game THE FIRST DAY, you deserve for your company to go belly up. Full stop.

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Outlook (New) is such garbage. Web app, and doesn’t support plugins. Less functionality over all. Pathetic.

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I actually visited that cancerous site, because I do like to keep up with what both sides are saying.

It was hard, but I did go and read the drivel and also watch the video.

I've got to say, folks, and who would've guessed it, but what they put on the page and what was in the video did not add up at all. AOC was asking the guy what specific charge they were bringing with them for the impeachment, and his first response was some smart ass thing. Okay, par for the course with these idiots, but I'll keep watching.

She asks again, and he says RICO.

Which was not a SPECIFIC charge, it is a CATEGORY, which AOC even reminded him and the rest of the participants.

My tax dollars are paying for monkeys to wear suits, just to sling shit at each other. Good to know.

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I still remember watching their debate, live, and Biden running circles around that fucking idiot because all he could do was jibber jabber nonsense, and continually kept talking over Biden during Biden's turn. I then had people try to tell me that Biden was too old to debate, that Trump ran circles around Biden, and that Trump had taken the win for the debate.

It was at this time, where I fully became radicalized. I realized that the reality that I watched in real time, was not the same reality that these people were in.

Anyway, I'm assuming Biden will still run circles around Trump, whether he be there or not. Maybe this time, Biden will actually get to use his time to talk without the orange fucking idiot opening his.

This is why I go out of my way to not drive by these big vehicles. I do not trust the overworked, and tired drivers, nor do I trust the companies they work for.

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So, the whole point of learning is to ask questions from people who know more than you, so that you can gain the knowledge you need to succeed…

So… if you try to use these LLMs to replace parts of sectors, where there need to be people that can work their way to the next tier as they learn more and get better at their respective sectors, you do realize that eventually there will no longer be people that can move up their respective tier/position, because people like you said “Fuck ‘em, all in on this stupid LLM bullshit!” So now there are no more doctors, or real programmers, because people like you thought it would just be the GREATEST idea to replace humans with fucking LLMs.

You do see that, right?

Calling people fucking stupid, because they are learning, is actually pretty fucking stupid.

Right, my government also gave me a number at my birth. They know where I live, they know how much I make and where I work. The third party,, definitely does NOT need any of my information, since the entity that is taxing me, already does.

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They had 4 fucking years to get this little bitch ass loser in a jail cell with a misfitting orange jumpsuit. This is such a slap in the face of all of us peasants.

Thank goodness! I can finally get the hell away from Authy!

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Let's not forget that once you get to 92

... You're halfway to 99!

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I guess for me, it being closed-source and the fact that the Bitwarden password manager and now Bitwarden authenticator are open source. Truthfully, I just see how they handled the desktop version of their Authy software, giving no fucks if consumers wanted it or not, being a big red flag of what could come after. Having used Bitwarden for years now, and giving them $10 a year, makes me more biased and inclined to use their other software, since they've never let me down. :)

“Ah, yes. I am developer of game, and I promise it’s fun to play! You’ll have so much fun! Please play our game, my paycheck depends on it!”

Finally. It has been, for the last ten years, almost exclusively useless.

“Hey Siri, what is the weather like right now?”

“I’m sorry. You’ll have to unlock your phone for that. “ it says from across the room, as I’m looking at what clothes I should wear for whatever weather it is.

“You are such a fucking waste of electricity. I don’t even know why I keep trying to use you.”

“I’m sorry. I won’t respond to that. “

“You never do anyway, so no change there!”

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Plenty of people remember and adore the first two games, and even tactics. Bethesda's version of Fallout is great, and so are the originals. Get over yourself.

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I love LGR and his content. Glad to see others do too!

EDIT: Since it seems like some people lost the plot of my comment, somehow…

TLDR: Government sector in USA has 81% of the people in charge agreeing to ban an app, while there are kids being told they are too poor to afford to eat at a building that is mandated by the government to be there.

People dying from overpriced medicine and care? Nothing we can do!

People starving from companies overpricing their shit quality food? Nothing we can do!

People paying more taxes than companies, while those same companies pay little to NO taxes, while raking in "record breaking profits!!!" Nothing we can do!

Some app that allows the people to talk to each other, and to band together, about how shitty our situation is? An app that allows people to voice their issues of our government, freely, while attaining thousands and millions of views with like-minded people who are also sick of their government fucking them every step they can? BAN IT! QUICKLY EVERYONE, BAN IT BEFORE THEY REALIZE WE'RE COMPLICIT WITH EACH OTHER IN CONSTANTLY FUCKING OVER THOSE STUPID PEASANTS!

Seriously, guys. Can you think of the last time we had 81% of our house actively working together to help the people? I sure can't.

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It really goes like this:

I buy product. Product has no ads, and works really well.

After updates, my device starts showing ads and works worse than it had before.

I bought the device. It is my device. I should be able to do what I want with my device, that I spent my money on, the way I like it. If that means I don't want your shitty ads, then I should be able to avoid or opt out of those by default.

From your thought:

You buy cookbook. Cookbook has what you need already, which is why you purchased it.

The one you purchased it from comes and "updates" your book by scribbling in ads for it's other recipe books, and they did it really sloppily to boot.

Now, when you are looking for a specific recipe that you knew was in the book before, instead it is an ad for their other recipe book in place of where the recipe you were looking for was.

Sure, you can still find your recipe somewhere in the book, but as you flip through the books pages you see more and more and more ads for their other recipe books, and oh, now they are also showing you ads from some of their sponsors.

You paid for the book. It is rightfully yours to do with it as you please.

The recipe book company already got your money, yet they are insistent you buy more from them, and have even gone as far as defacing your book.

You should be upset.

Fucking disgusting. Get help.

I looked it up, and there is an article from the end of last year that says they are about to be required or are already required.

I can't recall ever putting my license on one of these tax preppers, but I am also older and more privacy concerned in my older age, so I would definitely not do it now.

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Tell me you didn't actually experience 2016-2021 (where that's all that little wannabe dictator did lmao), and definitely did not watch the SoTU, without telling me.

Ah, man. I remember when I went to this site to get themes for windows cursor, windows themes, and even skins for some of the programs I liked at the time. They went downhill quite some time ago, maybe around 2014 or 2015, as I stopped using that site as much because of the increase in pornographic stuff that showed on the front page. It will be missed though, either way.

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Red Dead Redemption 2, Chapter 2.

Galloping around, taking in the hazy morning with a cup of coffee at a makeshift camp, the ambient music and noises as you travel. It gives me such wanderlust.

Larian was cooking while BioWare was microwaving.

Jesus. Everything needs a fucking account anymore.

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It really seems like the adults left a looonnnnng time ago, and now it is time for the "children" to fix the shit they broke on the way out.

I used mine to cover a job loss for food and gas, and have finally been able to knock it down after two years of buying very little to ensure most of my money goes to paying them off. It is harder than it should be to get back on my feet, especially when I am making more money than I ever have in my life, but the cost of shit also went up with my pay, so it is effectively the same as it was when I was a TEEN.

I would like everyone that has YouTube always signed in to log out and completely clean your cookies and website data, restart your browser, and go back to the home page of YouTube.

It is atrocious. This is what people who are new to YouTube will see, and it is very clear how not only adults but especially kids and teens will be fooled into either believing or reenacting the dumbest shit you see on there, or they’ll go further down the already steep cliff and be even worse off. It is, in my opinion at least, that there needs to be a moderation on the home page. Badly.

How fucking convenient.

For anyone not wanting to play 76, and to try Fallout 3/New Vegas for the first time, or for a different run, I HIGHLY encourage you to get the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. Once set up (I got ALL the optional mods that they have a link to or something) you will have a better experience than vanilla Fallout 3, and more cohesion between the gameplay of FO3 and NV.

It is one the best games in its respective genre. I only play RPGs and this game has easily toppled Witcher, Elder Scrolls, and other games like Pillars of Eternity and so on.

It’s not your type of game, it seems. Not that it isn’t one of the best RPGs in it's class.

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It's to prevent you from accidentally deleting a photo you would never want to delete. If you want to make sure it's deleted, you just go into the Photos app and delete it from the Recently Deleted folder. I prefer this approach, as I have accidentally deleted a photo that I did not mean to, and luckily it was still there. Use cases are different though, so.

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Hey, Kadu! It’s so good to see you again! I have been using the yuzu zip you sent me, and have been playing the hell out of some of my games. I just wanted to say thank you so freaking much, from the bottom of my heart! 🙏

Well, I'm assuming poverty and depression would play a large role in someone lashing out at the wrong person (the fast food worker) while the little rich bitches get a life catered to them. They may both be human, but one group does not even remotely live in the same reality the poor and depressed experience (the nurse AND fast food worker) so really they can fuck off and wipe their little crocodile tears with their hundo bills.

Right! This seems to be the prevailing missing puzzle piece to most of these people's thought process. They're skipping over the fact that CHILDREN are WORKING instead of, oh I don't fucking know, BEING CHILDREN?

Just thinking about some shitstain CEOs having to work an actual job instead of tea parties and coke and hookers, makes my day so much brighter. Thank you.

I use a VPN at all times, because I want to, and I have now learned to not Google anything as it takes me to these CAPTCHAs that I refuse to do. Bing may be crappy too, but at least it doesn't block me from a simple search. There is no reason, in my opinion, to block a VPN from SEARCHING something. Disgusting.