Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app to – 506 points –
Bitwarden just launched a new authenticator app. Here’s what it means to users. | Bitwarden Blog

Bitwarden Authenticator is a standalone app that is available for everyone, even non-Bitwarden customers.

In its current release, Bitwarden Authenticator generates time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) for users who want to add an extra layer of 2FA security to their logins.

There is a comprehensive roadmap planned with additional functionality.

Available for iOS and Android


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Thank goodness! I can finally get the hell away from Authy!

What's wrong with Authy?

Not open source, and I believe an account is required.

Also doesn't allow you to export so you can't switch to another service

Also they have weird behind the scenes integrations into accounts even if they are just supposed to be regular 2FA. You can read stories about Twitch not playing well with other 2FA until 30 days after you remove Authy. I don’t want those kind of shadow integrations and I should be allowed to switch apps as I see fit

I guess for me, it being closed-source and the fact that the Bitwarden password manager and now Bitwarden authenticator are open source. Truthfully, I just see how they handled the desktop version of their Authy software, giving no fucks if consumers wanted it or not, being a big red flag of what could come after. Having used Bitwarden for years now, and giving them $10 a year, makes me more biased and inclined to use their other software, since they've never let me down. :)

They discontinued the desktop client about a month ago, which is what made me stop using it.

Too many things use it, if it becomes compromised that is way too broad of an attack for me to opt into

You could have before. I moved from Authy to Aegis a few months ago