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Joined 6 months ago

Nobody needs driverless or magnetic. Just do the simple fucking trains for now. Bunch of circus baboons the lot...

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If so then she has to present her hypothesis, model, constants and variables in her model, observations taken at intervals in the gym, and a graph with clearly labelled x and y-axes; eventually ending with a conclusion of whether this set of observations proved or disproved her hypothesis given the model.

Otherwise she's just goofing around trying to get views.

Actually the trick is to write down stuff when you weren't able to do then.

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Orangepi, rockchip, Arduino.

There's nothing novice about wanting to learn.

It takes time to implement features. Execs and managers don't want to implement the wheel and developer time costs a lot more money than security vulns.

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If they didn't advertise it and kept it lowkey nobody would have complained..

I would do the following:

Build a PC, Buy a bike and travel, Buy a bicycle and ride it on trails, If single: casual dating, Develop a skill like musical instruments or learn a language.

I don't like going to the gym because lifting weights and treadmills are quite boring. Instead I would play sports like football, badminton, etc.

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There is such thing as being the annoying ass that goes around doing outrageous shit and wants attention.

If you want clicks just show your genitals online. distracting Joe Shmoe who is struggling to maintain motivation between reps by flaunting your bits is NOT cool.

It's a lot easier to deal with a God that may or may not exist.. than deal with humans.

No the claim is that the inflation is artificial.. not the prices.

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Being good has nothing to do with having to maintain your company's code base that's in Oracle's Java SE 1.6.

You can't just design your way out of a conflict whose solution is to change either the existing system architecture or change Java versions,

both suggestions will get you laughed out of the room.

Are you just throwing networking terms together? How does a LAG prevent a switching loop?

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Ah the average American who always moves to the middle of nowhere half way across the continent carrying heavy equipment daily.

The caching is kind of mandatory as the sub-problems interact.

Lets just allow weed and see the same result without sleep deprivation

The only people not paying taxes are the royals whose arse you're lickin'.

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Edit: the one with the round ball

That's bullshit and you shouldn't be this ignorant this late into 2023.

Edit: this was supposed to go under that guy pretending to be the tesla bro. I totally missed the sarcasm as I know IRL people who still worship Musk.

A router of industrial scale which i see at work has its ports to be l3 ports by default. They don't down the network as the router rejects config where two ports are given the same subnet.. at least the ones i operate at work.

Yeah sure, better than pulling 1000Gb of node_modules..

The school won't do jack squat.

The right way is to suck up to 100s of people on the chain of command. The alternative is to do it yourself. I think the decision is easy on this one (maybe not for you, if you're into that shit)

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Lol your whole argument that it's better now is based on your own argument it has been stagant for a decade and your pinnacle argument that fixes the mess is... 1 year of lukewarm wage growth? How the fuck does that fix anything?

Lol "few more years" .. you have nice jokes.

Hmm i don't recall having this discussion. I think Biden is the saving grace for U.S.A. something fishy is going on...

Somehow personal failings never happened in communism? I am from a formerly communist nation. Capitalism has been a disaster.

Communism is bad for the people who want money. Capitalism is bad for everyone except the person who wants to hoard money.

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I am sure you will forget all about this once this "criminal" is behind bars. But you will never lift your fingers for actual education reform or raising teachers' salaries.

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Vaccines like the ones for chicken pox do cause fevers. But it's better than getting sick with the actual disease.

Math people don't have time to delve into modular code with the right amount of encapsulation/abstractions. Their money making is via testing hypotheses by constructing models and experiments.

If you want good code look at people making money writing code.

Website: "915 days in a year", you: "they are well paid and good at their job". Anyone seeing your comment: 🤨

Hahaha "no kings" hahaha.

Ok then what other venture takes others' creation and sells it off as their own?

That's when AI crashes because the secret cabal of middle management will direct their brainwashed execs to divest. ^/s^

Do some websites refuse to function even with useragent spoofing?

Is liberal capitalism how you describe centuries of colonial rule in Asia, Africa and the subsequent wealth drains?

Are you sure you're not misattributing their success to capitalism and ignoring the centuries of colonial wealth that flowed to the EU nations? Whenever I mention this in a EU space or those with westerners I get heavily downvoted. It looks like Europe doesn't want anyone to remember their Dark Ages through colonial periods.

Europeans just don't want that closet of skeletons to be opened.

Must be quite specialized to detect just Pegasus.

Inception happened in the past?

I think the credibility of the argument that "it's not easy to just lose weight" goes down when the contenders for solutions are "more pills" vs. "Lifestyle change".

Its always better to try the non-pill option before deciding the pills are needed. American policies and support structures need massive overall. Even things that seem totally unrelated like more mixed use and walkable city Zoning policies will make Americans more active and less dependent on meds.

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That's what I call a bitch take.

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You and other trans who are asking people to stop are missing one important point: Harry Potter is the reason many trans people are still alive.

A story can walk farther even if the storyteller faltered sooner.

You have to understand that people often lose their way. It's in the nature of many humans to do so.