Drag performance resembling Last Supper at Olympic opening ceremony rankles conservatives

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 428 points –
Drag performance resembling Last Supper at Olympic opening ceremony rankles conservatives

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The only people creating division are religious people who can't switch off their offended brain for once and laugh a little.

Same logic can be applied to people being (rightfully) outraged at blackface

Since you bring up logic, the logical fallacy you're displaying is called the false equivalence fallacy. Blackface is outrageous because the purpose is to demonize and humiliate black people. The purpose of drag is to CELEBRATE freedom of feminine expression, regardless of sex/gender. One is inherently exclusive, while the other is inherently inclusive.

And the purpose of mocking Christianity is...? I didn't mention drag here.

You're dissenting in a thread about Christians hating drag. It's implied you're talking about drag. Further, blackface is a common dog whisle the alt-right uses to attempt to demonize drag.

I haven't mocked Christians in a very long time. Some people are mocking Christians, but the intent of the original performance, and the intent of this thread, is very clearly to mock people that USE Christianity as ammunition against people and things they don't like. Which is (obviously) an exclusionary act.. Which the Olympics is against, given that it exists to bring people with differences together... Hence, the performance..

Are you this outraged every other time someone parodies the Last Supper?. Sounds like your issue is not parodies of a Christian scene but the parody being done by drag queens.


Sure show us the other times you've complained about the parodies and we'll start believing you.


That's not how whataboutism works. You claim parodies of the last supper offend you, that it has nothing to do with drag queens. It should be easy to provide examples of that given the painting has been parodied dozens, if not hundreds, of times. There are even plenty of examples on the fediverse with a cursory search:









You're notably absent in the comments. Heck, at this point, any Christian religious image should do.

Ah yes, because I am very active on AI, hobbit, anime and furry threads. Maybe I should start patrolling the furry communities to make sure nobody is blaspheming Christ 🙄

So, no other examples of you taking issue with parodies of christian art on Lemmy or elsewhere, correct? You've had plenty of time since I posted those links to tell each of the OPs how you feel about their depictions of the last supper. Why not go ahead and do that now?

Because I can't be bothered to what the furries are doing?

Yet it's religious parody all the same, something that allegedly bothers you regardless of whether those involved are LGBTQIA+. I've yet to see an evidence to support your argument. Still no response to my original question. It's not a problem when other major groups do it? No global uproar when it's done countless times by high profile series like South Park, the Simpsons, Family Guy, Curb your Enthusiasm, IASIP? Not an issue when the hard right appropriates your religion for political gain? Barely a peep when the subjects are anything other than obviously part of the LGBTQIA,+ community. At this point you should just own your bigotry instead of wasting people's time.

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