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Joined 12 months ago

The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

I'm ok with timezones, but the guy who invented daylight savings time I'd slap to all the way to the sun

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[malix@derp ~]$ fewer .bashrc 
bash: fewer: command not found


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c'mon man, you forgot to call .EnableUltraWideSupport()

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when the company as allocated at most 5 seconds per delivery and you've already spent 3, reading instructions is not going to happen. Gotta go fast

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tbh, I prefer Cole's Law

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installing operating system: 15 minutes, give or take.

give a name to the computer: 45 minutes

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not only the ux, some devs make it absurdly confusing to find a binary.

I don't want to throw anyone under the bus, but there's this one niche app.

their github releases at one point were YEARS out of date, they only linked to the current version in seemingly random issue reports' comments. And the current versions were some daily build artefacts you could find in a navigation tree many clicks deep in some unrelated website. And you'd better be savvy enough to download a successfully built artefact too. And even then the downloaded .zip contained all kinds of fluff unnescessary for using the app.

The app worked fine, sure, but actually obtaining it was fairly tricky, tbh.

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it's like that friends -meme: "repeat after me: discord is not the place for documentation/wiki/distribution", and joey goes "discord is the place for documentation/wiki/distribution".

oh, I've been wondering about this, as I've had occasional youtube-video just enter the infinite buffering. Oddly it has only happened on linux o_O

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Overall I’m still getting used to the Steam “processing vulkan shaders” pretty much every time a game updates, but it’s worth it for the extra performance.

That can be turned off, though. Haven't noticed much of a difference after doing so (though, I am a filthy nvidia-user). Also saving quite a bit of disk space while too.

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I'm kinda amazed it wasn't DOOM again. Damn cool project!

I don't play TF2, but I thought basically all hl2 -family games were updated to 64bit ages ago.. apparently this wasn't the case :o

Any of the other games running the same engine still in 32bit land?

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Hastily read around in the related issue-threads and seems like on it's own the vm.max_map_count doesn't do much... as long as apps behave. It's some sort of "guard rail" which prevents processes of getting too many "maps". Still kinda unclear what these maps are and what happens is a process gets to have excessive amounts.

That said:

According to kernel-doc/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt:

  • This file contains the maximum number of memory map areas a process may have. Memory map areas are used as a side-effect of calling malloc, directly by mmap and mprotect, and also when loading shared libraries.
  • While most applications need less than a thousand maps, certain programs, particularly malloc debuggers, may consume lots of them, e.g., up to one or two maps per allocation.
  • The default value is 65530.
  • Lowering the value can lead to problematic application behavior because the system will return out of memory errors when a process reaches the limit. The upside of lowering this limit is that it can free up lowmem for other kernel uses.
  • Raising the limit may increase the memory consumption on the server. There is no immediate consumption of the memory, as this will be used only when the software requests, but it can allow a larger application footprint on the server.

So, on the risk of higher memory usage, application can go wroom-wroom? That's my takeaway from this.

edit: ofc. I pasted the wrong link first. derrr.

edit: Suse's documentation has some info about the effects of this setting:

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am I correct to assume this is the thing that'll fix eg. Steam going full seizure mode under wayland + nvidia?

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while all of those qualities are great, they alone don't make game great.

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I'm trying to play through Control, finally. It's been sitting on my to-do list for ages. Not nescessarily a projet for the whole year, but it's what I got on my plate at the moment.

Playing on PC, with the unofficial patch (improves RT, texture streaming, stability, newer dlss... all the good stuff) and settings cranked. It's pretty dope tbh. I definitely suck at it, but the accessibility options (extra damage/health/regens etc) are pretty nice to scale the difficulty to my level.

Got to enjoy the SCP vibes and brutalist architecture. And Ahti, ofc.

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Yes, Inquisitor, that user right there. it's real all right.

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turning it off will wipe the cached shaders. That cleaned up like ~40 GB (IIRC) for me, without any noticeable difference in performance, stability or smoothness. Though my set of games at the time wasn't all that big: path of exile, subnautica: below zero, portal 2 and some random smaller games.

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doesn't seem like there's any assets in there (textures, music, sounds, videos...), just the code, so the footprint of it is fairly small just because of this.

imo, the funniest part of the game is listening to the player(s) repeatedly stating things from the game like cavemen

"baba is you, rock is push, water is sink... what? ok ok, rock is float.. AARGH"

only if the dev/publisher/whoever-responsible offers the different versions as available branches in the game's properties. Some do, most don't.

ctrl+(shift)+tab to next/prev tab? I don't think there's any direct shortcut to go to eg. tab 34.

the plot of ::: spoiler spoiler SOMA ::: in a nutshell?

I watched it ages ago entirely because it was on netflix (IIRC), had time to waste & I had heard Jim Carrey was absolutely going ham as the Dr.Robotnik. It was an ok timewaster, obviously not high art or anything.

I guess I'm in the older segment as I'm in my 40's, and still basically exclusively a pc-guy, making a slow but somewhat sure transition over to penguin themed os from windows.

I do play some older console games (via emulation), adventure games (scummvm <3) and quite a bit of modern pc singleplayer/coop titles. My go-to launchers are Steam and GOG.

Sure, pc maintenance can be a lot at times, but I'm a nerd and tinker on my pc a lot anyway, so it just happens.

Exactly that. Awesome and thanks.

Now, aggressive waiting for the updates begins

Dunno if it is good or bad, but Warframe has this loading screen where you see players' ships and you can steer them a bit. No real point to it, but at least it's something to do when waiting for someone to load in.

basically nothing/same "command not found".

"fewer" doesn't have execute rights, nor does the next command use the fewer in current directory. But, taking all that into account and "doing it right...ish":

$ touch fewer
$ chmod +x fewer
$ ./fewer .bashrc
#it outputs nothing, it's an empty script

I‘d post about games I‘ve played lately (like Unravel) but I feel like „was a cool game with a cool style which made me enjoy the graphics even today and was interesting to platinum“ doesn‘t start much of a discussion.

I'll be the first to admit I mainly lurk, but I'd be interested to read about games people find interesting. Who knows, might be a title which flew under my radar and was one introduction away from being my all time favorite.

But yea, the "what are you playing" threads were fun reads.

On one hand, I'd assume Valve knows what they're doing, but also setting the value that high seems like it's effectively removing the guardrail alltogether. Is that safe, also what is the worst that can happen if an app starts using maps in the billions?

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Got to play it with someone for a bit, they seemed to know where all the neat things were (iirc, the murals, scarf lengthening thingies, etc). But due to the inability to communicate more than just "dings" I couldn't convey that I needed a quick toilet break. They were gone after I came back, which was a bit sad but I probably wouldn't have stayed waiting either, tbh.

It was quite okay, I recall playing it through twice, but the second round didn't really offer much in terms of "value" over the first. Cool visuals and concept, though.

Other somewhat similar vibing games which I somewhat relate to Journey:

  • Sable - Somewhat similar character designs, quite a bit more scifi and some dialogue. Pretty cool 3d platformer puzzle.
  • Proteus - walking-sim, graphics are those "if atari 2600 could do 3d". Kinda cool experience, but also kinda one-and-done.
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  1. the graffiti on the wall. apparently "hard r" is offensive. Wouldn't even known about it if it wasn't for some hubbub around the game.
  2. cleavage, I guess?
  3. can't see anything else than the bloodspatter on the character either.

Knights of Pen & Paper, perhaps?

Essentially, your party is literally a group sitting at a table, dressed up as their characters and.. you go trotting over a fantasy land. The combat is fairly simple and the game overall is quite tongue in cheek. You spend in-game gold to decorate your game room, add snacks/drinks to the table, etc - all of which nets you bonuses, IIRC.

I've only played the first game (the +1 edition), no idea if the sequel is good or not. Galaxy of Pen & Paper is a scifi version of the same, afaik.

The game was originally on ios/android, so it doesn't come as a surprise that it does have the option to buy gold. I sure didn't need it when I played the 1st game, but, I still think it's worth mentioning, in case you're entirely against it.

edit: FWIW: according to steam reviews the sequel is slightly better rated (according to user reviews), and is 60% off, so ~3-4 $/€

"Where's John Connor" - could work :D

"community patch" is technically wrong, (AFAIK & IIRC) a remedy dev made it on their free time and got permission to release it as a mod (I suppose this is so remedy doesn't need to test/validate/etc it for different platforms or such).

But, yea, the patch is great! Also, linky for those interested: or

absolutely, but they were in general (IIRC) suggesting them for the main downloads, but just not telling anyone outside the comments, which was the weird part

I haven't played many SNES games, but the ones I have have been pretty good. Fairly sure there's quite a bit of stinkers in there too.

It's been a hot minute since I last played F4. But now that a friend of mine roped me into F76 I've been itching to get some F4 action in between the sparse F76 sessions, esp. since the big update is just around the corner.

IIRC the perks system in F4 requires you to have stats in the SPECIAL -stats to open up the stat related perks, and then choose to spend the perks points to those instead of the stats. Other perks are given as rewards from (side?) quests - if memory serves, but it's been a while.

I did enjoy the adventuring aspeects of F4, but the settlement management was pure agony. The more you build the settlements, the more attractive they become for mutant/bandit/whatever attacks. If you don't build them, the settlers moan about not having places to sleep or food to eat. Even if you build them everything, the idiot settlers can't figure out themselves to start farming if there's no food, instead they require the player to specifically assign them for the task.

Other than the settlement management, the game is great, but as it's bethesda creation it gets better with mods. I recall esp. enjoying mod which removed ambiguity from dialogue choises and just showed the actual lines instead of "snarky" or "okay" or whatever.

As far as companions go, I do enjoy "the private detective" as a companion, if I had to choose, but mostly I prefer going in alone, as the companions can be dumb as left boots. Died so many times because the idiots walk into all the traps imaginable. And the "stealth archer" doesn't need companions, they're powerful and broken like in every Bethesda -game :P

Last time I played my VATS got glitched and didn't work anymore, apparently this has something to do with vault 114 & is a known issue. Didn't bother me one bit and I kept on playing without it. IMO, the game got better without VATS.

Tips? Nah, you do you. The game turns into power fantasy regardless of what you do. But in general talk to everyone and do listen in on the radiochannels which can pop out randomly out there, there's always something cool or funny to find.

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