4 Post – 296 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I replayed the 360 version of TFU recently and really can't stand it. But I also played the Wii version ported to Switch recently too and it's just as good as I remember. They're very different games and the Wii version was always my favourite.

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Yeah. It made the focus a lot more on lightsaber combat instead of force powers and showing off the physics engine of the technically "superior" versions of the game.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto. I love the PC version, but the PS2 version--despite looking a lot worse--feels more like a finished game. There are things like elevators that don't exist in the PC version, cutscenes don't cut off dialog before it's finished, and the UI is overall more polished.

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Why can't I have no kids and three money?

If someone dies because the medicine needed to save them is "too expensive," both the corporate executives who set the price and the government cheapskates who won't adequately fund healthcare should be guilty of murder. Change my mind.

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So you're saying they designed it stupidly for no reason? Gosh.

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With Chromeo? Jebus, if I were a concert-goer I would think this was set up specifically for me. I'll never stop loving "When the Night Falls."

ETA: Yep, that music video was definitely someone's fetish. Also, pretty sure that's Olivia Taylor Dudley from The Magicians and 5secondfilms getting pregnant twice as two different people.

This is why, as a software developer, I'm against designing any system that assumes what the user wants and tries to do it for them automatically. On the occasions where the assumption is right, it's a mild convenience at best. When it's wrong, it is always infuriating if not dangerous.

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"Who bombed the hospital" is the wrong thing for people to fight over. It doesn't matter who did it. Supporting either "side" that's fighting is wrong.

You can condemn Hamas's attack on civilians without supporting the IDF or Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

You can condemn Israel's attacks on Gaza without being an antisemite or supporting Hamas.

People who have no say in the matter are suffering and dying because two "sides" have been unable to figure out a co-habitation situation for decades. Everyone focusing on which side did what is already on the wrong side. If you're for either side you're actually for the war and against the civilians.

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"State's rights! Unless you're a progressive state in which case fuck you, obey me!"

Just more fuel for my belief that conservatives worldwide are either suffering from major brain damage because they were exposed to too much lead and other harmful chemicals as children due to corporate deregulation, or they're just evil. Most likely a combination of both. The evil ones are at the top and the brain damaged ones keep supporting them.

Nothing conservatives say or do makes sense otherwise.

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Argentina is about to become the latest case study that libertarians refuse to acknowledge when you tell them their policies don't work.

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Is there a single photo of this man where he doesn't look like a sneering punching bag?

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I never understood this debate. Of course a woman would feel safer with a large gay man at her side.

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Everybody’s allowed to have their political viewpoints, but the law is supposed to be blind and no respecter of persons.

Uh-huh, okay. With you so far.

This is a trash case, there is no crime here, and if there is any potential for a verdict, they should vote not guilty.

Oh. Oh, you precious little nazi. Guzzle my entire septic tank.

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The junior doesn't know that these aren't unused functions. They're load bearing functions.

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Nintendo: "Why do they not simply charge a monthly subscription to access 40-year-old games people have already bought three times?"

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Kim Jong Un went on to say "President Biden and Kamala Harris were in the White House making foreign policy and I saw one of the policies and the policy looked at me."

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I can't wait until we can start appending "lemmy" to our search strings in order to find useful results.

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Samsung devices have become very ad-heavy. My first smart phone was a Galaxy S3 and I used to prefer their TVs, but forcing ads into everything has guaranteed I'll never buy another Samsung phone or TV again.

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The lottery ticket comes with mystery and suspense. Even if you could buy more tickets with the $5, the ticket has more value to me based on its origin. What if the street man is a wizard or from the future? Gimme that ticket, future street wizard.

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So in other words Trump appealing the verdict is the best way to guarantee Carroll will get the money because it means he can't skip out on the payment.

Unlike the others, Cow and Chicken actually delivered.

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My list has two things:

  • he lost
  • he killed himself
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Refusing to vote for an imperfect candidate in order to stop a fascist takeover doesn't sound very smart. "We can't have our specialest most perfectest prezzy so lol get fukked every1."

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If this were a recent phenomenon, I would agree with you. But western fascism didn't go away when the good times were rolling. It may have been quieter until recently, but these aren't just scared imbeciles struggling through 21st century inequality.

And he'll never realize the irony of how lucky he is that he's going through the Western justice system instead of China's.

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Expect a new wave of refugees to Lemmy every fiscal quarter as they make ridiculous changes to increase the value of a sinking ship for shareholders.

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OP is either a bot or a right-wing troll. I suspected as much based on the language used in the post, but I replied in good faith. They claim to be "leftist" but then say that nothing bad happened under Trump or Bolsonaro or as a result of Brexit. OP is most likely intending to lull progressives into complacency by spreading "the right isn't a threat" BS so we feel less urgency to vote.

Corroborating evidence is that their entire post history is this thread and an AI image with racist overtones.

ETA they're probably a bot based on how quickly they're replying to comments and the length of those replies.

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I get that it's popular to blame an entire generation for the current troubles in the world, but the ones facing poverty after retirement aren't the rich assholes who ransacked the economy and set everyone else after them up to fail. And, believe it or not, not every one of them votes for conservatives against their best interests. Show some empathy.

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It's because Trump doesn't have any "tactics" for Republicans to turn into a system for their own success. There is no 4-D chess or even conscious thought behind Trump's actions. He is just a self-aggrandizing idiot who was born rich. His "tactics" only work for him because he is rich enough that he has thus far been able to walk over any consequences. His stupidity and indifference to consequences lead him to push on even in the face of external reactions that would make anyone else pause, rethink and adjust course. His idiot followers see his self-assuredness as strength.

Jim Jordan is a shitty, evil person, but he isn't as stupid as Trump. When he sees a negative reaction to his actions, he flinches because he has half a brain. He reacts and adjusts, as people with even the smallest amount of self-awareness do. Republicans see that as weakness.

We can make fun of tankies without perpetuating the alt-right "akshewally the notsees were soshulist" lie.

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Warner Bros owns Rocksteady and WB is absolutely destroying itself with bad decisions ever since the Discovery merger. They were already bad before, but David Zaslav seems to have made it his life's mission to ruin everything he touches and is of course as hands-on as he possibly can be as CEO.

Boomers were out protesting against the direction the world was headed in decades before you were born. But because the internet told you they all voted for Reagan and Trump you think it's okay to treat them all collectively as the cause of all your problems.

I've been relatively diplomatic in my replies to this thread so far, trying to get people to realize that there are individuals who fall under the "boomer" label that don't fit with your mental image of money-grubbing conservatives who bled the planet dry for their own profit, despite the article itself pointing out the poverty many boomers are facing or the history of progressive social progress and protest among the boomer generation. But I'm exhausted, so you can either find the brain power to recognize that these are people, not a collective, or go fuck yourself because you're an absolute imbecile.

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"Russia arrests sky following rain shower for displaying 'extremist' rainbow."

It's just a figure of speech.

Outside religious contexts, come to Jesus refers to a meeting or moment where one undergoes a difficult but positive and powerful realization or change in character or behavior.

It sounds childish, but childish insults are the only way to get under Trump's skin because he has the emotional capacity of a toddler. Think back to 2016 when he barely even acknowledged any legitimate criticism that would have sunk any other candidate, but he sure was upset when people made fun of the size of his hands.

Biden has generally been pretty great at handling Trump, going all the way back to "will you shut up, man?" Hillary Clinton treated him too much like an adult.

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There's also a giant eel lurking in one of the caves that pops out when you swim near it and scares the shit out of me every time.

This is cool. I think generative AI is great, but the way it's being trained right now largely without consent from the artists or subjects is unequivocally unethical. Until the law catches up with the technology, people need ways of protecting themselves.

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Are we sure it wasn't Scott The Woz?

I really need to rewatch the Eccleston era. I have vague memories of great moments but have lost the context.

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