yes rule to – 337 points –

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I really need to rewatch the Eccleston era. I have vague memories of great moments but have lost the context.

He was really an astounding Doctor to kick off the new era with.

If he had had more than one season he would have been hands down my favourite doctor. Because his tenure is so short, Tennant is probably my favourite

Wow so here’s a funny story about memory this comment just triggered.

I watched - at least I thought - only the Eccleston era before falling off. I went to look up the exact dialogue from the “don’t you think she looks tired?” Scene because I remembered (quite vividly!) Eccleston doing it!

Imagine my surprise when I watched the clip.

Ooh I have a theory to what happened! Maybe you saw the gif before you had any context of the series! Like you know it's from doctor who but nothing else. After you watched s1 and had some time, when you see the somewhat common reference "don't you think she looks tired?" Your brain knows it's familiar and so associated it with your doctor. I hope that makes sense!

Unless you later did watch the rest of the series and realized yeah you have seen it before lol.

I think Eccleston makes the threat but Tennant follows through on it

Just like getting me hooked on the show! Eccleston did the layup and Tennant slam dunked that shit 😁❤️