3 Post – 458 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

To actually explain why, I think it's because the theory is our president and politicians are supposed to be actually representing the people and have their saftey, best interest, and goals and/or morals in mind first and foremost.

Damn I can see how that sounded perfect forever ago. Wonder which of our proposed solutions to current problems would have similar unexpected consequences, and I wonder what those would look like.

Sorry if none of this made sense or was coherent to anyone. Don't try to reread it I'm just high

She looks ready for the 4th of July pie eating contest!!

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Edit (and gonna reply to this edit the same thing cuz lemmy sucks at showing them and this is important) Ok I read another comment and it definitely put into context for me how this is hypocrital too!!!! They wanna protect the children while doing this shit in unexpected places in front of children where it is much more graphic, traumatizing, and upsetting than the sanitized facts you're getting , in an environment you're anticipating and prepared for it and can sorta joke with classmates too ....

They wanna outlaw that but she's down to whip a dick out and get sloppy in public.

Wholesome dirty talk aww

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WE NEEDED THIS IN 2015, It's too late now

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gestures to everything else I mean... we are fucking drowning in situations to care about.

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I'm sorry. I've seen this so many times today and I can't stand it anymore.

I hate this article photo. What the fuck is that shit?? Gloveless fingers? Digit warmer? Turtlefinger sweater?

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This is my first celeb death that is surreal and weird and just generally feels wrong like this person should always exist in the background. I really hope that his story brings some lessons and guidance for others. And i hope that those who knew and loved Matthew find a soothing peace in the coming days and months.

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that is some selective bullshit

Seriously. What this tells me is that 70+ people either didn't read the article or they just really have a thing about mixed gender sports. You quoted only the pathetic backpedalling lies he said to try to further justify his actions. BUT FIRST AND FOREMOST he said this (the man you are quoting, Sunderland, is the president)

The city-wide basketball league, Southwestern Ohio Basketball (SWOB), made the call because they believed that 11 to 12-year-old girls and boys competing against each other on the court could pose a liability risk leading to violence, even though the girls team had been winning 7-1 all season without incident.


It wasn’t until late January/early February that several teams from the 6th-grade division started traveling down to Kentucky to play their scheduled games, that it became apparent that the Next Level team was, in fact, a girls team.

You're telling me it took multiple games AND teams for them to become "apparent that it was a girls team " ??? And become a problem. But only until they got far enough because maybe they wouldn't and then SWOB could avoid PR problem all together.

this is a reminder to read the fucking article people

You might come up with a similar conclusion as me, or completely opposite. But OP is patently false and deceptive with their quote and definitive ruling on it, claiming the headline is deceptive! Fuck that.

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What the fuck is it with all these comments taking the horrific news of a 6 year old being stabbed 26 times in a hate crime.... and they respond with some witty "gotcha" comments against the other side? Like am I crazy? Did anyone else get that vibe?

Anyway so...

On Saturday, Israel’s military 

Ah. Just when I was wondering why they even bothered to write and publish this tragedy that so often gets ignored .... yes that's right! That shit is trending!

I think I fucking hate the internet now.

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accusing the stores of reaping excess profits and ripping off shoppers.

Thanks now can you do this with all the other companies? All.

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I want him to blow his top like a cartoon where his face gets red, steam comes out of his ears, and the toupee flies a foot straight up into the air

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Trump had agreed to a $200,000 bond and other release conditions, including not using social media to intimidate co-defendants or witnesses in the case.

Just gotta point this thing out. Seems soft to me idk. Maybe they just want to give him more rope to see how much he will hang himself with it this time, but really a ban from all social media would make the most sense considering how much harm his posts on there have caused.

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Obama definitely wore it best

This is what you really NEED to know about abolishing no fault divorce:

And that will cause huge problems, especially for anyone experiencing abuse. “Any barrier to divorce is a really big challenge for survivors,” said Marium Durrani, vice president of policy at the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “What it really ends up doing is prolonging their forced entanglement with an abusive partner.”

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Many of the concessions the government asked of TikTok look eerily similar to the surveillance tactics critics have accused Chinese officials of abusing. To allay fears the short-form video app could be used as a Chinese surveillance tool, the federal government nearly transformed it into an American one instead.

lul The real motivation

You know what they say.. Don't stick your finger in crazy

Uhh the article just casually throws out there the phrase neo-nazi homeschooling network like that is a collection of words that can exist together now. Ffs.

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One of top posts here is selective as fuxk quoting only the president's backpedalling after their official initi statement being the fear of retaliation. I'm getting way too annoyed watching the upvotes (aka misinformation) grow just because this asshat added a quote.

Oh by the way, sunderman.- the president - coached one of the boy teams that played against the girls team. And they are trying to say it took time to realize, to justify why they were allowed to play up until the championships. FFS this is garbage sportmanship

(Edited to correct autocorrect)

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If they abolish no fault divorce it WILL cost lives

That is the bottom fucking line. There is no argument against divorce that exists that can prevent that. Wait no there is, oh golly they will make exceptions for abuse. That sure fucking sounds familiar. Hmm like maybe it was the concession 'pro-life' would make for abortion.

And look how that turned out.

Before roe v wade was overturned they were all about protecting the abused, somewhat, with caveats. Kinda like they are talking about divorce here innit?

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Since when is it leftist to support the death penalty, let alone take glee in it. This is like the boomer FB shit

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Hi people that think maybe the headline gives enough info and it isn't necessary to read the article! read the article!!! It's so so so much worse than I anticipated.

three sheriff’s deputies in Rankin County, Mississippi, received a group text message from another deputy on the same shift: “Are y’all available for a mission?”

The deputy, Christian Dedmon, informed his colleagues Hunter Elward, Jeffrey Middleton and Daniel Opdyke they were going to a property in Braxton, roughly 30 miles south of Jackson, to handle a complaint received by the office’s chief investigator, Brett McAlpin. The details of what prosecutors say happened that night were shared in a federal charging document.

McAlpin’s White neighbor had told him several Black men were staying at a White woman’s home there and reported seeing suspicious behavior.

And then...

Over the next two hours, Parker and Jenkins were subjected to grueling violence at the hands of the six White law enforcement officers, culminating in Jenkins being shot in the mouth.

AND THERE IS STILL MORE TO READ! and I skipped other horrible shit like how they were told to behave in front of cameras and "no bad mugshots" I haven't even finished the article, what I've read so far is bad enough I have to send this now. Before other details send me into incoherent

ETA: it's disgusting. I'm so done. This is worse than I ever imagined and tbh anyone who has commented so far I'm not sure they even read it because it is so so clear these officers were having a great time, with a group chat name and slapping them with dildos and oh it is SO SO SO blatantly racist

The officers then hauled the two men into the living room where all six men spewed racial slurs at them and accused them of taking advantage of the White woman who owned the house. They warned them to stay out of Rankin County and go back to “their side” of the Pearl River

AND IM STILL NOT DONE. I can't finish this tonight. It is too horrible.

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Dude it's plainly obvious, at least in my lived experience trying to reach 40. The Republicans I know who "became" republican all either

  1. Moved up in class (perceived or real)
  2. Became religious
  3. Legitimately has a mental illness

I am not saying this as a dig, and I am not saying all Republicans etc etc just the people who weren't and then CHANGED THEIR MIND.

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I'm so tired of seeing mean gross old white men scowling all over my damn feed any time anyone shares an article.

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Jokes aside this man beat his father to death, with his fists, because of a medical decision. His dad was crying out "stop! You're killing me!"

I dont give a FUCK what medical decision that is, it does not call for violence.

I feel so sorry for the father and his family, and for the woman on the phone who had to listen to everything play out

The new rules do not discuss the issue of transgender student-athletes and which teams they can play on.

Won't someone think of the athletes?!

I fucking hate this shit. Puh-lease. Like suddenly you care about women when it comes to women's sports fuck off with that shit, I don't give a fuck if someone who used to have balls won the women's soccer division give me my rights back you lying piece of shit ass sucker

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If I had a nickle for every headline I've read that has "trump says"

This mother fucker gets entire news articles every time he talks. The least interesting and most predictable man in the world has the news reporting his every word.

I can't do another 4 years. I can't.

Please stop treating politics like a cultural, intellect, personal identity battlefield when engaging in this topic. Your "opponent" will see it that way and have their gaurd up, only listening to what to say to try to disprove it rather than hearing what you say. Your job is to change that, so they actually find themselves having a conversation. Asking questions, giving more level but still emotional arguments (not sensationalized like this(

This shit isn't helpful, it isn't convincing anyone of anything. In fact I find it harmful

It sounds like he is just whining but the underlying message is there may be more violence if he is prosecuted. He is setting up a threat of violence. "They are going to do what they did since the beginning" is a threat. What did they do in the beginning??? Hmm oh idk unite the right rally and all that jazz. And bookends with one of the most significant moments in American history where the president encouraged and allowed an insurrection to take place for 6 fucking hours while ignoring pleas from his staff, family, legal counsel, and fellow government officials particularly his closest.

But you have to be able to have enough context and a depressingly low bar of critical thinking skills to read between the lines in the article, especially when the headline primes you for what another nutty thing he says and then the reader just decides if they think it is a bad thing to say or not. Ugh. UGH. Thanks for sticking this out

Or sheets you can cut to size that are just gibberish to cover up your actual tattoo (or lack of one) like

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In effect, Air Canada suggests the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions

This is some corporations are people bs they are trying to get away with. This wasn't about greed over a couple hundred bucks, it's about precedent and boy were they trying to set a harmful one for the consumer in ANY industry that utilizes AI with customer support, perhaps other applications as well.

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Economic studies have shown that every $1 spent on arts and culture programs generates about $9 more in related spending.

Leave it to Republicans to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Decades ago we didn't have a president with a cult following, who would not say nazis and white supremacists are bad because that's so much of his fanbase.

This both sides shit sounds so stupid in the current political landscape that it is baffling people saying it seem to think they are above it or enlightened more than the people who picked a side. Politicians are corrupt what a fucking novel idea. Don't forget to study for your algebra test next week.

Or let me put it this way. If you live a life where you did not feel impacted in any way or witness others be impacted by trump and the social shift in your communities then that is just you being lucky. That does not mean both sides are the same. Look how different the Supreme Court has been since trump got to pack it with a rapist and someone not even qualified.

Pick a lane, cuz we are all assuming you're cool with nazis, racists, homophobics, anti-trans, women haters if you say "both sides are the same" it isn't fooling anyone.

Imagine being like, mildly famous and wealthy.

Kind of at the point of your fantasy where you would start helping others because you're a "good person!" so you will buy your mom a house. She did everything for you after all. You do a couple of those things and then it's like.... you know what I'm going to take money from big oil.

like what the FUCK. You know?

Fuck that behavior. You're supposed to be better than those before you. Be better.

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I would have trouble NOT approving this. Like an internet version of a cardinal sin

Fuck, it can even be a struggle for a woman to even be believed that she was raped. Especially in right leaning counties/cities/states. And also fight for an exception? I do wonder have any women been given a medical exception?

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Now if it was mostly female strangers it would be at least understandable.

Because prisoners have already died it's just able to be rugswept and denied. Texans and Americans in general don't see convicted individuals as human that deserve empathy, look at how prison rape jokes are still pretty well tolerated versus similar type things that also were acceptable 10 years ago. That's why he had to preface it with all the other shit about "tax paying" citizens and soccer dads etc.

Eta: sorry if it sounds like I'm arguing against you I just meant to expand on it because all this pisses me off and needed to rant

I appreciate that this headline isn't ambiguous like the others. "Witness charged with lying" you can make up whichever conclusion suits you with that and I think that's the intention.

Damn I am fucking ignorant as fuck on WWII I had no idea. I really don't remember them teaching it in school to even this extent.

And this is why they attack our schools and libraries and books. They want the voting public ignorant as possible so we are blind and easily manipulated. Those in power now (aka with wealth) won't have their kids and grandkids impacted, and that's about as far away from themselves they can care about.

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However, the lawsuit alleges, the theatre’s manager approached them in the cinema’s crowded lobby, shouting “blatantly discriminatory remarks”, including “a grown man should not be in the women’s restroom” and “this is not a transgender bathroom”.

As gross as this story is, this quote really pissed me off. It gave me the impression the manager was excited to do her part in The War Against Christian America Values by publicly humiliating a mother and her teen son. I'm sure the article or even lawsuit leaned a little into the dramatics but it really doesn't change much for me that the manager was excited to express their bigotry and hate.