Biden Takes Aim at Grocery Chains Over Food Prices to politics – 588 points –
Biden Takes Aim at Grocery Chains Over Food Prices

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accusing the stores of reaping excess profits and ripping off shoppers.

Thanks now can you do this with all the other companies? All.

Also maybe do something with some teeth, not just empty words. Other consumer products are also outrageous but you literally die without food so this is something nobody can just do without.

Also maybe do something with some teeth, not just empty words.

What about creating some kind of govt program designed to help shoppers out?

For examples-- help with coupons, help with identifying best stores to shop at, help with delivery perhaps, help give incentives to customer-friendly stores, help shoppers best plan for cost & nutrition, etc etc?

The problem is he is in the wrong branch to fix it. This is a legislative issue as always. We need the legislative branch to write laws to punish companies for such things. The average person seems to blame the president for not doing the jobs of the Congresss and senators.