Texas sues Biden administration for right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 486 points –
Texas sues Biden administration for right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students

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The new rules do not discuss the issue of transgender student-athletes and which teams they can play on.

Won't someone think of the athletes?!

I fucking hate this shit. Puh-lease. Like suddenly you care about women when it comes to women's sports fuck off with that shit, I don't give a fuck if someone who used to have balls won the women's soccer division give me my rights back you lying piece of shit ass sucker

It wasn't all that long ago when conservatives hated women's sports precisely because they conflated women athletes with lesbians.

You will be getting that back next if they succeed with this.

Excited for a law that requires Jerry Sandusky to inspect my kids genitals before every UIL event.

What could go wrong?

I don’t give a fuck if someone who used to have balls won the women’s soccer division give me my rights back you lying piece of shit ass sucker

While I completely agree with your sentiment, I would imagine that some of the women in your scenario might find it extremely unfair to be competing with someone who has an innate physical advantage over them.

That's the problem with this culture war stuff, what should be reasoned debate becomes polarised shouting matches and people calling each other nazis.

What innate physical advantage? Transwoman on T blockers often have lower T than cis women.

Exactly. Almost as if trans women are actually women...

The whole, "They'll dominate women's sports!" is an ignorant statement at best and a blatant strawman at worst.

You know the IOC, who have pretty solid reason to know what they're on about, just released a study on this, and it suggests that trans women have a disadvantage as compared to cis women? Because that fits the actual results, where we haven't seen trans women winning 0.5% of competitions in line with their prevalence, nor more, but less? In any distribution there will always be outliers, but even the ones the people causing a culture war (who, incidentally, did focus groups to find the most effective way to make trans people a wedge issue) have found to trumpet from the skies as a "threat to women's sports" because of trans women's "innate advantages" lose all the time. They have one good day and they're dominating.

What was really fuckin wild to me was multiple mutant Michael Phelps coming out and parroting this opinion. Motherfucker, you have a reduced lactic acid mutation and longer arms than is the norm for your height. Should you be stripped of all of your medals, for your innate advantages? Because he's way more unfair than any trans woman anyone has yet found to present to his competition, but that's fine because.... Why?

ah yes, sports. Where everything is fair and equal, and certain individuals don't have obscene genetic advantages over others.

Except it is never women athletes complaining. It is these stupid politicians using that argument like it isn't absolutely laughable. They only care about women when they can use them for their own talking points.

I do take deep offense to referring to the loss of rights as culture war stuff. Fuck, maybe it is to them? If one side of the argument boils down to rights to your own body and the other side boils down to how it might make other people feel and how it can be unfair then there are much bigger issues with one of the sides.

One costs lives and the other is a fucking made up possible consequence. And sports really is the only "logical reason" they can cling to that isn't absolutely clearly bigoted af.