Texas sues Biden administration for right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 486 points –
Texas sues Biden administration for right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students

What a bunch of ghouls

No, Ghouls can sometimes have a soul. See Fallout, as example.

What a bunch of feral ghouls.

No, feral ghouls are unable to act with humanity any more. These people could, but choose not to.

He's a better pet owner than Noem. (At least as far as I've watched)

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Texas will not allow Joe Biden to rewrite Title IX at whim, destroying legal protections for women

Because only we get to do that!

"Texas will not allow Joe Biden to rewrite Title IX at whim, destroying legal protections for women.."

Ohoho. Oh yeah. That quote coming from this woman's rights denying Texas shit bag is RICH

Hate states gonna hate. It's all they have.

If you take away all the hatred and reactionary thinking, and you insist on the actual points of progress or improvement or policy they wish to make, you’ll find there there’s nothing left.

Cruelty and extremism is all they have.

The new rules do not discuss the issue of transgender student-athletes and which teams they can play on.

Won't someone think of the athletes?!

I fucking hate this shit. Puh-lease. Like suddenly you care about women when it comes to women's sports fuck off with that shit, I don't give a fuck if someone who used to have balls won the women's soccer division give me my rights back you lying piece of shit ass sucker

It wasn't all that long ago when conservatives hated women's sports precisely because they conflated women athletes with lesbians.

You will be getting that back next if they succeed with this.

Excited for a law that requires Jerry Sandusky to inspect my kids genitals before every UIL event.

What could go wrong?

I don’t give a fuck if someone who used to have balls won the women’s soccer division give me my rights back you lying piece of shit ass sucker

While I completely agree with your sentiment, I would imagine that some of the women in your scenario might find it extremely unfair to be competing with someone who has an innate physical advantage over them.

That's the problem with this culture war stuff, what should be reasoned debate becomes polarised shouting matches and people calling each other nazis.

What innate physical advantage? Transwoman on T blockers often have lower T than cis women.

Exactly. Almost as if trans women are actually women...

The whole, "They'll dominate women's sports!" is an ignorant statement at best and a blatant strawman at worst.

You know the IOC, who have pretty solid reason to know what they're on about, just released a study on this, and it suggests that trans women have a disadvantage as compared to cis women? Because that fits the actual results, where we haven't seen trans women winning 0.5% of competitions in line with their prevalence, nor more, but less? In any distribution there will always be outliers, but even the ones the people causing a culture war (who, incidentally, did focus groups to find the most effective way to make trans people a wedge issue) have found to trumpet from the skies as a "threat to women's sports" because of trans women's "innate advantages" lose all the time. They have one good day and they're dominating.

What was really fuckin wild to me was multiple mutant Michael Phelps coming out and parroting this opinion. Motherfucker, you have a reduced lactic acid mutation and longer arms than is the norm for your height. Should you be stripped of all of your medals, for your innate advantages? Because he's way more unfair than any trans woman anyone has yet found to present to his competition, but that's fine because.... Why?

ah yes, sports. Where everything is fair and equal, and certain individuals don't have obscene genetic advantages over others.

Except it is never women athletes complaining. It is these stupid politicians using that argument like it isn't absolutely laughable. They only care about women when they can use them for their own talking points.

I do take deep offense to referring to the loss of rights as culture war stuff. Fuck, maybe it is to them? If one side of the argument boils down to rights to your own body and the other side boils down to how it might make other people feel and how it can be unfair then there are much bigger issues with one of the sides.

One costs lives and the other is a fucking made up possible consequence. And sports really is the only "logical reason" they can cling to that isn't absolutely clearly bigoted af.

Conservatism is a vile plague of deception, oppression and death. It always has been.

Teach your children why it is inappropriate to do business with or keep relationships with conservatives. Speak openly about the deadly nature of conservatism. It is a hate-based lifestyle and should be openly treated as such.

Teach your children why it is inappropriate to do business with or keep relationships with conservatives

Dude this is some wack shit and solves nothing.

the divide is too deep. Algorithmic content and garbage education got us here, kumbaya let's all be friends ain't getting us out.

Oh yes. Let's instead try and change their hearts and minds.

Do you happen to know how to change the mind of someone driven by fear and disgust? I unfortunately don't.

They won’t be educated. They encourage violence against them, so they can claim persecution and victimhood, they actively harm women and minority communities. The only thing left is ostracizing and exclusion.

That being said. If you have conservatives around you that are open to constructive discussions, by all means try to change minds. Just be aware that you can only plant seeds that might grow into into knowledge. They have to come to awareness on their own.

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When you're one of the people conservative politicians are attacking, maintaining contact with any conservatives is dangerous because you never know when they'll rat you out.

It solves everything. Teaching children to think critically solves everything. Critical thinking is at odds with a conservative mindset.

The natural evolution of an educated child engaging in critical thinking is away from selfishness, again: wholly at odds with conservatism, a deeply selfish movement.

Not teaching your kids that conservatives are lying about wanting to keep them safe, when they actually want to control many aspects of their lives is tantamount to knowing the forest next to your home you play in is filled with rabid animals and not telling them about it. It's bad parenting at best.

My kids gonna make her own choices. She might choose something I disagree with but it won't be because I didn't teach her about right and wrong, and what goes in to determining that.

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SCOTUS: We're going to let the states decide who they want to prosecute for merely existing.

All they need to do is reverse Lawrence v Texas.

That was functionally the status quo during my parent's generation.

They seem to be making a lot of "states rights" arguments. At this point we should just let the several States just be nations unto themselves. It's clearly what the Federalist Society wants. But then each State will have to provide for its own defense, have to print its own currency, and there won't be any organization to regulate commerce between these new separate nations.

And we counter with: members of the SCOTUS are going to start disappearing until they start making decisions that benefit humanity.

Just last week, Abbott ranted about a male teacher who wore a dress to some school events in the state who was driven to quit his job by online trolls. Abbott said that the teacher was “trying to normalize the concept that this type of behavior is OK” and said, “This is the type of behavior that we want to make sure we end in the state of Texas.”

I seriously want to ask conservatives in Texas why they are comfortable letting their government dictate what clothes they are allowed to wear?

Idk the story but assuming it was actually a guy crossdressing and not Abbott misgendering a trans woman, then these same people will laugh at drag and tell you how Some Like it Hot is one of the greatest comedies of all time.

Don't these priests wear dresses themselves?

I mean I'm fully aware of the hypocrisy of republicans saying they are the party of "freedom" only when freedom aligns with their ideology. It's just fun to watch them try to backpedal and implode when you ask if they would be comfortable with a democrat making similar rules.

The entire rest of the country should sue the Biden administration for the right to discriminate against Texas.

Notice how Texas is kind of the only state where people move to it and can't stop boasting about how great everything is? Like I think you're trying to convince yourself not me, buddy.

It's only the Conservatives doing that, anymore. I don't think most folks from Austin, Houston, and Dallas are really under any illusions, anymore.

And to be fair, Texas has a lot going for it, if only you could excise the cancer that is the Republican party. They ratfuck the state and still somehow manage to scare their followers into believing it would be worse without them.

As a drunk Houstonian, I agree. Good money, beautiful scenery, loads to do, pretty good booze, lots of tech, and a billion types of cuisine.

If we could start turning bluer we could fix education and start giving everyone a chance instead of just the rich or lucky.

I actually like it here but I know how lucky I've been after I got so little help when I needed it most.

I do see that with Florida sometimes, but not nearly as much.

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California decided long ago that we would all collectively do this without federal approval. So don't worry, we've got this.

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Alright, I’m gonna need the state to secede so the US military comes in and rolls the fuck over our stupid-ass state government so we might actually see some relative sanity restored to office in my lifetime.

There aren't enough insults to issue to the people that run this state to tell them how much I think they are so full of stupidity. I can comfortably say I know where the LOWEST bar is for our nation.

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if we have a right to discriminate against queer people surely i have the right to discriminate against government/state institutions right?

Surely now i can no longer follow the law and as long as i say "nuh uh" to them, i should be left alone, right?

I'm sure Florida will follow, given recent history.

Oklahoma is already directing schools not to follow the guidelines. I can’t legally work in a school - unless I’m able to hold it all day - but I’m still expected to complete my four years of service for my TEACH grant 🤡

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Do you really want John Locke to rise from his grave?


“In the beginning, all the world was America,” Locke famously wrote, imagining what he called the “state of nature” before the creation of political society. In advancing his theory that it was the mixing of one’s labor with land that created private property, Locke saw the Native Americans as creatures who could not be considered property owners since they merely inhabited the land and forests but did not cultivate the soil.

To Locke, in fact, the Native American could be equated with “one of those wild savage beasts with whom men can have no society nor security” and who “therefore may be destroyed as a lion or a tiger.” Locke thus provided a most potent ethical justification for racial genocide.