2 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just an average mammal doing average mammal things.

The guy with a reputation for not paying his attorneys is having trouble attracting good legal council?

Shocked. I'm shocked.

Dedication to a Trump-inspired civil war will only last as long as the batteries on their mobility scooters.

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I don't like the guy either, but why is it controversial to expect a country to pay for their own defense?

Heck, as I remember it the issue wasn't even to build the thing. It was mainly funding to replace ammunition.

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Hunter is a rich, attractive, Chad with a huge shlong who spends his time doing drugs and banging women.

Yeah ... I can understand why Republicans have such a crush on him.

To be fair, it already was a giant concentration camp. That's the reason they got uppity in the first place.

Used to use the word 'retarded' to describe people doing dumb things. Then I realized that not only was it hurtful to people with Down Syndrome - it was inaccurate ... as a person with Down Syndrome would not do the things I was attributing to the phrase.

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Just an FYI: Article is from 2015.

Doesn't take away from how Zionists often misrepresent history to justify their apartheid state - but this is old news.

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Puerto Rico is just the canary in the coal mine. The entire US healthcare system is on the brink of collapse.

Wasn't Gaza already surrounded before all this? It's a giant prison - it even has walls around the perimeter.

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Like what happens to most Americans in the US healthcare system: The cancer that killed him also wiped out his family's savings.

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The prisoners have to be punished brutally for daring to retaliate against their conditions.

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I can't speak to whether this is a good movie or not, as I haven't seen it yet. What I can notice is that the 'Barbie' IP appeals to a broad demographic, and every woman I know is planning on seeing this soon.

Strongly suspect Barbie movie's success is due to good marketing, not alleged 'wokeness'.

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Here's the answer: No.

At least three: You, me, and some person who built this platform.

Disclaimer: It's entirely possible two of the above individuals are bots.

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Any increase I've experienced in my pay has been completely surpassed by healthcare bills and inflation.

You need to be more specific. Are you talking about the civilians inside the prison? Or the civilians outside the prison?

A few days ago I went out to a local wine bar and ordered a charcuterie.

On the bill, there was a $1.85 "Kitchen Appreciation Fee". Not a tip ... a fee. For ordering food from the menu.


Well, yes. If you are a high-income earner or if you make most of your money from rents or investments ... the 'economy' is strong. For the rest of us - we have to make choices between healthcare and food.

The point of the ICJ and laws against genocide and ethnic cleansing is to protect minorities, like, say, Jews.

So if they're saying that those post WWII rules are now null and void... then there's nothing to protect them once the US Empire either withdraws or loses interest in providing cover.

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Thing is: There's plenty Hamas & related groups did on Oct 7th to enrage a population - no exaggeration is necessary.

However, there ISN'T enough to justify a genocide ... especially since Israelis have been torturing Palestinians for decades.

Israel needs to de-humanize the locals to the point where the population can justify an ethnic cleansing. Hence: Ridiculous accusations of using breasts as foot-balls and mass rape.

Wait ... you mean the Canadian government is willing to step in to make sure their people can get access to medications? Isn't that communism or something?

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Dunno why anyone should be surprised. Israelis are going into Gaza and shooting at anything that moves Hamas. Such blind violence inevitably results in friendly fire fatalities along with those who have the misfortune of being a human living in an open air prison member of Hamas.

This is such anti-semitic blood-libel!

Let me explain: 100% of Hamas members eat bread. Children eat bread. Therefore children deserve to starve.


Now where do you work? I need to make sure you get fired for being so racist.

Love making complicated, beautiful cocktails for guests. Zero interest in being a bartender at a high-end cocktail bar until / unless I retire.

This isn't an invasion - they are resecuring the prison.

I suspect whats going on here is that the South Africans know what kind of people Zionists are, since the old apartheid government used to partner with them.

Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.

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as part of an Israeli plan to construct a security zone just inside Gaza—to which Palestinians would be barred entry.

INSIDE Gaza. They already built their apartheid prison-wall inside Gaza, in violation of international law or Palestinian consent. Now they are going to take even more land for their concentration camp.

For once I'm glad this is an example of pure stupid that isn't coming from the USA.

The situation in Ukraine versus the situation in Israel is about as different from each other as a brick is to Jupiter.

To pretend otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

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If ever there was something that will predictably backfire on Republicans would be if they actually have Hunter Biden testify.

Br'er Rabbit was was born and raised in the briar patch.

Problem with that is it would leave to much unexploded ordinance and toxic residue. The mid-term goal is to have the area settled by Israelis ... it's prime, beach-front property. Why ruin real estate that's perfect for a retirement condo or inland settlement?

The better strategy would be to take control of the Philadelphi Route that borders Gaza and Egypt - then just dehydrate & starve everyone into submission. While this is happening, Israel could arrange subsidies to people who will 'voluntarily' leave for willing nations that would take them.

To be sure: In the short-term it will be horrific. Lots of images of skeleton children, wailing women, and occasional stories of cannibalism.

But whatever. What is anyone gonna do about it? Write a strongly-worded social media post? Vote for someone other than Biden? LOL.

By this time next year the majority of Palestinians will be dead, psychologically broken, or living in some other 3rd-world nation state.

Within 40 years there will be a documentary, produced by a well-meaning Jewish director, that will make Israelis feel slightly uncomfortable about what they did. Grandparents will assure their grand-kids that THEY weren't responsible for the slaughter. They had a Palestinian friend they used to play with as a child. Really. Such a shame. "Now come along kids; grab your yarmulkes and let's leave the condo and go have some delicious halva on the Gaza beach."

10 more votes than expected.

We all understand where this is going: They're going to fire bomb the entire Gaza strip - and then have Israeli settlers methodically sift through the wreckage to murder every survivor Hamas Terrorist.

Don't mess with librarians. They look mousey ... but they take their jobs really seriously and will fuck your shit up.

  1. Acknowledging that the people who hurt you are living in your head and you're ready to move on. A lot of folks are unable to even get this far.

  2. Therapy.

  3. Truly internalize the realization that the act of imagining scenarios where you get to hurt the people who hurt you is like drinking poison with the expectation that someone other than yourself will be made ill.

  4. living a good life.

This journey is difficult and requires a lot of self-reflection and maturity. Best of luck to you.

You mean the man with a reputation for not paying his lawyers is having trouble finding competent legal council?

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

I think we all understand this for the empty nothing-burger it is. That said: Hunter Biden testifying before congress would be hilarious! At least a month of Republicans complaining about how Hunter is rich, attractive, has a huge shlong, does drugs, gets any job he wants, and has women lined up to bang him on-demand.

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Israel has a nasty habit of bombing the very places they tell civilians to go to.

Even if it was logisticaly possible for every Palestinian to evacuate to the Northern half of the Gaza Strip, even if Israel didn't bomb areas they demanded the residents to flee to; based on Israel's history we know what would happen: Israeli settlers would rush in to claim the land.

It would be far more honest if the Israeli government just came out and said what we all know they are about to do: Massacre every man, woman, and child in Gaza.

The Christian right aren't Sanders actual enemies; that would be the Democratic party.