Nobody can stop Israel's war, including the world court, PM Benjamin Netanyahu says

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The point of the ICJ and laws against genocide and ethnic cleansing is to protect minorities, like, say, Jews.

So if they're saying that those post WWII rules are now null and void... then there's nothing to protect them once the US Empire either withdraws or loses interest in providing cover.

I don't think international law has done much to protect Israel over the years. Israel has been attacked 4 times by neighboring countries since their inception. Maybe that's why they are the way they are when it comes to questions of security.

Please show me one example, where Israel wants to eradicate Palestinians. And while you're at it, show me the difference between the Iraqi wars and this. Hamas and IS are pretty much the same. While I agree that both wars are fruitless and utterly stupid and based on some kind of twisted reality to fight fire with fire (not much difference between terror from Hamas or Israel at this point, same as in the Iraqi Wars) that only brings more death, destruction and despair - it is no genocide.

And Israel ignoring international law is pretty much the same as the US, Russia and China ignoring international law. But to wear down those countries takes time, effort and a United front. While time is probably the smallest issue...effort and and united front is a whole lot more of an issue.

What do you call it when you tell Palestinians to evacuate to a particular safe area as you're about to do some bombing, but then you bomb that supposedly safe area you just sent families into? What do you call it when you kill more than 10,000 Palestinian children? I mean, that kinda seems more than a little bit like wanting to eradicate Palestinians.

But also, why did Netanyahu even want Hamas rather than the PA running Gaza in the first place?

What i'd call it? War crimes. On the same level as Russia. Is Russia being accused of genocide because they bomb schools and hospitals? No, they are commuting war crimes. Russia was accused of genocide because they deported children - and they have been found guilty for that.

Israel is committing war crimes left and right while fighting Hamas, but that's no genocide.

Have you even looked at any of the examples in SA’s case?

Yes. Have you? It should be very clear that not a single genocide case is a dry, clear cut case.