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Joined 8 months ago

They fired her, listening to these folks ain't her job anymore.

It is now

There is no logic to bombing, starving, shooting a population that doesn't even have hostages.

Sorry you enjoy murdering children vicariously

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But he ain't attacking Trump! DeSantis prays every night for Trump to just die already. But he won't do so much as lift a finger and make it look like he had a single thing to do with taking Trump down politically. He's just as cowardly as the conservative media outlets. He's going after them for not going after Trump.. but he also needs those Trump fans just as much as FOX and OANN needs them and can't afford to piss them off so he also ain't going after Trump in any real way.

Are you just too young to remember libtard, feminazi, etc? Or are you deliberately telling lies to craft some kind of narrative where the side you support is the poor put upon victim that couldn't possibly be expected to have responsibility for a god damned thing?

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What do you call it when you tell Palestinians to evacuate to a particular safe area as you're about to do some bombing, but then you bomb that supposedly safe area you just sent families into? What do you call it when you kill more than 10,000 Palestinian children? I mean, that kinda seems more than a little bit like wanting to eradicate Palestinians.

But also, why did Netanyahu even want Hamas rather than the PA running Gaza in the first place?

Ain't sabers rattling a precursor to war? Russia's been at it a couple of years already, I wonder why you're only hearing them now.

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You say it makes no sense to stop murdering Palestinian children unless Hamas releases hostages. Like, shooting children is a no-brainer.

What makes you or Netanyahu any better than Hamas?

Literally nothing.

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Dude, I own a pool. What do you think a burkini is made out of, wool?

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I don't understand how wearing a burkini defeats the point of the shower. A burkini is swimwear.

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I can't imagine what could possibly have turned you from being interested in how this all started and who we ought to really place the blame on into just trying to be the biggest dipshit.


In what kind of way is trying to get a president to change his mind on helping to destroy Gaza and its people anything like bringing in a bunch of Young Republicans to stop counting legitimate votes in order to steal an election?

Like, even just on vibes alone.. how?

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Like, to a lot of people actually.

Palestine doesn't even have an army. What war are you talking about?

This is more a "special military operation" as retaliation for a terrorist attack. Because this ain't a war, it's a massacre of mostly innocent people. I mean.. they're literally targeting children. And the ambulance trying to reach them.

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Good luck trying to convince anyone there's lots of Americans who A) didn't even have a single tattered shred of concern regarding Trump family members' unchecked corruption while being actual White House advisers and B) are actually very concerned about the wealthy getting away with shit.

I mean you're gonna need Trump levels of salesmanship to get anyone to buy that, and it just don't seem like you've got it. Y'all never do. Thank goodness.. one Trump is more than enough.

And "privileged minority"? Like, Jesus fucking Christ my guy.

As someone who's lived in the southeastern US nearly all of my five decades on this earth (tho I admit.. only a couple years in Mississippi, back in the eighties), I'm not sure they don't think what's happening in Gaza is a genocide. The counterprotests are less because they care about "antisemitism" and more they think peaceniks should shut up already, especially about dead Muslims. Like, this ain't pro-Israel, it's pro-genocide.

But yeah, they've failed a lot of tests.

Israel isn't killing Hamas. They are killing Palestinians. Thousands of children. And starving those still breathing. But apparently wanting more Gazans (and others in Gaza) killed is a totally cool and normal thing, and really.. how gauche of me to mention it!

Maybe Netanyahu shouldn't have helped stand Hamas up in the first place if them being on their feet is such a problem.

American revolution didn't successfully throw off colonizers. In any kind of way.

Texas is less than 40% white. But this dude definitely thinks this student is wrong for just existing.

You really think voting for a woman to be your representative is the opposite of equality? I can't imagine what you think equality actually is.

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Yeah, but that stereotype was only because we didn't have families or places of our own to take care of yet. We got older and almost all of us (not me, tho) joined the race alongside everyone else.

Why do you use social media?

Could it be they actually regulate the tech industry? Like, with laws and whatnot?

That's not what racism is.

Never suffered any inconvenience? Like, have you seen how she travels? But also..

What expertise do you need to say "stop adding carbon to the atmosphere" at this point? Everyone lives here, we all should have something to say about what is inevitably coming down the pike - especially the young. You just come across as someone who has everything to lose wanting those with nothing to lose to sit down, shut up, buckle up, and just be grateful for the ride to whatever hell we're heading to.

To me the weirdest thing isn't how they still support him, it's how little it seems the rest of US could care.

It's like the thing with Nigerian scammers and how they weed out the folks who aren't gullible and get fat off the rest. The flamboyant absurdity that turns off normies is what attracts his victims (this is the first time I've actually thought of his voters as victims). I'm also reminded of whale sharks and how they filter out water and get fat off the plankton.

But where are the Democrats in this? There's no adversarial someone out there between a scammer or filter feeder and their prey. And sure, the people that are going to vote for him aren't going to listen to a Dem. But what about the entire apathetic electorate? That's the seawater Trump is using to filter feed on his victims. Without that apathy he can't win. If only there were some way Democratic electeds could reduce apathy amongst the American people. Some way that wouldn't upset donors, that is.


I'm afraid it'll be voter apathy vs whale shark scammer this November.

But how? Democrats have been trying to get the media to discuss what they want when they want for like 4 decades now. Mainstream media has decided it's on the side of business and Dems are bad for that (I disagree, but then I'm not a CEO, just someone who can read a chart), so how do you get them talking about the benefits of (D) actions instead of just the drawbacks they want to highllight in the 3 minute segment they only agreed to just to show how unrealistic or expensive or whatever they think those actions are?

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He would have had to have to focus his criming on one criminal act, in one jurisdiction. He's crimed all over the place, in a variety of ways. The legal systems are just responding to that. I don't know how you expect crimes in Georgia to be ignored because he's committed crimes in New York, for example.

Fuck off, all day.

The cops ain't ever protected me from violence and are scarier to me than either the random man (the random man could be a cop, but the cop definitely is) or the bear.

You can't threaten me with violent men into not being afraid of violent men.

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House arrest?

All of them are caused by idiot Republicans being idiots would be my guess!

But google says 21 of them in the last 5 decades, or 14 since 1980, or 4 since 2010.. depending on the article and how far you want to go back.

Alberto "I don't recall" Gonzales

If someone goes to jail for violence against me, I haven't been protected from violence. That's literally all I'm saying. Why are you putting random words in my mouth and asking me questions about that shit?

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I stopped caring about Apple a few decades ago.

It would be sweet, if Trump's downfall comes

Yeah, that's exactly what I said you fucking genius. Absolutely brilliant.

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This image reminded me of something I couldn't quite put together, til I googled "dentist lawyer Orly". Then it all came back. Unfortunately.

You asked who protects you at violence at that point.

It damn sure ain't a cop. Ain't ever been a cop.

Ok, if they were confining that to Hamas maybe it would be good news. But how many Palestinians were "eliminated" on the way to delivering you your "good news". How many dead children? How many doctors, teachers, drivers, grandparents have been eliminated to bring you this good news?

I just don't think that Israeli lives are any more or less important than Palestinian lives. So murdering 30,000 Gazans doesn't seem like remotely good news to me.

But then again I'm not a bloodthirsty bigot.