Israel Gaza: China condemns US veto of call for immediate ceasefire at UN - BBC to – 141 points –
Israel Gaza: China condemns US veto of call for immediate ceasefire at UN

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There is no logic to bombing, starving, shooting a population that doesn't even have hostages.

Sorry you enjoy murdering children vicariously

Of course there is, that's literally the recipe for ethnic cleansing.

The problem is hostages are being held amongst and below the people. The tunnels are near hospitals, underneath the UNWRA building etc. It, by design, makes collateral damage impossible.

Israel could level Gaza in a heartbeat if it wanted. It would look much different than telling them what's about to happen, in advance and to relocate. I'm not saying it's right or clean but it's not egregious either.

So just because there is no logic for a ceasefire not to address hostages, therefore whoever points that out must be sympathetic to killing? Sorry, that makes no sense

You say it makes no sense to stop murdering Palestinian children unless Hamas releases hostages. Like, shooting children is a no-brainer.

What makes you or Netanyahu any better than Hamas?

Literally nothing.

No, I said there was no logic to calling for a ceasefire without addressing hostages.

It makes lots of sense. With a ceasefire Israel will stop shooting and blowing up their own hostages to be rescued.

That is not logical, that is your own fantasy.

Reuter's is my personal fantasy? Wow okay zionist.

At least I knew the word zionist before October 7th and know what it means. It's not really a pejorative.

You act like you were the only one. But then again, that's not the only thing you're wrong about.