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They aren't convinced at all. It'll give them unwinnable court cases that they can use to rally their base for reelection who will be so mad their witch hunt isn't successful they won't notice the GOP fucking them from every which direction.

99% Invisible did an episode on this.

It's a great listen. Basically it makes audiences think the show is funnier, or rather it gives audiences permission to laugh out loud alone.

In the same vein as MetalGamer Jesus, Game Sack has some N64 episodes as well.

The follow-up question was literally "What accusations are you making against Biden to justify removing him from the ballot?"

Like dude, you can literally make up anything and your base would eat it up. You couldn't even do that. What a moron, and he'll still lose almost zero support from his base because they didn't actually pay attention.

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I agree wholeheartedly with this message, but also don't disregard advice from elders simply because they're old. There are some real nuggets of wisdom you may miss.

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What's even funnier is initially the investigators were only looking to get $250M. During the case after a monitor was appointed, the Trump Org. started shuffling money around and they went after more money due to those actions.

Yes, which is exactly why Republicans are making those crazy claims.

When the Saudi deals resurface in the public spotlight Republicans will point to those baseless claims and say "How is what the Trump kids doing any worse than this!?!?!?" and their followers will accept it at face value and say "See both sides are doing it, it's bad but no worse than what the other guy is doing"

Henrietta is right there

In New York State you have to front 110% of the money before you can appeal. So he would have to front $390M just to file the appeal.

His whole 2016 campaign raised $330M for context.

He's also on record under oath saying he has $400M cash on hand meaning if he doesn't actually have the cash on hand he perjured himself as well.

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His entire campaign raised ~$330M in 2016 election cycle. At the very least it's a massive hit to the funds they have to spend.

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I can get reposts every couple of hours on here.

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Playing devil's advocate, the Trump team didn't expect to win and quite frankly had no clue how to pull the levers of power for a large portion of his presidency. If, God forbid, he is reelected that will not be the case. They will know how to play the system much more effectively than they did last time.

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It also wasn't really successful before he came in either. It rarely was profitable and usually operated at a loss.

I mean Musk has seemingly made every bad move imaginable, I can only imagine the ideas he's been talked out of.

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Coming soon a quiet price hike followed by timed "discounts" at every Wendy's location.

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Yet he will still vote Trump if he's on the ballot in November 2024

I can vote with my heart in the primary.

I'll vote to win in the general.

There's a microwave repair store in my city.

There's always one person there when I dive by but never any customers. There's a neon open/closed sign that changes daily so someone is there.

No clue what exactly is going on there.

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Ranked choice voting certainly has it's issues, but damnit of it isn't so much better than what we have.

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Locks keep honest people honest and that's about it

Right? I can solve one in a minute to minute and a half. By normal people standards, impressive, by cyber standards I'm laughably slow.

I'm cool with that

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Not so much an incident, but an unsolved mystery in my life that I don't think I'll ever know the answer to:

A few years ago some friends of mine and I were going to a concert and left our cars in a parking lot in an office park near the arena and piled into one car.

When I came back a few hours later that night, there was a dead duck on the hood of my car. It was still warm, there was no damage to my car, no feathers floating around anywhere, no blood on the duck (it hadn't been shot or attacked as far as I could tell), it was just there by itself on the hood of my car. It wasn't duck hunting season, and this is in a city with over a million people so not a rural area.

I've asked all my friends, family if they know what happened, but nope. No one has confessed anything, and at this point I think anyone of my friends would've fessed up.

I'm just baffled.

It was like a duck landed on the hood of my car and dropped dead a few minutes before I got there on a random weeknight.

I have no clue how, why or what happened.

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Still though a practice squad player in the NFL is clearing $500k+ a season. So it's at least a decent amount of money. Is it worth the future health problems with no pension? Not my decision, but at least it is an amount of money where there is a decision to be made.

MMA, Boxing, WWE... Haha go fuck yourself.

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He offered Twitter more money than the company was worth with no due diligence.

The leadership of the board could have been sued by shareholders if they didn't push Elon to actually pay over market value.

The end goal of any for profit leadership is to make as much money as possible and exit.

And is what they should do rather than trying to delete it.

Provide context so that future generations can enjoy what's good about the media and acknowledge how parts of the content/media are problematic and not appropriate.

My bidet cost ~$30 and took about 20 minutes to install to my existing toilet using basic tools. It's great. I highly recommend it to anyone .

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The Three Body problem by Cixin Liu

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Selling a large commercial asset is NOT what anyone wants to do right now. He would be selling at a loss and it would be a huge ego hit.

Additionally selling a large real estate property is exceptionally difficult to do in a short amount of time.

I mean gate check where they give it back to you at the gate on the other end not regular bag-check at the gate.

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Never ascribe to malice what can be ascribed to stupidity.

It requires personally identifying information to login. That's a hard pass for menu people.

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Softly spoken German in an intimate setting can really do it for me.

Loudly spoken German can also do it for me for entirely different reasons.

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This truly made me laugh out loud. The actual story is even funnier than the headline.

Exactly! He was great at getting press and selling big ideas. He never made his ideas happen, other people did that.

Now with Twitter he's trying to sell an idea no one cares about. No one was clamouring for the next social media platform.

And no one is looking for an 'everything app' either.

They're just going to order whatever they like anyways.

I think the issue was there was artificially very little supply allowed, so not a free market.

Shifting the Overton Window

From the article:

"The research and analysis is just beginning at Harvard. Loeb is trying to understand if the spherules are artificial or natural."

So very much what you said, Loeb saying things to grab headlines.

It's comically stupid

What I think they meant to have rollout is to potentially raise their prices across the board and then offer discounts at off-peak times.

Functionally it's the exact same thing as what leaked but is way easier to sell as value added to potential customers.

I go for a variation of this if a coworker leaves their computer unlocked when they leave for lunch or the day.

Screenshot their whole desktop, hide all icons and the toolbar. Set the background to the screenshot. Boom a computer that looks exactly the same as before but doesn't work.

Quick, non permanent, takes a few minutes to work out, lesson learned to not leave your machine unlocked.

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