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I agree wholeheartedly with this message, but also don't disregard advice from elders simply because they're old. There are some real nuggets of wisdom you may miss.

My 70 something year old mother drinks chunky milk, because she says that expired milk is still good even after its expiration date, and then wonders why she keeps getting diarrhea. So, some elders have better advice than others. Especially better than my mom.

If its sealed (and pasturized) it is safe usually. Many cultures use such milk, eg Rebuplica Dominicana

The trick with elder advice is that you have to be intelligent and wise enough to understand what’s useful and what’s just wistful nostalgia. Like this meme says, some of it will just be longing for things that will not come back.

I even see the other side of this when I give advice to my 20 yo son. Some of the things I say just isn’t as important as it once was.

It depends a lot on the specific person. Many people are kinda dumbasses, and dumbasses don't necessarily get wiser once they get old.

Yup, where do you think the term 'casting pearls before swine' came from? Some advice learned the hard way is really useful, but if no one listens...