16 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I save them up to make a broth for soups

I don't know that we're watching the internet collapse. I think we are witnessing tech companies respond to growing financial pressure by accelerating their monetization plans, and it's blowing up in their faces. The result will be the reinvention of the web. I don't necessarily know if decentralized apps are going to take off, but I do think the internet will shift towards smaller (possibly open source) sites in retaliation.

I broke up with my first girlfriend years ago because "there was no spark". In truth I went on my senior cruise, reconnected with a childhood friend I hadn't seen in years, developed a massive crush on her, and though I did not intend to pursue anything romantically with her as she was already dating someone else, I realized that I had never been attracted to my gf in the first place. I regret that I broke her heart and wish I would have had this realization to begin with, but that's youth. I wanted more for my life, and I got it. She did too, and much faster. She ended up meeting her soulmate within a year of us breaking up and they have a beautiful daughter together.

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I don't reveal my privacy secrets on Lemmy.

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I decided not to confess to a coworker because I had learned that lesson the hard way at a previous job. I figured it would be better to not mix work and dating. Unfortunately as time went on I grew infatuated with this coworker and it took a combination of meditation, medication, and real intense personal work to realize that my infatuation was really just my mind's way of trying to distract me from my own anxiety and depression. So I focused on that and ended up getting a better job and meeting someone who was such a significantly better match for me.

You have IT manager experience, my dude. You'll definitely find some remote work either back on the dev side or still in management. My company tried to pull this too but joke's on them because I moved 200 miles away from the office during Covid. The Economist recently published an article which cites a study that says working from home is not as productive as previously thought, because of the aggregate value that unplanned micro-interactions in the office can provide. Not sure I agree...

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A few things:

  1. Writing down five things I'm grateful for. Actually I was doing this every day earlier this year when I was depressed. Don't just bullshit it. Write down what you're looking forward to that day, or things that you are appreciating. It will encourage you to appreciate more, to slow the fuck down and live a peaceful life.

  2. Blogging/Journaling. I have been blogging on a wordpress blog but haven't shared the URL with anyone, not even my spouse. It's so helpful just to organize my thoughts and is helping me get in touch with my emotions instead of suppressing them.

  3. Two lists. I keep two lists that I refer to frequently. One is my to-do list, which I have organized in Notion. When I can see that I am getting shit done, and more importantly, I have a system for prioritizing what shit gets done, I feel better about my life. The other and arguably more important list is my anti-productivity list. My just for me list. My shit I like to do list. Take out the feelings of your parents, your partner, your friends. Be selfish for a damn minute. Write down the things that truly make you happy. And make sure you do something on that list at a minimum once a week.

For me some of those things include:

  1. Long showers during the spring time with the windows/doors open so a breeze can come in.

  2. Smoking a cigar in the bathtub with a glass of scotch.

  3. Watching Studio Ghibli movies.

  4. Watching my favorite movies in general. "Midnight In Paris", "Lady and the Tramp", "Lloyd's of London", "Jab Tak Hai Jaan".

  5. Going home to visit with my relatives.

  6. Chinese hot pot

  7. Going to the movie theater

  8. Creative writing like I did as a kid. No pressure to produce anything great. Just write and tap into that joyful creativity.

  9. Going to a craft beer brewery

  10. Getting a massage

  11. Playing MTG with my cousin and brother

  12. Playing Kingdom Hearts

  13. Cooking some comfort food

  14. A nice road trip with the windows rolled down and no destination in mind.

</ End List>

  1. Meditate. Look I'm not a crunchy person. But just focusing on box breathing / basic breath work at the end of every day has helped me tremendously. I think everyone should do it. It is physically proven that deep breathing done in the right way physically calms you down.

Maybe not the early internet, but I do remember 2004-2009 internet when message boards were king, communities were smaller, and everything just felt so much more exciting. I miss those days of having one community with 100-200 or so users who posted everything from "What song are you listening to now?" to a fanfic some guy wrote about Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.

The way I see it, some communities will thrive and others will die. No need to worry about the mess in the process. For now during this early stage just post to all of them or pick one you like and stick with it.

We are most free when we appreciate the beauty of our surroundings, being ever mindful and present.

Pay off my debt, give 10 million to churches and charities of my choice, give a million to my parents and another million to my in-laws, give myself a million, and take the remaining 87 million and start a non-profit that aims to fight climate change and eradicate world hunger.

Do you have these online somewhere?

Fuck twitter and fuck big tech

This would be a significant change to the intellectual property laws that govern most western countries currently. Not all algorithms are electronic in nature. For instance, manufacturers, stock trading firms, and banks may all use algorithms that are proprietary to perform manual or mechanical processes. Requiring these to be open sourced to the public would likely result in many trade secrets being leaked. There would also be a question of rather a recipe constitutes an algorithm as it really is just a set of processes at the end of the day. If so, Coca-Cola and a bunch of other countries are screwed.

Apart from the less obvious cases, there is also every software company in the world to consider. If they were forced to make their code public, we would see a lot of effects, some good and some not. To begin with, anyone would be able to compile and spin up any software at any time, making paid software a much less profitable business. Microsoft's only customers in the software world would be the less tech savvy among us, and even then, they would be severely undercut by other companies as well as the neighborhood kid down the street who could volunteer to compile the OS code on your behalf for significantly less money. Specific INSTANCES of software, including the databases and information inside, as well as physical infrastructure would not be put at risk by this change, so the giants like Microsoft and Amazon would still be poised to win. However; they would have a lot more competition and would need to pivot away from software licensing as a business model all together.

Much more interesting to consider is the financial impact that such a change would have on society. I suspect the stocks for the major tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon would plummet. Apple in particular, who highly values secrecy and proprietary software, and who is not in the cloud computing business just yet, would be impacted more than anyone, as their closed down ecosystem would become a lot more open. If the law was passed in a particularly large market like the US or the EU, Apple and other tech companies would almost definitely sue that government, but the case would take years to resolve and would go to the highest level of the courts before being resolved. Open sourced code is technically still protected by copyright laws according to the terms of the open source license, so you would definitely see a lot of IP lawyers going after businesses for the slightest violation of those terms. You would also see a ton of trademark cases in response to people blatantly ripping off the Microsoft logo. The end result would probably be that their brand would get some limited protection from becoming all together irrelevant, but they would still be unable to stop individuals who are fully compliant with the open source license from downloading and compiling code themselves, severely cutting into Microsoft's profits.

Likely, these big software companies would then realize that they must move from a product based model to a service based model when it comes to software. I don't care if you can see the code for Netflix's sorting algorithms -- that doesn't necessarily mean you have access to their video content. Products like Microsoft Word would become valueless while Microsoft Teams would potentially skyrocket in value. Data and files in general would become highly prized by these tech giants as they would allow for content to be fed by their programs that distinguishes their instance of a service from the one you are running on your local machine.

However; this would ultimately not be enough to starve off the sudden loss of revenue from such a change. Consider less flashy examples like insurance companies and banks that have business rules hidden in their algorithms. If someone found out the "rules" to get an insurance claim approved by automated systems, they would surely take advantage of it. You would see a massive amount of insurance fraud, financial fraud, and just general chaos as the rules that have powered these institutions for the last 40 years or so suddenly became irrelevant. We would quite likely see a total collapse of the stock market, and at such a scale that governments would not be able to fix the problem. Of course, if the government passing this law gave companies more time to respond... Five years... A decade... Many of the problems could be mitigated, as could the impact. You might see a recession instead of a depression after implementation.

As far as what would happen afterwards? Open source would do what open source is supposed to do. It would point out the flaws in software, allow for creativity to bloom, and ultimately make the digital world a brighter, safer, more creative space. Innovation would bloom. Security algorithms would improve. People would be able to make more informed choices about where they do business. These learnings would come at a high cost for companies slow to respond to public comments on their Git repos. You would expect to hear about a lot more high-profile exploits and data leaks in the news. It might even cause an even deepening financial crisis similar to the one explored on "Mr. Robot" if, say, a major credit card processing company's data was intercepted, or if financial loans for some of the world's biggest financers were erased. However; new models would take the place of the old ones. The economy would eventually recover, and be rebuilt from the ashes on much more stable ground.

Or maybe Elliot would regret his decision and undo it. I don't know. (spoilers ahead for those of you who still haven't seen Mr. Robot)

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I haven't seen it yet! Was it actually good or just trendy?

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ah so you are the dev from 2014

I yearn to be free

To plant a tall tree

Or maybe five or fifty

A greener world would be nifty


Power corrupts

So why should we bother

With coups so abrupt

And Dictator Father?


Yet democracy still

Gives me a chill

Tyranny of the masses

Why the rose colored glasses?


Corporate greed

Is not immune

From society's bleed

Into authoritarian noon


So what, then? A king?

Or anarchy's kiss?

How do we give up the bling?

Live a life full of bliss?


The truth lies inside

The life we observe

Is the one that we chose

And thus, what we deserve


If we want to be free

Change from a few's not enough

Not just a million and three

But collectively, all of us

Remote definitely is not for everyone! I would just like the freedom to come and go as I choose, but I guess that's not economical from an overhead perspective.

Yes, there are many successful open source algorithms, so there is no reason to believe a content recommending algorithm that is open-source could not be successful. If you're using Lemmy and you sort by "hot", you are already using one...

My local news station aired this story today along with a quote from experts that it is not true because smoking things leads to inhaling bad shit from the wrappers.

Got any good books on librarian science?

Can you share a screenshot of what happens when you login with the new pass? That's certainly strange.

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Holy fucking shit. You must have so much RAM!

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I am impaled by the edge of the couch.

Wasn't this on Reddit earlier?

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This is the book I had in mind when I created this thread. :)

Thanks! I knew it looked familiar.

A standout to me is my uncle once got me the ancient Japanese board game "Go". Totally unprompted but right up my ally. I just remember being touched about how thoughtful it was.

On the flip side I work with people who have been doing it for 20+ years and are "bad" programmers.

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Fair enough! I was mostly joking. Those are some great tips.

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Oh man. Yeah if you're in Europe I definitely think that's the way to go.

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I think that's a good way to get out of scrolling, but not a good way to become a part of a community. I think doing what you're doing is a good start, but also frequenting a few places (especially more niche communities) can also really help.

I'll drink to that!

If there were a lot more conservatives or libertarians, the OP might not think there are a lot of communist posters here. Because there are a lot of left leaning people here who upvote anti-capitalist posts and comments, it is easy for the OP to reach the conclusion that there are a lot of communists. My three points explain 1) why the platform was already predisposed towards leftist thought in general, 2 and 3) why there are not a lot of right leaning ideas to balance out the ratio.

In the US many students celebrate graduating high school by going on a “senior trip” with their classmates. My friends and I took a week long trip on a cruise liner through the Caribbean.

Looks awesome. How was it?

For me:
A Pluralsight course on Windows Endpoint Manager
Various Lemmy tabs
The Economist
This Youtube video about Pakistan

j2me looks relatively more modern? What protocols were the old-school Nokia games like Snake written in?

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Alchemy of Souls has such a good soundtrack!