1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Or have some letters removed all together.

I'm reserving all my opinions until after the 30th when all the 3rd party clients die. A lot of people dont even know their client is about to reach end of life because they dont check reddit every day or follow the news close enough.

Usage statistics saw a 15-25% hit in traffic during the protest. It's still around 8% lower than it was pre protest.

My personal opinion though is that reddit doesnt have to die. It just has to lose it's status as the front page of the internet. That happens when there is an alternative to reddit that has a critical mass of users to be a rival. I think we are close to that right now with lemmy.

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Obviously isnt the ideal location for beehaw users to follow but you dont need to be logged in to view content so I'd suggest just browsing the syncforlemmy community natively for now. Right now there are no official posts by ljdawson anyways.

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This is disappointing considering how popular some of the beehaw communities are (for instance and now they have been completely ostracized from part of the lemmy community. Or at least the fastest growing part. (mostly because they have open registration). Personally I think this will only hurt the platform as a whole and fragment further, what is by nature, an already fragmented community.

I get why it is being done though. Especially with there being no verification for those servers. They become easy ways to make troll accounts.

Lemmy needs better federated mod tools to say the least (or so it appears to be). There has to be a better way to do this.

xbox one OS is windows 10 core. That doesnt make it "not a console"

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Who started sexualizing the venn diagrams.


Everyone who thinks people should cancel their prime account because of horrible working conditions should first look at their phone... then their tv... then any other random electronics they have... then look at their shoes and their clothes and everything else they have made cheaply in a factory that abuses human labor. Then find a dictionary and look up the word hypocrite.

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It's not an on / off situation. It will gradually decline until it finally stops or reaches a critical threshold where it's movement no longer significantly alters weather patterns. None of these climate change thresholds are as black and white as they are made out to be which is one of the argument tactics deniers use to argue against it. The reality is a slow decline until the affects are unrecoverable from. also killed their c/thedonald community. Both of those instances are doing pretty good self moderating and preventing hate. Still dont need to refederate until the tool set gets better but I have accounts on both now and read them as much or more than beehaw.

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They can be set up in multiple ways. One way is that only subscribed people can view. Another way is that only mods can view. Most of the protests were set to mod view only.

I remember when twitter first came out and people were talking about "tweets" and it sounded just as stupid as xing sounds today. But the word has made it into mainstream lexicon and been normalized. Just like "googling" something just means to search. Tweet will mean to message something. I think part of the reason he is abandoning twitter is because it is becoming increasingly hard to legally fight other people using the terms for his platform for other platforms. For instance Mastadon is using "toot" which started from "twoot" which started from tweet.

I also still think he is an idiot for abandoning a brand name that is literally in every house and on every storefront. Even if they cant defend the vocabulary to abandon it all is the dumbest business decision I've ever heard of.

p.s. for xing I like "kissing" since XOXO is hugs and kisses with the X being the kiss. Considering how homophobic Elon is having his platform being a bunch of people kissing would just be to perfect!

He has a name people recognize even without ever recognizing him.

Generally speaking you cant just up and leave. You have a job, a house or apartment. You can just randomly find a job in another state at the drop of a hat and even if you can you might not be able to find a home. Then you have to factor in moving away from your family and friends and kid's friends and their school and.

Unless you just have stupid money laying around no one can afford to uproot their entire life and just move somewhere else.

You'd need the full link since beehaw defederated with But you can keep track without needed an account.

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I want a GTA style game set in the early 1900s Lovecraft world mixed with a procedural world builder like Covert Action had. So the overall world would be set but the inside of buildings and tunnels and etc as well as the overall story would change. Then release DLC for each of the Great Old Ones that each came with 6-8 major plot lines. With 8 player coop. No lazy pvp bs. PvP can be included but it's not the focus so as to not give a shit about anti-cheat or stat tracking on a master server.

Then implement a scab system like in tarkov but for cultists. You turn PvP on and a cultist can come play in your game doing things.

Yep, used compact view the whole time I used sync and it was perfect! chef's kiss

If you remember back to your birthday cards as a kid when your loved ones put XOXO in the card... X is kisses.

So Xing is pronounced Kissing!

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Works on steamdeck too but not the greatest. The game really needs more screen as the UI takes up a lot of screen space and shooting small rocks is hard to do sometimes. But it's chill enough that it works just fine, not perfect, but pretty good.

The punch line was.... you know what IDC.

I hope they do. Would be an obvious wake up call to more people on reddit.

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So the article is about unwarranted 12 hour delays and your solution is to use a federated platform where delays are built into the system between server syncs? The fact that people cant see your other post yet because their local servers have not synced your post to this thread should be the first sign that this might not be a good solution to this email problem...

and why isnt it easy? (to op). It took me less time to sign up for lemmy than it did for reddit back in the day and I've had no issues at all. Some confusing back end stuff and relearning all the formatting for urls and etc but it's no more complicated than reddit was to first get into.

Im a cis male. Watched disney movies with my wife all weekend and we sang to them. Went to see the new little mermaid. I've worn a skirt before. I've worn fingernail polish and lipstick out in public. I use he/him but they/them is completely fine with me too.

If you think you are cis... thats ok. It's ok to be cis. It's ok to be whatever you feel like. In today's age there seem to be a push to classify people into categories for the hell of it but the underlining premise of that push isnt the classification but that it is ok to be you no matter what that classification is.

This also isnt something you have to arbitrarily decide. For a lot of people their sexuality / gender identification is an ongoing thing that changes with them as the years go by.

The "Live Action" Lion King would have been better with muppets... or people dressed in animal costumes like Donkey from Shrek the Musical.

I feel the same way. A ton of the top front page posts are just repeated slightly changed comments by less than a year old accounts with almost no posts or karma. It's a very weird vibe over there right now and I'm pretty sure even though activity is up... human activity is dramatically down except for smaller subs (which seem to have unique content with not a lot of bot activity).

I think that is disingenuous. People did complain (and pearl clutch) about reddit as it's tree comment structure was vastly different than what people were used to and the upvote / downvote didnt make any sense. But people adapted quickly just like they always do. This move to lemmy is exactly like how the digg -> reddit move went.

In this case you would search "cute bunny"

Im not being defensive. I'm agreeing with you but adding context for other people. It's legitimately consequences of beehaw's actions. Those actions have a valid reason though.

Your post is specifically worded/presented in a way to illicit a reaction from people, which you got. So it's fair for me to qualify my answer when I agree with you.

I mean yes it is a consequence of beehaw's actions. Those actions were justified though and the consequences mild considering how easy it is to view a community without being logged in.

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Never under any circumstance use wells fargo for anything if you can. One of the worst financial companies out there.

Furthermore 1% isnt a good cash back signing bonus...

Apple, google and microsoft.

But there is another trenchcoat with Amazon, Tesla and Berkshire Hathaway

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Honestly, mobile browing (even using old.reddit) has been garbage for years because they detect your mobile OS and constantly try to push their app on you. Click on link, do you want to open in mobile app? let me open the playstore for you. And then you also get limited comments. To see more comments open in mobile app... You could do a case study in how to alienate your customers into leaving your platform on just mobile browsing reddit.

It's hard to use that nuke in a full party and not be toxic. You almost always end up catching someone or someone gets forced into the blast radius burn.

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I had this same feeling towards CIS... Someone explained it to be as why the word is important. The mentality is "I'm not cis, i'm just [normal] straight." But what that implies is that trans is abnormal. You shouldnt have one term that has a connotation of being normal and the other with a connotation of being abnormal. Both should be explained in a way that gives equal credibility. Thus we have Cis to equalize the term on the same grounds as trans and etc.

I'm still a little weird because I feel that's not my term for me but "their" term for me which is insulting on a level somehow. But I acknowledge it's a strange situation and cis helps bring parity to the situation.

but 10% is 60+% of actual human engagement. The rest are just bots talking to themselves and clicking ad links.

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I dont think it should be forced on any community and furthermore it should not be on the shoulders of the moderators for those communities to uphold. People should be voting with their feet with or without a community going blackout/private. A LOT of people are ok with the changes to reddit and a lot of people dont even use a 3rd party app. If a community wants to stay up during the blackout because most of their users fall into those categories then they should be allowed to do so without being harassed.

Like with most things in life it's a two way street and not as black and white as everyone makes it out to be.

Personally, im out. I've used sync pro/ultra for years and I HATE reddit's official app. But my viewpoints dont represent the views of everyone else either and if those people are fine with it then they shouldnt be punished because of my views.

Bought multiple copies of Sync Pro and Ultimate. Apollo was good, RiF was great but Sync Pro was GOD! The GOAT!

Still holding out hope that ljdawson does a sync pro for lemmy. Hope he at least adds a splash page on the 30th explaining why the app no longer works and where to go.

Not sure how great that will work as it's not showing anything posted by anyone from and since ljdawson is a account you wont see any of the posts made by him...

Left it logging for 10 min this time. To me it seems like the script isn't loading in the backend. The forgot password button also doesn't do anything.

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