3 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Ironically, if Google were upfront about how it would handle the shutdown, it likely would have increased consumer confidence enough that Stadia may not have needed to be shutdown.

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Everyone already anticipates new Google services to fail. Expecting people to spend hundreds of dollars on content that is locked to a service run by a company that is known for canceling services after a couple of years was always going to fail.

Stadia was essentially just a demo of Google’s cloud capabilities. Even if Stadia was a massive success, it would still be a drop in the bucket compared to Google’s ad revenue and have no impact on stock price.

Proton Mail and Tutanota are great free options.

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DokuWiki for simplicity. Everything is a text file that can just be copied to a web server. It doesn't even require a database. And since all the wiki pages are plaintext markdown files, they can still be easily accessed and read even when the server is down. This is great and why I use DokuWiki for my server documentation as well.

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While it would be great to see official support, the Heroic Games Launcher is a very good way to play GOG (as well as Epic and Amazon Prime) games on Linux.

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Because they get an extra $200 per upgrade to a usable amount, while getting to advertise the lower price. And the low specs force early upgrades for the people who purchase the base model. As always, it's about the money.

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Those donations cannot be used for Firefox development due to the structure of Mozilla.

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This is great timing because Microsoft is killing support for my Windows Mixed Reality headset. Ironically, Sony will have better PC VR support than Microsoft.

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This was a false rumor. Asus has issued a press release confirming that the Zenfone line will continue.

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If you only listen to podcasts on your phone, I can highly recommend AntennaPod. It is free and open source. I have been using it for around 6 months now since Pocket Casts increased from $10 to $40 per year.

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Vague and unpopular opinion incoming:

Despite the Steam Deck being better than the Switch at nearly everything, there is still something that keeps pulling me back to the Switch. The only things I can think of is how much thinner and lighter it is combined with the simplified software. I'm not saying the Switch software is good, because it's not. It's slow despite how slimmed down it is. Meanwhile the Steam Deck is much faster, smoother, and has many more features. But the Steam Deck still just feels clunky compared to the Switch. It might be due to the Steam Deck using a full desktop operating system with a modified UI while the Switch OS is made solely for playing games. Despite being very well designed and using optimized software, something about the Steam Deck makes it feel like a tech demo rather than a handheld game console. I still really like the Steam Deck, but I keep getting pulled back to the Switch.

Put simply: Weight aside, the Steam Deck is significantly better at every individual factor than the Switch. But there is still something about the final product of the Switch that I enjoy using more than the Steam Deck.

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Fedora will not get Plasma 6 until 40 releases next month in April.

Sony says hi :)

Here is a link to the video on PeerTube.

Yes, that's still true. If you want to be able to use a third-party mail app, I would look at Fastmail or They don't have free plans though.

This is the FOSS community and neither Sync nor Boost are open source.

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If you are using Linux, it does not get any simpler than Gnome Boxes. If you need more options, virt-manager is still fairly easy to use.

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I use Downpour for Audiobooks. It is similar to Audible where audiobooks can be purchased individually, or there is a subscription that provides credits to purchase audiobooks. The audiobooks are drm-free and can be downloaded. I have not found a way to automate the download and transfer to my Audiobookshelf server, but I don’t mind doing it manually considering I average around two or three audiobooks a month.

If actual Hitler worked on a project should we all just use that project even though Hitler made it?

It's called Volkswagen, one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world.

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DokuWiki. Everything is a text file that can just be copied to a web server. It doesn't even require a database. And since all the wiki pages are plaintext markdown files, they can still be easily accessed and read even when the server is down.

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how can I find out if it will run on my old Samsung Galaxy S7?

It won't. GrapheneOS only supports recent Pixel phones.


Great! You don’t even need to install any drivers. It just works.

It is different. Funds donated to the Mozilla Foundation cannot be used for Firefox development because that is handled by the Mozilla Corporation. Money from the Mozilla services can be used for Firefox development, but there is still no guarantee that they won't be used for something else. I wish there was a way to donate specifically to Firefox, but it seems like Mozilla tries to be unclear about how money is used.

Why just Linux? This applies no matter the operating system someone is using.

Photopea is a great web-based photo editor, but it is not FOSS.

Considering Microsoft is supposedly releasing a new revision of the Xbox Series X and S next year without disc drives, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Given the direction the industry is moving, I wouldn’t be surprised if the PS6 and whatever Microsoft calls the next Xbox are all digital only.

Android Pay was between Google Wallet and Google Pay. This is at least the fourth rebrand for Google’s payment services.

Roku supports Miracast, so it should work. and Downpour both sell DRM-free audiobooks and offer an optional subscription credit model similar to Audible.

Or just You Pay

I would use a spreadsheet for that. It will add the numbers for you. I use LibreOffice on the computer, but OnlyOffice and Collabora Office are good mobile apps. They are all open source and store data locally on the device, so they are good from a privacy perspective as well.

These are Android games from the Play Store, so even if Google shuts down this Windows support, they likely won't provide refunds because users will still have access to the games on Android devices. They offered refunds for Stadia purchases because the purchased games could not be played anywhere after they shut it down.

if I thought some government or company was going to use stuff I develop to launch the nukes or control a robot fist to punch cute little puppies right in the snout then I'd start using a more restrictive license

A more restrictive license wouldn't help in that case. They would just have to publish any changes they made to your code. The primary benefit of restrictive licenses like the GPL is to prevent someone from using your code in a proprietary project without contributing anything back.

Even as a primarily Android user, I agree. I have tried most music streaming services at this point and Apple Music has been the best for helping me discover music. Most others play it too safe with the algorithm and only play music I already like.

Another plus is Apple Music is one of the last remaining music platforms that is not trying to shove podcasts down my throat.

For gaming, it works out of the box. You don’t need to install additional drivers. The other drivers are only necessary when dealing with things like machine learning and AI. They don’t offer better gaming performance and will only introduce problems similar to Nvidia.

They have 3 years of operating system updates and 5 years of security updates. Source