Alternative to VMWare to Free and Open Source – 25 points –

Is there a friendly alternative to VMWare/Virtualbox? I would move back to Virtualbox, but it's now owned by oracle


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If you are using Linux, it does not get any simpler than Gnome Boxes. If you need more options, virt-manager is still fairly easy to use.

I…. dislike gnome. I’m not using Linux now, but I’m moving back if I’m forced to change to Windows 11.

Is there a KDE equivalent?

No, KDE does not have their own virtualization gui. Boxes can still be used on KDE as well though. If you really want nothing to do with Gnome, then virt-manager will be your best option.

You could use cinnamon. Yes gnome tech based but quite different. I use that on my workstation and leave Gnome for my media center and laptop.

Is cinnamon based on gnome 2 or 3? It’s 3 that I detest

Gnome 3 under the hood but it is nothing like the Gnome 3 your thinking about. It is more like Gnome 2 as far as the UI.

There is still a Gnome 2 fork around also. Cannot remember the name. Used that in the early days but had some minor but annoying compatibility issues with some apps so went to Cinnamon which is based on the modern base to avoid those.

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