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Joined 1 years ago

is this the same Toyota that’s actually lobbying the US government against the switch to EVs? Is this the same Toyota who had the clear advantage in EV technology but squandered it all just to keep on manufacturing thermal engines?

This is another shitty tactic, don’t believe them.

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I know we all are in rage about reddit’s fuckery, but this says nothing about the state of the website.

we already knew reddit was not the objective truth or wikipedia, but mostly an echo chamber. incrementing the check on the information objectivity will NOT hamper reddit’s growth. we’ve already seen other social media thrive without the weight of fact-checking or their intended purpose (facebook, instagram, I’d dare to say the new twitter as well).

I as all of you would love to see reddit bomb so badly that they’ll all end unemployed and spez under a bridge sleeping with cardboard sheets, but that’s not going to happen soon.

we should stop looking at how badly is reddit doing, and start watching at how to make Lemmy a better reddit instead.

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first of all, you gotta be a lady

then they say fish helps a lot apparently

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I can’t even get people to USE telegram, which they have already installed, let alone get them to understand, subscribe and install a federated messaging app. it seems like it’s whatsapp or back to the trained pigeons.

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I don’t understand: did something serious happened, or it’s them overreacting?

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I’m going back to Reddit from time to time to check the situation and read some micro-communities that i follow and that did not jump the ship.

I gotta say that my previous feed was deeply tailored between interesting discussions, tech and gaming news and some meme and futile discussion (like askmen or aita).

right now, that fine calibrated feed has become an uninteresting mess of memes, reposts and low-quality content. I see that users are still there because upvotes are still high, but it’s not as interesting as it was before.

this might very well be my own perception based on who i followed, but I got the feeling that reddit got taken over by people who only enjoy low-quality content, kind of like facebook, where I used to enjoy discussions with my friends and now it’s just ads and influencers.

why is everyone praising it? they spent it all on costumes and sets, and forgot to hire an almost decent writer. the script is terrible, it’s full of nonsensical stuff and it feels copypasted from others shows. I really disliked it, and I played all the Fallouts since the 1990’s.

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this is basically not understanding what “risk” means. if you have a 1% risk of developing cancer, and by doing something (ie drinking) you double relatively-wise that risk, it’s still only 2% of risk. would you stop drinking and enjoying alcohol and living a happier life for a mere 1%?

all the numbers I’m using are totally random, but it shows that saying “it increases the risk” although technically correct doesn’t mean shit and it’s just fearmongering and a basic inability of understanding information.

didn’t they say during the keynote that the lenses will attach magnetically to the visor?

lucky us Tetris wasn’t a thing back when Batman was a kid

wait… why would you want to carry it with you??

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UBI is an inevitable future. the only question is when, not if. And probably the countries that will be able to create a better law quicker than others will get a decent economic advantage over the conservative ones.

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oh god, where do I even start?

first of all, the whole article reeks of bias and entitlement. “I don’t like VR so other people shouldn’t have it!!”

then, it all sounds like this guy never even tried any VR headset, or maybe he puked copiously after his first test.

and he’s constantly baiting and switching: “tim cook only interest is in squeezing money from us rather than releasing new products!!”, and right after “tim cook released a new product and it SUCKS!! even my mother said it!”

I bought a Rift CV1 in 2016, I’ve been waiting for some real VR since the first time I tested a rudimentary headset at a tech convention in 1996 playing Doom and some other VR game. it’s sick. I love it. I spent 10 hours a day in the headset during the first month, then I discovered simracing and it was an absolute blast. But the CV1 suffered the lack of direction outside of gaming. the screens were way too low resolution, it needed a powerful PC, it needed cameras, it needed joysticks, had no pass through so all of this stuff really didn’t make it for an optimal experience outside of gaming. I’ve ever since dreamed a way to use VR to work, and it seems like apple did it… or at least is in the process to.

Apple is not Google, so the Vision Pro is not going away. they’ll keep on refining it and bring it forward because that’s the future. you can’t judge it by now, we’re 5-10 years ahead of mass adoption of this tech, but we can already see what’s going to become.

unfortunately the tech suffered a big, big blowback caused by the boom of cryptocurrencies… we’ve all been waiting for more powerful graphic cards in order to cheaply manage VR, but nVidia was more concerned about making easy bucks selling to bitcoin farms rather than serving their loyal customers… and so VR took a hit around 2020 due to lack of cheap availability.

Facebook created the quest in order to detach their product from the whims of a terrible company like Nvidia, and that has somehow helped. but the Quest is and remains an entertainment product, not something that you can rely on for working.

I think the Vision Pro will be a revolution for those doing 3D modeling, or even programming. When the guy in the article says “you’ll get isolated in your tech!!” I think he knows he’s full of bullshit, because cubicles DO exist and people working at a PC screen is now more isolated than ever.

maybe his job is typing rants from the couch of a hotel on his iphone?

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this is a rose tinted glass tbh. maybe if you’re watching a dvd on an iphone screen, but DVDs were limited to 720p, and a bad one too. You need modern bluerays to really get up to par with HD streaming services.

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I prefer Apple Relay through my iPhone, it creates an alias that gets redirected to my inbox. if I see it gets spammed, I can in any moment delete that address. and bonus, they will never have my email account, so they can’t trace me, if there’s a leak the leakers won’t know my email, usernames etc.

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I still remember the first time (as a layman) I studied the details of how DNA and genetics work.

You usually get the sense from popular science that DNA is just dices rolling and mixing up genes and everything is totally random, then as soon as you start looking up how things actually work, you find out that your body is composed of actually nanobots with some kind of will, or scope actually, that work within your body doing super complex tasks, and that as of today (well, as of when I read that 10 years ago) we yet don’t have a specific idea of how those nanobots move and reach the places they’re supposed to reach.

our body is an amazing machine, amazing in a way that goes waaaaay beyond our comprehension… I recently started studying the immune system and that’s even more amazing!

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I think I tried it and it ran perfectly. I think there’s also an UI redesign for the Deck IIRC

but of course, if you already bought the game on bnet, you’ll have to buy it again via steam.

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oh man, I’d kill to know how to hack my fucking samsung tv. I don’t use it’s useless “business” smart functions, but every time i turn it on it nags me with that terrible menu. and there’s no way to turn it off because they completely fucked it up by pushing ads through that menu.

this happens to me as well.

but time is relative. we might very well live in a simulation that takes a minute of “external time” to compute a single tick of our time. we just can’t experience it.

yes, hide my email thank you. it’s all part of the apple relay service so I used the general name!

what do you mean google is like apple privacy-wise? Google is HORRIBLE, they invented tracking in order to sell customised ads.

On the other hand, Apple has lots of flaws but a strong privacy nonetheless, since you’re paying upfront their expensive products.

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I don’t think the two halves of the apple exist, the soulmate etc.

I think we’re all people walking down a road, and sometimes we meet someone else who will join us down that road for a while, and walk with us. maybe after a while they’ll take a different path, the important thing is that we walked together and enjoyed doing so.

oh man! I really played this game a lot back when it was released!

when Italy banned ChatGPT due to privacy concerns, I tried Bing that was still working and it’s just loads and loads better due to its access to the internet. when it got finally unblocked again, it felt like speaking to a past image of someone, rather than something alive and actual like Bing.

I doubt people had blood coming out of their ears, that would be a ruptured eardrum and it’s incredibly painful.

I was also thinking about the reversed karma of this band, Joel had an affair with his bandmate’s wife, then got famous AND married her too. it’s like he could do whatever he wanted.

anyways it’s not a terrible album, I’d say it’s pretty in line with the hammond rock of the time. not very metal though, not black sabbath-wise.

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great thumbnail 😂

I read an article on the WSJ just yesterday that said he (and many others in the Silicon Valley) are using psychedelic drugs while working in order to find new business ideas. they are into microdosing (which I’m not against), but they also throw big drug parties according to the WSJ and that might have messed with his mind. That, COVID and the recent breakup upon a narcissistic personality might be enough to explain his total breakdown.

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can you post a source for this?

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isn’t the most recent explanation on planck’s length saying that we simply can’t observe further down, but it is hypothesised that smaller lengths actually exist?

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really!! I love it. They should just crop the top and the bottom and it would be magnificent

but atoms are made by particles, and particles are made by gluons, which are made of… strings? quantum foam? we haven’t hit rock bottom yet.

this is the correct answer. ear fatiguing is often caused by incorrect EQ settings in your system. using too much of a high-frequency band and you’ll initially get a brighter and better sound, but you’ll soon start to get fatiguing and even headaches.

Radio songs are heavily post-produced by the radio itself, strictly limited in dynamic range and they also have a mastering EQ that provides a bass boost.

I’d suggest OP to check their EQ settings and aim for a more neutral sound.

There’s the junkification of Amazon and the enshittification of TikTok.

wait, I thought TikTok was enshittified by design?

let’s say google didn’t care and closed their software anyways. who would have sued them? and how would they find about it, since the source code is not public?

ohhhh this is interesting!!

they actually do if your mind is susceptible to a breakdown, i.e. a latent psychosis.

super interesting! I listened to it on Curio (which needs a subscription) but the title is:

“Magic Mushrooms. LSD. Ketamine. The drugs that power the Silicon Valley”

by Kirsten Grind and Katherine Brindley on the Wall Street Journal.

here’s the Curio link though