Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge to – 1559 points –
Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge

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I know we all are in rage about reddit’s fuckery, but this says nothing about the state of the website.

we already knew reddit was not the objective truth or wikipedia, but mostly an echo chamber. incrementing the check on the information objectivity will NOT hamper reddit’s growth. we’ve already seen other social media thrive without the weight of fact-checking or their intended purpose (facebook, instagram, I’d dare to say the new twitter as well).

I as all of you would love to see reddit bomb so badly that they’ll all end unemployed and spez under a bridge sleeping with cardboard sheets, but that’s not going to happen soon.

we should stop looking at how badly is reddit doing, and start watching at how to make Lemmy a better reddit instead.

I don't even think about Reddit anymore. Let it fade into obscurity.

Yeah I haven't been back once since they blocked Sync. Hopefully it rots and dies, just like Digg before it.

Yea. I felt like the article was just nitpicking about not much change at all. Just past mods reminiscing? The nut graph of the write up was not great to begin with and the body wasn't really news...

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