Metal Zealot

@Metal Zealot
1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

i made this, take it

Steve Huffman: "Reddit doesn't make any money"

Also Steve Huffman: "Please stay on our platform, we'll pay you?"

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That's a lot of people that are realizing Silicon Valley is full of shit

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Lol, I knew making a Megathread about Elon/X wouldn't make a fucking difference

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I think this is the first actual shower thought posted here

I'm getting to the point where I'm going to take "Eat The Rich" literally

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in the future:

" and has defederated from the The Prime minister will be addressing his Instance shortly"

I love that Unlock Origin shows "0" instead of "146" blocked domains while scrolling Lemmy as opposed to Reddit

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Let them keep Digging their own grave

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Being able reach the entire screen with one hand... Even with larger hands, reaching across a 6 inch screen with my thumb is bullshit and uncomfortable as fuck. I miss my iPhone 4S

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"Y'know, I used to be a Mod on Reddit.."

I just want YouTube to make an astronomically stupid decision that pushes all their content creators to make their own PeerTube instances...

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Yup, it's time to unsubscribe from Shower thoughts...

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The correct response to this is:


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I subscribed to Youtube Premium because of how much I actually use it in my day to day life.

It's the only regular subscription I have, only because I use it across multiple platforms and away from home.

But the price hike they just announced is unjustified, especially when they KEEP TAKING DOWN MY FAVORITE CREATORS VIDEOS. Poor Speedo and David Firth.

*Edits for spelling, I'm pissed off and piss drunk

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Fandom is a huge headache to even navigate, I couldn't imagine what it’s like to maintain it

This is just confirmation that I've found my people

Oh boy, less than 1 month here and my first lemmy-verse drama.

Only thing different is, anyone that doesn't agree with it can literally just.... Fuck off to wherever they want

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I just signed up the other day once I discovered the dev for Sync was starting development on a Lemmy app.

I wanted to ask regular Lemmy users... What is your opinion on the influx of people from Reddit? Do you fear it will change the social atmosphere here, or do you welcome new users to the community?

I've seen plenty of posts venting about Reddit already, and I imagine that'll probably get tiring really fast for long lasting Lemmy users (Lemmyers?)

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Wow, that's just as bad as taking a screenshot of a photo of a monitor displaying an image of a painting

I never got Apple brand loyalty, even with how convenient their "ecosystem" is.

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I have a Place for Reddit,

in my toilet

*screenshots of Tweets, taken from Reddit, taken from 9Gag

"I dont think about my Ex at ALL, I definitely don't harbour any resentment, IM TOTALLY OVER IT, IVE MOVED ON DAMMIT"

Maybe they'll catch another Boston Bomber

Like.... Coders code, and Marketers market... Do Barbers barb?

Yus, another Connect user

But I LOVE fake internet points, how else am I supposed to know if people like me or not??

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This has "I'm just here so I don't get fined" vibes

Neither. It's a rant about "Twitter/Elon/whatever billionaire does something stupid today" community.

As you can see, nothing tech related. Just people related to the tech industry somehow

You got the same attitude as those guys who eventually get exposed for being a raging homo, caught in a big gay orgy...

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Reddit deserves to die by being ignored into oblivion, and fading from relevance.

Spez who?

I see the irony of it

But here you are, on Lemmy, replying to it

That's like child molesters texting each other, and then saying "TELUS AND BELL ARE PERPETUATING A CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING"

People from Reddit migraiting over here right now must think "Wow, maybe I'll stay on Reddit if this is the quality of content here"

Even government services depend on you having a cell phone or access to internet in order to access services like EI.

Yet, internet (or at least decent internet) isn't available in most places in rural Alberta.

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I suggested joining a new instance in another support thread.

For some reason, even though it's the whole philosophy behind federated networking, people didn't like the idea.

Is the mentality here degrading to levels of Reddit fanboy-ism? If so, I'm DEFINITELY gonna migrate

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I've said about YouTubers if they made their own/joined a Peertube instance. At least I know the money wouldn't be going to money hungry CEO's, but directly to running their server or supporting them in SOME significant way

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Fuck you, Zuck & Musk, lick my taint

Lol it's fun watching psychos get their bullshit get taken down and banned, I love the transparency