A perfect death for Reddit would be for it to be ignored into obscurity, and become irrelevant.

Metal Zealot @lemmy.world to Reddit@lemmy.world – 474 points –

Spez who?


permanently deleted

I'm pretty sure "we're" not doing the r/place protest. Lemmy has 63k active users per month, per the most recent user stats. Reddit pre-protest had 52 million daily active users and 450 million monthly active users.

I'm sure Reddit's metrics have probably taken a hit, but it's going to be the future people leaving Reddit for alternatives that kill it, not Lemmings that have already jumped ship shunning it. One small subreddit could individually take over Lemmy.

I like Lemmy, but it's pure hubris to think that we would even be noticed by Reddit, outside of being a place to siphon users away to.

1 more...
1 more...

I won't forget Reddit entirely. For quite a few years , it was My Space....

I think it impossible to say if something like Lemmy and federated social media is going to replace Reddit, but it’s interesting participating in a potential shift and watching the evolution of how the internet organises itself.

I’m also quite shitfaced.

Lemmy has already replaced Reddit. For me. It took three years.

Already on it. Haven't touched reddit in over a week.

Since end of last month when 3rd party api access was restricted.

I've spent ten minutes there. Down from ten hours.

Doomscrolling is completely gone. I now use it when it turns up in Google search results or very specific things such as copying threads I care about to Lemmy.

Can I advertise !league@lemmy.ml while I'm here? One of the biggest subs over there, and it's dead over here.

Those .ml domains were being reclaimed by Malaysia. You'll want to promote a community on a different instance.

Hasn't hit lemmy.ml yet. My understanding is that it was only the free ones.

Didn't touch it for two weeks and realised I won't be needing an account anymore

I'm only touching it to not miss my 7 day GDPR data download window. And after to run mirror scripts for 2-3 communities once.

I still visit reddit to get relevant info to cross post to the communities I'm keeping alive here on Lemmy. And I've noticed a significant decline in the subbs I used to frequent. I can't be the only one noticing this? I mean like it's extremely easy to notice as you might go days without content on several subreddits that used be active. They are niche subs, but still...

I'd have no way of knowing. They shut down the API so I guess I'll never know.

The decline happened over several years. There were also multiple discrete exit waves, just smaller ones.

You realize that most people never even know what Reddit is nevermind who its CEO is.

Now, check who knows what Slashdot, Orkut and Digg were, and who ran them. Allow for a few years to pass.

The fuck spez people will get tired eventually and either move on or stay on the site. Just move on at your own pace, thinking about it won't change much.

If ignoring bad behavior makes children stop playing their attention game, then it should certainly work on a billionaire.

If Musk and Huffman are having a money-hungry-child competition, I can't tell who's winning

The irony of this post is astonishing

<OP posts to community devoted to discussion about Reddit>…

<Comments on post about Reddit, further perpetuating the thing he's criticizing>

<Points out irony of the cycle we've created>

Wow, looks like you're in here with me, huh?

Alright, well let’s stop posting about it. 

I dunno, I get a sort of schadenfreude when Reddit fucks up bigly but I can’t say that I care enough to want to see it fail. When they screw up, the feeling isn’t so much malicious gratification but more relief at finding something better before Huffman Musked it up. Given that there’s a full community devoted to gleefully watching reddit burn, my opinion is probably in the minority. Still, glad that lemmy’s so great.

Nowadays I mostly lurk Reddit very sporadically, tbh only when I finish with my Lemmy feed (doom scroll just got worse lol).

I think it would take half as long to die as it did to become a monolith. It's almost twenty so ten years. But I don't know, could happen faster. I'd say for sure it's not going to get any bigger. How much growth have the other major media sites seen since the profit mongering started?

Reddwhat? I have no recollection of any such thing.