
20 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Website Github GPG keys

I write code, that's about all I'm rn

Guys how often do you think the US sells guns to terrorists to try to gain some intel about them?

This "Amazon's Choice" is actually really valid, I've had mine for a few years and they perform great

Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers https://a.co/d/03UMQk4c

Just to have the frame of reference, is there at least 1 on these wilderness camps that isn't a pedo operated blood bath?

My mother works in HR, she told me a story I didn't retain too much of, long story short someone she's interviewing thought the job was for a higher salary because they saw a freebooted job post.

I think some recruiting firm (that probably shares an office with IRS scammers) posted my mother's job post with a higher salary so they could offer that candidate to my mother.

I entirely disagree, Go has some of the most straightforward and meaningful syntax I've ever used.

Good to hear that I didn't invent the "pro the mother's life" opinion first, I've just never heard anyone else articulate it out loud

Some of y'all have no appreciation for independent app developers

I'll take my downvote now

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IDK what shitoverflow gets out of being so fucking toxic. I asked one dumb question and I'm basically banned from posting on the website.

It feels like they're trying to be a sort of "wikipedia" of every programming problem and solution. The problem is that eventually everything will be posted, and everyone will be banned from the website.

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The whole point of side loading apps is to not need the app store. One of the most important features of an app store is to distribute and update apps. Storage and bandwidth isn't free, but it is quite cheap.

I'm sorry if it hurts apples feelings when we tell them they're not allowed to charge for every aspect of their hardware. But if they didn't want us to own our iPhones then they shouldn't have sold them.

They're saying they're not gonna just hand it over. Ring is still gonna have to answer subpoenas.

Can't deny this website's impact on the Internet. You will be missed.

What kind of an author is publishing more than 3 books a day??? Who is mad about this?

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Lemmy is already diverse, you just gotta find the right instance, or multiple instances! The whole point of joining your platform to the federation is for visibility and control

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Why was appointing Eich as CEO so controversial? It's because he donated $1,000 in support of California's Proposition 8 in 2008, which was a proposed amendment to California's state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

Besides this I cannot find another good reason not to use brave. Nobody point to a specific line of code that ruins privacy, not enough reasons.

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So the subscribe page is going to start working normally again??

Afew years ago this one dude asked this other little dude on vine "what's 9 + 10" and the little dude said "21" in a stupid meme worthy tone.

Just some "ancient meme studies" for ya

I thought it already was

I thought this was NoStupidQuestions

OpenPGP still exists. I've been saying this forever

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•Rabbit Inc. is unhappy about details of its tech stack being public, threatening action against unauthorized emulators.

All android devices are "emulators" like their hardware isn't special


The article didn't say if it's rewritable

Most sites rely on JavaScript for everything

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Put you on the no-fly list

Downvote me if you must but what if Apple accidentally became the Privacy community's greatest ally? I know it can't happen bc they'll always keep a back door for their data mining

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Tryna deal with it right now, going back to the bar where I met my ex

Will update in like 2 hrs

Edit: litterally forgot. Didn't see him, it was lame anyways

Even if nobody used ads, ads just don't work anymore. Kids can't even percieve them anymore, old people who click on everything are a shrinking market segment, and most people in the middle seek to learn about market offerings from influencers they've chosen to trust.

Fuck I fell for it.. gg dominos

We'll know if he ever finds some funny way to say he's using Windows.. that or he's genuine and it's a click bait title, didn't watch it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Go. I love writing go, its so simple and predictable and the accessability of multithreading and being allowed to create as many "threads" as I want make me feel smart as fuck.

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Futurama styled arm brace smart phones. My phone is always with me and smart watches are kinda really lame. An arm brace with a touch screen I can pull off and use would be awesome.

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⊙⁠.⁠☉ I didn't think to change languages

Honestly, I put some effort into get some of their reputation points. Then I asked one question that I didn't realize was dumb and I can't post questions anymore. You're welcome to see my profile and try to figure out how I did it 👍


Anyone got ideas on how we can limit AI effectively?

Teach your children to value artists and content creators

TBH I kinda agree with the states here.. I started watching porn waaayyyy too early and it's fucking me up.. without a doubt.. I shouldn't have seen all the things I looked for and now I gotta put up with it.

But I also agree with PornHubs decision. There is no way to verify age without exposing your identity. There isn't even a way to trust a 3rd party to verify someone's age.

There really isn't a middle ground, the only way to protect kinds (like little me) is to block the porn. But websites go on and offline every few minutes, VPNs and Tor are free and hard to blacklist.

How do we censor internet porn?? ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

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Age or experience? Because both are funny


I've run Linux on a bunch of different kinds of laptops and the only time that ever actually looks "good" is on a ThinkPad.

I wrote my own thing. I didn't understand how the standard options worked so I gave up.


The problem is the heavy metal sticking to the vapor particles. Heavy metal should be avoided at all costs.

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