Does anyone have a first party source for the current copy of Hamas's charter? to No Stupid – 52 points –

I feel stupid for asking this because I should just google it right? But I can't find an official website by Hamas and the only sources I can find for their charter is on the websites of American law colleges.

Example searches: Searching .edu sites, Searching .gov sites.

Wikipedia has sources but they're also American colleges and this absolutely cursed looking link you shoud actually put into your browser, like I don't feel safe clicking it so I got a VPC to do it, link is broken:

I'm just supprised something this recognizable is hard? to find.

P.S. sry if this isn't the right place to post

Edit: searched google in arabic because OBVIOUSLY (why didn't I think of that). Couldn't get better results.


Nice try, CIA. Pretty desperate though.

Anyone have the current address of the Hamas leadership?

If you find something, can you share it with us?

I'd be intrigued to see the results too, is crazy what's happening over there and more context from a local cultural perspective would be most welcome.