
2 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yaml is more human readable/editable, and it's a superset of json!

If you're planning to get the 3rd gen x1 yoga, don't. I had to disable thunderbolt ports in BIOS to get it to sleep correctly. Otherwise touch screen would not work after wake. And stylus doesn't work correctly with Wayland. It stops working after few seconds of use.

I use ThinkPad X1 yoga with Fedora 40 (Gnome)

  1. Enable fractional scaling and install Display scale switcher gnome extension - makes it easier to increase scaling when in tablet mode for easier touch input.
  2. logging in on a touchscreen can be a pain, in particular entering the password with on-screen keyboard. Special characters and numbers are not shown by default. On windows you have the option to use pin instead with a numeric keyboard. If you have a fingerprint reader compatible with linux that might work for login (mine doesn't).
  3. Linux is very terminal-oriented, but Gnome terminal is unusable on a tochscreen. never mind typing commands - try scrolling long outputs - you can't scroll with touchscreen, it will just start selecting text (i dont remember how this works in Windows)
  4. Google chrome supports gestures, so you can swipe left/right on the page to navigate back/forward. This does not with Firefox. Chrome also has a more touchscreen-friendly UI you can enable in chrome://flags/#top-chrome-touch-ui (Touch UI layout) although I haven't noticed a significant difference.
  • while you're messing with google flags you may want to change Preferred Ozone platform to Wayland - this fixed blurry scaling for me
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I dont think i had this problem, but then again i had been learning a few years by watching movies and listening to songs before i met some actual English speakers. The benefit of a two way conversation is you can always ask them to repeat.

I'm pretty sure those games and movies are age-restricted.

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One annoying thing though is you can't scroll terminal on a touchscreen, it'll just start selecting text. Maybe there's a non default terminal with touch support.

City zoning.

Oh, i have to drive from single family zone to commercial district to pick up a loaf of bread. Then drive to education district to drop kids at kindergarten, and finally to business district to work. At the end of the day i hang out at bar/entertainment district with the guys from work to have a beer, but there's no public transport so I have to drink alcohol free so I can drive back home. That's only 120 miles in a day!

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Using a laser they could just as well send the cat. He would follow the laser just as well.

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Don't confuse store credit with a refund. You're not getting your cash back. You can only spend it on Amazon which is a dick move, not the right move.

Unless the fire starts in the bedroom

I doubt your typical apple user will use the usb port for anything other than charging.

If they are going to improve transfer speeds it's not going to happen in the same iteration they're being made to switch to usb c for two reasons:

  1. They want to incetivise users to upgrade to a newer model 16
  2. They will want to take credit for faster speeds. Otherwise people will think usb c is just faster than lighting they were stuck with for years.
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👆 This guy gits it

Because they last long enough to reproduce. After that, evolution doesn't care.

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Yeah, and wasn't Trump supposed to show his tax returns the moment he became president and promised he'd do it?

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They have to give advanced notice before selling, they can't just sell stock on the whim.

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It doesn't say anywhere that he's seeding pirated media. Seeding is not illegal.

Australia? I thought it was a requirement!

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They're being screwed be the landlord who misled them to believe the plants were his.

Empty roads = no traffic = idiot drivers driving extra fast and careless

My PC is better than my console, that's for sure. I have the Xbox 360.

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Apple is a patent troll so it serves them right. They think they can patent rounded rectangle, lol

Json should also allow for trailing commas. There's no reason for it not too. It's annoying having to maintain commas.

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Is he the same guy who refused to condemn Russia for invasion?

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False. Mining is what uses electricity (and water) in bitcoin, not transactions. Adding more transactions does not add to the cost. Calculating consumption per transaction is misleading as the two are not related.

What does add to the cost is complexity, and complexity is calculated based on number of miners in the network in order to achieve the sweet spot of 1 block every 10 mins (if i remember correctly). If there's a lot of competition, each miner will have to use more electricity to win.

Leave it to brits to install right indicator on the left side

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Aren't widgets pieces of software? Of course they have to run code. But they need to be isolated, or at the very least not have sudo access.

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I'd like to see a game of cat and mouse until Apple fucks up and breaks their own imessage app

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Still software gore. Spacing should not matter, proper parsing should ignore whitespace in a simple format like this.

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I deleted when they disabled APIs and my app stopped working. It was 13 or 14 years old at the time

"I'm out of soap"

Well duh, you wouldn't even fit inside one.

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Any recommendations whom to follow? On Mastodon?

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They added a lot of things since XP that I enjoy, like window management, multiple desktops. I don't know if they were specifically requested by windows users, but contrary to your opinion they are welcome changes. Users don't always know what they want.

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Why does litter have a picture of a cat instead of human?

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Second, they are more fun and you get to avoid all the traffic.

Third, cheap to run, no need to pay insurance, taxes, parking.

Fourth, anyone can ride it even children, no drivers license needed.

And so on...

And they will act like they invented it

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If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear (or something like that)

USA as a very car centric country is definitely best suited for a car centric game like Grand Theft Auto.

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In Russia it's illegal to be critical.

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How's it annoying? It's easier to edit by hand than json as it allows for comments and there's no trailing comma errors. I prefer it any day over json.

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