Does anyone actually use bathroom bluetooth speakers? to – 92 points –

Seems pointless and inconvenient for me as they usually seem to be poor quality, and can you really listen to music in the shower, and are you showering long enough to benefit from it?

Or do you own one and use for a different purpose, like swimming or Kayaking?


How is enjoying music "pointless"? I don't understand your train of thought at all. Benefit from it? I just like music

OP didn’t say listening to music is pointless. Try rereading the post.

Seems pointless

Literal first 2 words of the post. Have you checked your CO detectors recently?

I know grammar is hard, but OP is clearly saying that using a Bluetooth speaker in the bathroom seems pointless, not music listening in general.

Maybe at least be correct if you're going to be a dick.

can you really listen to music in the shower

He's saying Bluetooth speakers seem pointless because the music seems pointless.

Maybe at least be correct if you're going to be a dick.

Music listening in general ≠ listening to music in the shower.

Maybe at least be correct if you're going to be a dick.

My wife and daughter do yeah. Blaring kpop at 7 in the morning. FML

Right there with ya, brother. 😂

You’re a better person than me. I would have smashed that Bluetooth speaker the very first morning…. I am, not a morning person…

This is not the way. Embrace the K-pop, get really comically freakishly deep into the K-pop. Start dressing up appropriately, for a K-pop dancer, get your other dad buds to come over to practice the moves. Make it part of your core identity until they want nothing to do with it. And then you can relax

I was just going to say start blasting Baby Metal, but your plan will 100% work better

Haha I used to. True story, my wife got me one in 2015 for my bathroom - built into the exhaust fan - I listen to the news while I shower in the morning.

Six months later, over at the neighbor's house across the street for a block party, and someone asks "Hey, anyone know who's blasting NPR at 4am every day?"

Turns out the exhaust fan taking the shower moisture out basically turned into a speaker cone and for months everyone on the street was waking up pissed off lol. Replaced with a regular fan and separate speaker, no more complaints.

Did they ever find out it was you?

Yeah I totally came clean, partially because I couldn't really believe it - the bathroom I use is in the basement - but the vent goes out the same spot as the laundry exhaust and damn.... I went and turned it on and it was clear over the block party :| everyone laughed :).

Also live in a place where most sleep with the windows open - I don't think it was ever in much doubt heh. I've got pretty cool neighbors.

Pointless? Yeah, it's a luxury.

Inconvenient? I'm not sure I understand that part. You just queue something up as you're getting ready to shower.

Showering long enough to benefit from it? I mean, yeah? For the 10 or so minutes I'm in the shower, I hear some music and that's nice.

I think you might be getting some really bad bluetooth speakers if they sound so bad and are so hard to operate that you find the process frustrating.

Body wash and long hair shampoo plus conditioner takes me 10 minutes, full shaving routine takes me another 10. Yes, I listen to music through a bluetooth speaker. Yes, the quality is what one would expect from an inexpensive speaker the size of a soda can.

No, I don't blare music when people are sleeping.

I benefit from it as much as I do from listening to music at any other time? It's entertainment.

I have several JBL speakers that are awesome. I listen to music and podcasts in the morning while I get ready. Bring it into the shower, carry it around the house, take it hiking. Can’t go wrong with a decent Bluetooth speaker.

Please don't do that while hiking around others, lots of people go hiking to get away from constant sounds like that.

Or camping, OMG. The people who set up at a national forest and start blaring shitty music.

Unfortunately lots of people lack self awareness. I do honestly try my best to not be one of those people.

I keep the volume to a reasonable personal level and pause any time people are within range. Try my best to be considerate.

Just use headphones. Sound caries further than you think.

No one but you wants to hear your music in nature.

Hiking out in the backcountry of the Rocky Mountains having headphones in would be extremely unsafe. A city or busy trail absolutely, headphones all the way. Bear and predator country, 50 miles from any major form of civilization, I still want to be aware of my surroundings. I’m hiking on trails where I see maybe 10 groups of people over 3 days, and half of them are at the alpine lake or water source, not even on the trail.

Then you shouldn't be listening to music if you can't play it without others hearing. Full stop.

You're just trying to justify your selfish behavior.

If you have to listen to music and hear your surroundings, get a pair of open ear headphones.

Y’all act like volume adjustment isn’t a thing. Just traipsing through the forest at 100 volume. It’s totally possible to adjust the volume to a level that allows one some background ambiance while able to hear the world around you. I will agree, open ear headphone would be nice on some trails.
Any suggest on good open ear headphones?

I just got these from JVC, and they're awesome. Although I did buy a $15 pair as a proof of concept before buying good ones.

Would be much easier than scrambling to hit the pause button anytime I see someone coming up on the trail.

Yeah, they're pretty great. Bone conduction ones are nice too, but definitely less comfortable imo.

Thanks! I often forget the technologies available today. I appreciate you.

Not completely safe being out hiking and blocking off your ability to hear your surroundings. I think it's completely acceptable to be considerate while out with a Bluetooth speaker.

You're wrong. Get some open ear headphones if you're concerned with hearing what's going on around you.

Playing music through speakers on the trail is never considerate.

I'm not wrong. I'm stating my opinion. If I am wrong in stating my opinion than you are wrong as well for stating your opinion. I have a pair of open headphones, Audio Technica R70X. They still allow music to escape just as bad as it would be for a Bluetooth speaker to be playing at low volume. Perhaps Samsung Buds Pro 2 could work, but why would you want to seal yourself away from nature that much if you're out hiking? Bluetooth speaker has been an appropriate choice in my experience.

If you're in nature to enjoy nature, leave your music at home. No one wants to hear it but you.

And open ear headphones are different from open headphones. Open ear headphones are basically ear buds that don't go into your ear canal, but direct music into it.

They're great for blasting rock while getting drunk in the sauna.

I actually use my phone. The speakers on this bad boy are loud enough to hear it while taking a shower.

I like to dance a little, singing into my shampoo bottle as if I am performing a concert.

That's just my way of pumping myself up.. to go through the shitty day at the office.

Happy Monday everyone!

I've used one for podcasts, definitely. But even for music, they may be poor quality generally but they're significantly better than a phone speaker, and much better than a phone speaker ten feet away through glass or plastic.

If you like long showers, and you listen to a news program, or an audiobook. It makes a lot of sense.

Yeah! Check out UE megaboom products...waterproof, sound amazing, and batteries last foe hours. 2 thumbs up!

Eh, pointless is kind of a matter of preference. It's something you either want, or you don't. There's no point beyond that.

The inconvenience is no greater than it used to be for other types of portable music sources. Folks have been using radios and "boom boxes" in the bathroom for longer than I've been alive. My mom had a small radio she was allowed to use in the bathroom when she was a kid in the 50s.

It's also more convenient than playing the music extra loud from another room.

But, yeah, if you're just hopping in and doing the bare minimum as fast as possible, it would be an increase in effort beyond the reward of music for most people. You'd have to be the sort that just always has music playing for it to be "worth it" to switch to a dedicated shower speaker.

Mine is a fairly general purpose unit that is shower proof. I bought it specifically for use in the shower (though it's rarely in the shower, I prefer to place it elsewhere most of the time), but it isn't advertised as a shower speaker. Most of those that are tend to be kinda meh sound wise, and/or lack any bass at all. I also use it in the kitchen while cooking, unless I'm the only one home and can really crank my main system up.

But, yeah, lots of people have dedicated units of some kind.

Ironically my girlfriend used to use one and now doesn't, but I've started to use one.

I found a cheap no name Amazon speaker on the ground in the snow and it still worked. Stuck it in the bathroom since it was obviously waterproof. Now that I've grown my hair longer and have to commute again, I'm in the bathroom longer and use the time to finish up the bits of podcast I don't get to finish on my commute.

Like others have said, sound quality isn't the best, but gets the job done. With all the other noises in the bathroom, pristine sound isn't gonna happen from any source, let alone cranked built in phone speakers.

A lot of people don't understand how much time long hair actually adds. When mine was reaching my hips it would add 10 minutes to my shower. I wasn't even doing conditioner or anything; it just takes forever to get all of your hair lathered up and then rinsed out. Now that my hair is short again I'm in and out in less than five minutes, but I wouldn't have minded music back then.

It definitely came as a shock to me. I've had really short hair for the last 20 years and decided to grow it out last year for funsies. It's at my shoulders now and I didn't notice the time creeping up as it grew, but I can see it on the clock now!

I actually use waterproof earbuds because I don't want to blare my podcast or whatever to everyone in the house.

I use a cheap little speaker pretty much every time I shower, but I tend to listen to music whenever I'm getting ready anyway. Because it's a cheap one, the sound isn't amazing, but when I'm in the shower the other noises drown a lot of the sound out anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

I'm disabled though, so I tend to get in the shower after my wife and kid have left the house, and I take a while. If I shower in the morning, my washing and dressing routine can take close to an hour, so it's not like I'm jumping in and out before the first song has the chance to finish.

I hadn't thought of listening to a podcast or audiobook while I'm getting ready though, so that might be worth a try :)

I ran rca jacks throughout the house. These are connected to a distribution amp. Then I have cheap PC speakers plugged into that from the main receiver. This is structured wiring so they can be changed to Ethernet if necessary.

Usually I listen to the news in the morning while showering.

Another way to do it is make dongles for unused phone jacks. Just make sure they aren't plugged into the Telco as a landline.

I find the main issue is that for it to be loud enough to be clear over the shower (audiobook) it has to be loud enough that I worry it'll annoy my neighbours upstairs/my flatmate

I have an umbrella with a Bluetooth speaker. It even allows phone calls while using it. No idea why it's a thing, but I found it could be fun to use as a rave-toy thing. Just gotta add some LED lights and choreography!

I dont have a special waterproof speaker but I have a regular Bluetooth speaker over in the corner by the sink. Love listening to it while getting ready.

Since my phone is water resistant, I put a magnetic mount in the shower to listen to music, podcasts, and the occasional Teams meeting if I’m running late.

A Teams meeting!? I wish I was as brave as you. I'm not even brave enough to poop while listening to a Teams call, much less showering. I'm terrified they'll call me out and I'll either have to unmute at the worst possible moment or stay muted and have my boss assume I'm not paying attention.

If I showered during a meeting I would be paranoid about somehow magically turning on my camera.

Yeah, I bought a JBL Clip after having borrowed one from my at the time gf's dad. The sound quality was a lot better than what I was expecting especially for such a small speaker; along with the added benefit of being waterproof it was worth the investment to me personally.

Yes my bathroom shower routine is long enough I will justify putting on music. Even if it's a 5 minute drive to the store I'm going to want music. If I can have music playing I'm usually going to be listening. I don't understand those people who have broken radios in their car and just drive in silence, or the people who have blown out speakers but don't care about the quality. I can't do it lol

Every single shower. I fire up whatever podcast I'm in the middle of and between the shower, towelling off, moisturizing, and whatever else, it's long enough to be worthwhile.

Nothing wakes me up better than singing in the shower. So…hell yeah I have a Bluetooth speaker in my shower. I also like podcasts some days.

It’s a cheap Chinese nonsense brand 20W waterproof portable speaker, sound quality is remarkable considering it was like $20, and it has served me well for over five years.

I have a waterproof Bluetooth speaker that was only like $20 and has surprisingly good bass. I bring it into the shower probably once a week for a longer self-care shower and jam out. Sometimes I use on the nightstand to help set the mood with my wife or bring it out to the kitchen if I'm prepping and cooking something that will take a while and I want music or a podcast playing.

[This](OontZ Angle 3 Bluetooth Speaker, up to 100 ft Wireless Range, Portable Speaker for iPhone, Android Phones, Louder Volume, Crystal Clear Sound, Rich Bass, IPX5 Portable Bluetooth Speaker (Black) is the product I bought. There might be better ones out now since I've had it for a few years, so I'm not saying this is the best thing ever. It's cheap enough to take a chance on imo, and I would feel comfortable giving it as a gift if that's the real purpose of your question. I especially like that it has volume buttons and the ability to skip to the next song. The only weird thing I don't like is that there's a big jump in volume on the low end so it goes from being very quiet to being a solid medium-high volume. I only go about two notches higher than that when I'm in the shower with it.

I have a Sonos portable speaker that I keep in the kitchen but take into the bathroom while I shower. It just sits on the shelf outside the shower. I like music while I shower, and doing it this way keeps good quality without risking the speaker.

I just use my phone to listen to podcasts or a book while in the shower.

JBL Flip 5 is what I use. Great for podcasts and easily too loud if I want it to be. I love using it.

I personally just use my phone speakers, but I can see the benefit of not risking your device next to the bath or shower.

Yeah, I usually use one for listening to news and podcasts in the morning. It'll start with me in the bathroom, then follow me to the kitchen while I make coffee. It doesn't live in the bathroom, but rather tag along with me. When showering I'll hang it from a little hook up high. Sounds perfectly adequate for my purposes, though for listening to music as an activity unto itself I would choose a higher quality device.

Yea I start playing music from my phone as soon as I'm awake enough to figure out what I want to listen to. It helps me fully wake up a bit quicker. After shower, etc I change it to cast to my living room speaker system, or back to my phone (+headphones) if I'm going out.

I know great (not excellent) sound quality and Bluetooth devices can be very good! I have a JBL Flip, and I have bone conduction headphones, and I have some Bluetooth earbuds. All are pretty good, but the bone conductions are my favorite.

Just used one today to finish listening to a YouTube video while I was in the shower. It's not a "bathroom" speaker per se, just a pretty nice Bluetooth one, Anker Soundcore Boost, with enough volume to rise above the white noise of the shower and ventilation fan.

It's great for podcasts or morning news, I would imagine. Like pop in the shower while you listen to NPR or the local news stuff. I remember as a kid, listening to morning radio with traffic reports, weather, and current news to talk about during your workday.

I use a Sonos Roam. It’s the least-good-sounding speaker in my Sonos setup, portable, wireless, and waterproof. Works really well for shower music.

I did before Google sent me a free Google Home. Before that I played music from a beat up tablet I just kept in the bathroom.

Using a regular Anker BT speaker. Does it's job and sits on the sink playing music while I shower.

Yes, for podcasts and then just transfer it back to my phone to continue listening as I get dressed/ready.

no need. the tv is right around the corner and i can hear that just fine.... all i have to do is leave the door open a bit.

(yea. i live alone)

I got a super high quality one at my work Xmas party last year. The Bluetooth in my car broke, so I keep the speaker in my car so I can jam while driving. It's nice.

I got a water proof one with a suction cup, put it on the wall and it just slid down to the floor. Ended up just placing it on the sink.

It's okay when you listen to podcasts or audio books while showering.

I used to years ago, but nowadays I’m not in the shower long enough to enjoy it.

JBL Charge 3 does great for me, both as "outdoors" and "bath" speaker.

Allows me to listen to audiobooks when I get ready in the morning. Couldn't live without it.

I use mine daily, but it's built into the bathroom vent fan. My only complaint is that I can't stop my phone from auto connecting to it.

Rarely, only when I'm alone at home (so that I don't bother anyone) and when I take a long shower.

All my phone's have been IP68 rated for over half a decade now, I'm comfortable bringing my phone into the shower for news and to use the selfie camera as a mirror when I shave. My case also physically blocks the charging port as an extra safety measure anyway.

I used to use a cheap Chinese bluetooth speaker and it was… OK.

Later upgraded to a Sonos Move which does double duty as a backyard speaker.

I have 3 Google home products ( varying sizes) that sync music across the kitchen/living room, bathroom and bedroom. it makes fora. great listening experience.

Ive got a jbl clip 3 waterproof speaker that sounds pretty freaking great. I also use it in my car because my money for the project car ran out before I got to the sound system. Everything else is done though

I'm using a JBL flip which I just leave outside the shower on a shelf. Waterproof enough that I can adjust the volume by just reaching past the curtain.