
1 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

u/Spez really didn't take the community seriously with the protests which has lead to this mass exodus. Crazy how they killed their platform so quickly with the writing on the wall in neon bright colors.

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Maaan, I had so many different skins for my Winamp player. Was such a great time to be on the internet. It was open and anonymous and had yet to be fully commercially exploited.

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Thank you. That's one of my little pet peeves I see online; that and when people are trying to say lose but type loose.

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We'd need to see pictures of the electric motor(s)

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Yeah, I bought a JBL Clip after having borrowed one from my at the time gf's dad. The sound quality was a lot better than what I was expecting especially for such a small speaker; along with the added benefit of being waterproof it was worth the investment to me personally.

Yes my bathroom shower routine is long enough I will justify putting on music. Even if it's a 5 minute drive to the store I'm going to want music. If I can have music playing I'm usually going to be listening. I don't understand those people who have broken radios in their car and just drive in silence, or the people who have blown out speakers but don't care about the quality. I can't do it lol

Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.

  • William Faulkner

The race is long, and in the end its only with yourself

That is the oil pick up. So with the oil pan on, that pick up sucks oil up to be run through the engine.

One of my favorite simpson's jokes

Linguo dead?

Wait if they were all brand new, how'd you only have to use a dealership the one time?

It sounds like Christian music to me. Idk if that's true but growing up in that religion I get that vibe from the song. Might be worthwhile to try to find some small time bands from around the years you initially found it. Good luck on your search.

I would also argue that many pairs of shoes can also have the same effect. If you can rotate shoes, you're not wearing out any one pair excessively. I have shoes that are in still good condition but are a discontinued Adidas line that's not available anymore. Although I do have shoes I still haven't worn so there's definitely a point of having too many pairs lol

I find this to be a suitable compromise. XD

Wasn't that the opening scene to Inception Tenet?

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Lmao yeah that's exactly what I meant to say. That's what I get for hastily trying to browse my phone at work XD

Ah like that infamous shh bby is ok reddit post XD

Sheeeeit I'll do your brakes for you. Brakes is easy and satisfying.

I think the majority of people are offended and/or curious about what's being said about them if they learn of it.

I'm kind of with you on this one. There's a saying I got from an ex that I keep with me and pass on as much as I can because it really opened up my eyes to not caring about that kinda stuff.

What other people think about me is none of my business.

Like NYC? Is that big chunk of dark Central Park?