Mighty Weaksauce

@Mighty Weaksauce@lemmy.world
3 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I came over from a long-time lurker reddit account when Apollo shut down. I have really enjoyed my time here so far and I hope to contribute some fun content when I can.

I want to wear capes without people thinking I'm a magician lol

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I bought Rimworld in 2015 on a Steam Christmas Sale and I finally played it this last year.

Breaking news: it's really fun lol

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Also that election was crazy.. we had a ton of candidates and some were pretty out there just doing it for publicity, including some washed up actors and a pornstar.

Things I learned today. I thought it was Saudi Arabia and had to look it up.


This right here. There will always be a steady supply of new gamers who don't know better.

My doctor suggested Soylent and I found some near me. I was thinking this might be an option.

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Absolutely! I finally took DoorDash off my phone when I realized how they were slowly increasing the price of each part of the service over time. What started as a reasonable service for a reasonable price has turned into a game of boiling the frog without him noticing the heat is rising. I noped out hard.

I was not excited for this show until seeing that trailer! Fingers crossed 🤞

Odwala and Naked are different companies. Odwalla was bought by Coca Cola and then closed in 2020. I think full sail bought it and is reopening it. Naked was started in my hometown and eventually bought by Tropicana, still up and running.

A friend with weed is a friend indeed but a friend with gold is better I'm told.

I did the same thing. My playing somehow got an entire friend group that never played chess to all start playing regularly. Every time we hang out someone breaks out the board and everyone tunes in. It's so much fun and I never expected to be a chess person.

Ah man, not really out of the blue but sad to see him go. Fairytale of New York is still my favorite Xmas song. Sláinte!

I think the prevailing response here appears to be that as you get older you just don't have the time like you did back in the day and so it's harder to get into games. I think there's truth to that but i wanted to point out something else. When you get older most people tend to do less NEW things and instead get more comfortable with what they know. Old people don't know what's going on in music, or art, or cinema, or even science because you find a world view that works for you and you stick with it, it gets comfortable.

When you're younger you are more likely to give a fair shake to that new music genre or video game because you have so little to judge it against and you're thirsty for new experiences. Not so much when you get older, people stop experimenting with NEW in favor of reliably good. Maybe use that perspective when looking at a new game or a game that you own but have never gotten into.

I have owned Rimworld since 2019 I think but I never got past the tutorial until recently. For some reason it all clicked and now I can't stop playing. I think part of that is because it is so NEW to me, I haven't played anything like it before so I can get swept away by it. Hard to do that when you're playing your millionth FPS or open world slog.

Also playing with friends helps a lot. My significant other is a new convert to video games and it's an absolute blast introducing them to new content. I had no need to go back and play Stardew Valley again... but it sure was fun lol

I share names with a famous athlete and I used to get comments about it regularly. I would smile and just say I didn't watch that sport. Mostly people would chuckle and move on.

Now it's been awhile since that athlete has been pro so I hardly ever hear anyone make the connection. I'm good with it lol

Same here. No regrets, loving lemmy.

Really great video on the bikes!

I always thought panache was more of something you could add to yourself like a fancy coat.

Like a feather boa would give someone panache but maybe charisma would be the ability to attract with a smile. I know nothing, just guessing.

I'm still having a blast with Baldur's Gate but I've been hearing good things about Armored Core and want to try it

I started a few communities and it's hilarious to me which ones are doing well and which ones aren't. I start a community about the popular tv show Survivor, zero interaction and a surprising amount of negativity and downvotes for some reason.

Then I have a joke one about doing household dishes and people seem to love it. I get interaction, other users posting content, lots of upvotes, and a few confused people wondering why the community even exists.

I generate most of the content on my communities but I keep the amount at a level I can handle daily without stress. Here's to hoping for more original content from other community users soon :)

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This sounds simple and right up my alley!

No, I'm Spartacus!

Thank you :)

That'll be 3 Lira

"You're in the Xander Zone!"

I was so frustrated trying to create my first community. For me the little question mark didn't bring up anything either so I just had to play around until I figured out lowercase with no spaces.

I like this idea!

My lungs felt better when I switched to e-cigs but my nicotine intake skyrocketed. For cigarettes I had to go outside and devote a couple minutes. With e-cigs I could do it inside and I could just take a quick hit or two as I was doing things. So even though I felt better I felt waaay more dependent on the nicotine, tons of hits throughout the day. I ended up switching back to cigarettes for a few weeks before I finally quit because I found it easier to stop. Still wasn't easy though. Good luck!

Soooo Spider-Man won every major category? Great lol

Fair enough 🤷🏻‍♂️

I was originally excited for Saints Row until all the reviews I read said how bad it was :(

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Really appreciate this comment, thank you!

I know I've been enjoying !diablo@lemmy.world even if it's not crowded with content yet.

I'll definitely still give it a play, thanks

I'm excited for Cities 2 as well but keep reading its poorly optimized. Let's hope not 🤞