What is good to eat when you have no appetite?

Mighty Weaksauce@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 178 points –

I am super sick right now and haven't eaten much in a few days. It's getting to the point where I am gonna need to force myself to eat something to keep my strength up but everything just sounds terrible to me right now. I have been subsisting mostly on small glasses of milk and the occasional packet of instant oatmeal.

Any suggestions on things to eat that go down easy and has nutritional value? Flavor is pretty far down on my list of requirements right now and I'm finding myself exhausted after chewing a few bites. Any serious suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Chicken soup has a good reputation in this regard.

I saw recently that chicken soup actually causes an immune response of some kind that helps make you better.

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In my area most people suggest Gatorade or pedialyte (my go to). Going without a meal or a few is okay, but make sure to drink, get electrolytes, and make sure it has sugar in it.

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Meal replacement shake (or bar) with calories, vitamins, and minerals. It’s what doctor’s recommended after I hit the pavement.

My doctor suggested Soylent and I found some near me. I was thinking this might be an option.

I’ve had illness that broke my swallowing. Soylent is relatively good tasting, has the nutrients you need, and goes down fast and easy. It isn’t pleasant to live on, but I did it for almost two months and it was way better than only eating soggy bread. I definitely recommend Soylent.

Edit: there’s also (I’m sorry I don’t remember the brand) a really good cinnabon breakfast shake that tastes good and helps break up the monotony of a meal replacement shake only diet.

The cinnamon one is Huel, which also has a better nutritional profile than Soylent

Awesom! Thank you. I didn’t realize it had a better nutritional profile. I wonder what the calories are like. I will have to look into it again for my breakfasts.

Seconding Soylent. I had some issues keeping food down a couple years ago because of some medication I was taking. Soylent was one of the few things I could "eat". I still like it and drink the banana pie one for my lunch when I have to go into the office.

Yeah Soylent is still my go to for breakfast since I have a hard time eating in the mornings in general. I definitely am glad I can eat solid foods now, but Soylent is definitely convenient, easy, and nutritional.

I will admit I’ve only ever had the chocolate and vanilla. I’m not a big vanilla guy, so I pretty much “ate” only chocolate Soylent for a couple months lol. I had to “eat” more often since it’s only 320 I think calories per drink, though. I personally had a goal of 5 a day, so it was definitely hard to keep up the pace, and it got expensive for a time there.

A few drops of real vanilla extract can make Soylent a bit more palatable if you have a problem with the taste. I haven't had it for a few years though. I spent a year and a bit mostly just having Soylent and Pho but now I'm back to cooking meals and eating keto.

I think Soylent tastes pretty good honestly. It’s just not great to be the only thing you love off off. It gets a bit monotonous after a couple weeks.

I did like it but found I would add chocolate powder or maple syrup once a day to break the monotony. I was having it for 3 of 4 meals a day.

I think the US hospital sent me home with boxes of brand names : boost and ensure. 100% nutrients type drink.

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Nuts are super nutrient-dense. Just a handful gets you a decent amount of calories & protein. You can crush some up and mix with your oatmeal if they're too much to chew.

Nuts and seeds.

With women who have already had breast cancer, taking 12mg of lignin (found in flak and some other seeds) every day correlated with an 80% reduction in death after 5 years.

Beans are good also. As well as Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, & Berries.

(found in flak and some other seeds)

How much anti-aircraft fire do you have to take to get that 12mg though?

I like this idea!

Peanut butter is kinda my go-to snack in general, especially with some of the no sugar added flavored ones (I have one with coffee mixed in that's amazing).

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Hot buttered toast!

To add to this: cinnamon toast. Butter some bread, smear cinnamon sugar on it and microwave for thirty seconds. With bread goes down easy, and cinnamon toast is definitely the best way I came up with to get some carbs.


Bruh get a toaster lol

My issue was with my swallowing. So actual toast was too crunchy to reliably get down. When the butter melted in the microwave, it sort of “set” into the bread. So it was super soggy and easily “dissolved” in my throat. So I personally couldn’t really eat “solid” foods. Microwaved cinnamon toast was the best way I found to get carbs.

Edit: could to couldnt

Just toast it less? Even a minute will ehat it enough to melt butter but not very crisp.

Yeah, I tried it toasted. I dealt with this for over two months. I tried just about everything. I know everyone is coming from a good place with these suggestions. I’m trying not to come across unpleasant, but it feels like it has the same energy as asking a depressed person if they’d tried being happy before.

I promise, I tried it. I put effort into putting food into my body that wouldn’t get caught in my throat and make me feel like I was going to choke and die. At one point I had 7 appointments with 6 different doctors in a two and a half week span. I really genuinely put effort into finding something I could eat. Soylent and mashed potatoes and soggy bread got me through it. I got sick of people telling me how much weight I’d lost like I didn’t own a mirror. I got sick of people telling me I’m just not cooking things right.

I went through something I think is similar to op, and I offered my suggestions. I’m not saying this is what op or anyone needs to do.

I’m just saying this is what helped me when I couldn’t eat, give it a shot if you want.

If it’s crispy you’re just toasting it too much, sorry. It’s not toasted, it’s warmed by a toaster,

One of my favorites when I'm sick!

Also great to spread some jam on there too

Chicken soup, plain white rice, buttered toast, peanut butter, and crackers are all things I can usually tolerate when I feel that way. Sometimes banana or vanilla yogurt. I hope you feel better soon!

Congee / rice porridge. Cook rice way down until it's breaking apart. You can go simple/traditional by cooking it in water with a little ginger, or kick it up a notch by cooking it in chicken broth to add more flavor.

Oh yeah, rice with a little broth was a lifesaver the last time I was super sick. Drinking broth alone wasn't cutting it, but the rice was still gentle enough that it didn't make me want to die when I ate it.

And also adding pieces of chicken (cooked leftovers or raw, can even be bbq chicken) and eggs (any type, really). I use an Instant Pot on the porridge setting and use frozen chicken, bones or meat. Works a treat. Otherwise, I used to put everything on low overnight in a slow cooker to be ready when I wake up.

I've also used frozen fish, which is pretty good. It just falls apart in to flakes.

Top off with some spring onions, soy sauce, sesame oil before eating. All very delicious and easy to eat when you're sick af and have a bad sore throat.

Nuts have a lot of calories in a small package, and as a migraneuse I can also verify that nuts and dried cherries are one of the least offensive things to deal with if you end up puking. If you have miso, miso soup is easy and gentle and tasty.

But mostly make sure you are drinking water with electrolytes. Your body can survive well without food calories for quite some time, and lack of appetite when sick may be a signal to fast and rest. Dehydration is much more likely and much more damaging.

Any soup is good imo. Like Cauliflower soup with bacon and garlic bread. Meat/vegetable soup.

As a last resort drinking broth can work.

It’s about getting energy into your body so you can heal

Disclaimer: English is not my first language and I’m too tired and sick to look them all up

I find greasy umami stuff in small quantities gets me from "hunger nausea" to "hunger"

E.g buttered toast.

So the taste of buttered toast is umami? In that case, I LOVE umami!

Honestly a good smoothie from somewhere is all I can get down when I'm feeling like that. Filling for about an hour or two though but pack with vitamins and goodness.

Instant ramen and crack an egg into the boiling water right at the end and stir. Gives it some protein and makes it a more substantial meal.

Add some good (low sugar and low added fats) peanut butter or any other nut butter and/or ground nuts to your oats. Makes for a healthy and calorie rich meal that keeps you sated for a while. It’s easy on the stomach, does not cause the blood sugar to rise quickly and you can eat it spoon by spoon over the whole day, if necessary.

Also don’t forget to drink plenty. I find tea and highly diluted apple juice (like 10%) are ideal when I am sick.

Oatmeal is my go to! Whenever I land in the hospital due to my Crohn's issues, I end up having a lot of it. It's thick enough to feel full from it, and while it doesn't have the most of nutrients, its better than nothing.

It helps that if you add some flavoring of your choice to it, it doesn't taste bad and thus makes it even better.

Relevant recent post:

I don’t quite get this meme, this is what cooking is. We add shit to everything to make it taste better. It’s like saying anyone defending chicken tells me it’s great once I add 17 things to it. Yea you can eat chicken plain but most of us now consider people that do so to be psychopaths when just salt and pepper makes it better, but there are still a ton of other ways to season or accent it with other ingredients.

Seasoning is not included in this I think. It's only stuff like strawberries, banana and whatever people put in their oatmeal, idk, I don't eat it. So actual other foods. I.e. a chicken breast by itself is a percectly fine food, a strawberry is as well.

But yeah I mean it's meant to be a joke, like you say, things taste better/different together, or only taste good if mixed with something, and that's perfectly fine.

Ahaha, very relatable! Although personally I tend to keep mine relatively simple, I just add some cinnamon and sugar into mine (which is also what I do with Cream of Wheat for the few times that I have it).

Whenever you go to the hospital for GI related issues (or for surgeries in general I imagine), they always restrict you to not having anything to eat/drink, then they allow clear liquids, then they allow soft foods, and finally "full" (some hospitals will have a few other steps in between) and oatmeal falls into the "soft foods" category, but often times things like fruits won't - but cinnamon and sugar has always been allowed for me so I've just gotten used to only having my oatmeal with those two things added in.

I do like to add a lot to my hot oats or overnight oats, but when I’m trying to cut calories I still find oats are good if and only if you add enough salt. Even plain oats and water is fine with salt. Without, it just tastes like feet.

while it doesn’t have the most of nutrients

You can always add fruit to it though. Frozen berries in oatmeal are fantastic. I also like adding peanut butter too.

While you can go for a period without many calories, you will need electrolytes. The recommendations for things like Pedialyte will help with that, but for foods you may just have to try what works for you. It's so personal.

Stay hydrated and "salted" and go from there. If you can't keep it down then it isn't for you. Salty foods will help you retain water.

Ive had diabetic ketoacidosis a few times. Once it starts coming on you can't eat Anything. For a couple days or more.

Then the treatment is ice chips and IV insulin for a few days.

Coming out of it, your stomach is the size of a walnut and the thought of eating makes you want to make you puke.

My roads back to eating:

Broth from ramen cups. Liquid meal replacements. If you have a soy allergy, take a close look at the ingredients. Miso broth.

Drinkable yogurt.

Bland pasta with just olive oil.

Granola bars.

My experience is that I eventually get hungry again.

Best of luck dealing with your situation.

Edit: per others, chicken soup (I can get the broth down) and Pedialyte or Gatorlyte. Getting dehydrated does not help.

My wife and friends think I am nuts, but when I'm feeling digestively challenged I go for the "burn it out" philosophy. I go to my local tex-mex place and wolf a couple bowls of spicy salsa. Follow up with a chile relleno covered in queso and I'm normally right as rain (after a quick stop in the quiet, tiled room of requirement).

Get some liquid IV powder. It is full of electrolytes and minerals and easy on your stomach. The last time I was in your shoes I did it for two days straight and it kept me going even at work. With that or get some Pedialyte, is not as good in my opinion, but will do similar things for you.

Chicken soup. Easy to make, can add rice and it is super healthy.

Ingredients: One onion, and you don't need to cut it to small pieces. One carrot One or two celery stick Whole raw or roasted chicken.

Through everything on big pot, cover with water, lower the heat when start bubbling.

Let it simmer for 40 to 60 minutes.

Add rice or potatoes or any other vegetables you like.

Can freeze really well for months.

Soylent came out about when I was having surgeries for Crohns and I used it at stages where I was healthy enough to bulk. I've been in remission for years but it's still pretty hard to gain weight so I keep Soylents around to pack extra calories in. Use it as a coffee creamer too, surprisingly it froths really well. Also add it to oatmeal.

Also eating complete garbage food is better than nothing, I've made that tradeoff many times. Salt fat and sugar cater to what we naturally crave.

When nothing at all sounds good but youre in need of protein, try soy milk. It’s cold, smooth and easy to get down.

When I have issues eating I go for non-offensive foods that are easy to swallow such as a can of white beans in tomato sauce, plain full fat Greek yoghurt, oatmeal made with milk and not water, lentil soup. I sometimes make 1000 kcalorie smoothies with half an avocado, 2 tbsp peanut butter, cup of 10% fat yogurt, a banana, 1/2 cup oatmeal and enough orange juice to make it liquid. Will not win any taste awards but does contain a bunch of good stuff.

I’ve done the smoothie before as well, not the same recipe but high calorie smoothies none the less.

its very easy to dehydrate when youre sick, especially if you have diarrhea. Basically your body trying to flush out whatever is irritating you. Most electrolyte packs from pharmacy have glucose added. Glucose is very easily digested and provides energy source when your DI is not working. Also most doctors recommend to drink coke, since its full of sugar and has acidic pH which is bad for viruses. toasted bread also works, easily digestible and doesnt iritate

White bread. Bland enough to avoid eating aversions and puts some energy in you. Plus, most people already have some! Not claiming it's healthy, but when I'm sick and the thought of eating makes me want to puke it manages to slip past my radar.

Specifically, toasted white bread. The crunch tends to make it more palatable.

if you can find Miso Paste, or even instant Miso anywhere, that's usually one of my go to's. I'd stick to white miso cuz its more bland than awase or red miso. Just put like a tablespoon in a mug and put hot (not boiling) water over it and stir. It's yummy and got salt which might help you absorb water better and save off dehydration. Depending on where you live, you might find miso paste in the refrigerated section of the supermarket

Pair that with a hard boiled egg for a bit of protien and thats usually what I do.

Specifically the 'healthy living' and vegan section of the refrigerated section, usually near the kombucha and other fermented things.

If you’re able to hold solid foods besides the things like Gatorade/pedialite/ensure fig newtons are pretty calorie dense too.

Not sure if people will scorch this idea but one thing I love when I'm having trouble is scalloped potatoes cut up real small and you just graze it all day. Ginger ale is a nice companion but try to get as low dugar as you can find and use a metal straw and sip very preciously

I know there's dairy and a bunch of other stuff but it goes down super easy and the trick is to have it in a million pieces so you can really go slow. Hope it helps

I’ve struggled with appetite issues for a while now and my go-to whenever I can’t get myself to eat regular food is nutritional drinks like Soylent, Boost etc. Enough calories to replace a meal and you won’t miss out on nutrients.

Name brand ones are unfortunately super expensive so I usually stick to the Kroger Fortify+. I know you said flavor isn’t a priority, but avoid vanilla. It’s wretched. Chocolate is the one that’s most palatable.

I was really sick and couldn't eat much of anything for 2 months and lived mostly on the chocolate Soylent. I had issues staying hydrated so I also drank a lot of Liquid IV (Pina colada and watermelon were my favorites).

As I started to tolerate more solid food I ate: canned soup purees like butternut squash/tomato bisque/pea soup, powdered soup mixes from Bob's Red Mill or Knorr, steel cut oatmeal with mushrooms and chicken broth cooked in a pressure cooker, rolled oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit, grits, plain rice crackers, nut thins, fage 5% yogurt, bananas plain or blended up with milk, applesauce, cottage cheese, carrots cooked to mush. Also ate a lot of sweet potatoes and russet potatoes, I cooked a bunch of them whole in the pressure cooker at once and then I'd eat them all week.

Some of my friends recommended Huel or Plenny shakes but I never got around to ordering any.

I'd also avoid anything with too much oil, fat, hot spices, or sugar which can irritate the stomach and limit cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale which can be hard to digest.

Hope you feel better soon.

Soup, yogurt or blending a bunch of vegetables/fruit into a smoothie. Tastes awful but it's easy to down and will keep you alive.

I hate vegetables. Hate em. At meals I eat only protein and carbs. The only way I get vegetables is by making veggie smoothies and chugging them. Not bad in the morning with fruit and veggies

I heard many people that are going through different diseases were able to drink those soylent ready-to-drink drinks. They have all the nutrients you need in a creamy drink. I've tried Jimmy Joy and Huel and really liked them.

Chikhirtma is an awesome Georgian soup with cheese and all. Super awesome when you're sick.

P. S. Also great if you're hungover

Hawaiian delight baby food, oyster crackers, broth (better than bouillon and a clove of garlic)

Make one of those weight gainers shakes, with oatmeal, bananas, nuts, flaxseed, protein powder, berries (also toss in spinach, you can barely taste it). And just down it quickly.

You’ll need a decent blender though.

Matzo, nothing fatty. I've been here very recently. Skimmed milk was also helpful

My go to is plain white rice with plain chicken thighs if I can stomach meat if not I'll make it with some chicken broth.

If you're struggling to eat for more than like a week you probably should bite the bullet and see a doctor. A prolonged lack of appetite can be a sign of some pretty serious stuff.

Fresh fruit tend to be what I can consume without an appetite or even while nauseous. Melons and berries usually, but sparingly if I haven't had much else of substance.

Milk and fat of any kind isn't usually the best if you have trouble eating in general. Lots of apple sauce, chicken soup and crackers mentioned already, so I'll just add the basic ass tostidos round nacho chips. Those give the salt you need, but don't have much else, so they're easy to digest. Anyway, whatever is fine, as long as you can keep it down.

Toast with cinnamon, sugar and butter on top. Pro tip: put the butter, sugar and cinnamon on before you toast it - then it melts into the bread. This was my go-to growing up for being sick and having trouble eating. Feel better soon!

I used to have to force feed myself when I wasn't hungry. Ramen was essential for priming the appetite. But not the bad stuff. Good stuff like Black Shin

Toast, banana, sunflower seeds. Those are my too sick to eat go-tos.

Bananas. Easy to eat, nutritious, and even helping if you happen to have digestive issues. Very stable food, it's my go to when nothing else goes.

Another great option is diluting a stock cube (or half) in hot water and drinks it as a soup. Nutrients, vitamins and minerals! Very good for rehydration

Any form of crackers works for me. Cheese flavored are the best for me, but just about any form of crackers or food that is well baked.

I'm Australian so Vegemite toast is my go to when I am not feeling well.

If taste isn't a concern, I've gotten by with chlorella and cocoa chia pudding for longer than I care to admit. I don't mind the taste of chlorella, but most people apparently don't find it and other seaweed all that appetizing, but it's a drink so you can just chug it like a beer or something and neutralize the taste with like a splash of lemon juice or water with lemon juice. Won't fill your stomach all that much, though.

Miso soup (with wakame and maybe tofu and veggies cut down to tiny pieces?) is also a great addition to that.

Fasting can actually help recovery. But no matter if you eat what you can or nothing at all it is absolutely necessary to get enough water, salt, and potassium.

Something that might go down easy is plain canned beans, just make sure to drain and rinse them and maybe even soak them a little to minimize intestinal issues. Plain quinoa or lentils made in a rice cooker or pot with just water and salt could also be good.

Sometimes your hear about the BRAT diet. I'd recommend against it, it is very nutritionally poor so it will not give you much energy if you can only handle eating a little.

to eat something to keep my strength up

I wouldn't worry too much if you haven't eaten for a few days. I know of one instance where someone who was seriously obese went on a diet, and aside from vitamins and water, went over a year without eating. I've done over a week myself for the hell of it. Unless you're absolutely emaciated or have some sort of medical condition that creates a need for it, you can probably handle going for quite a while without food.

All that being said, this isn't to encourage doing it. Just that you're probably not creating any kind of dire health situation if you don't eat for a while.

While it may be true that you can survive without food, it should be mentioned that we need energy to heal and recover from illness. Food provides the energy we need to heal.

Please eat at least a little bit while trying to recover from illness.