1 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I feel like while bush was a much worse president then most people realize, with some of his policies and things like the patriot act still in effect and gumming up the works, trump did more damage in erroding the facade of democracy and empowering fanatics

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It'll go down just like Ohio. They were told they needed to redistrict, they drew a map, they were told it was unconstitutional and to redraw it, they redrew it, it was deemed unconstitutional and they were told to redraw it, it was deemed unconstitutional and they were told to redraw it. They then were out of time and used the 1st unconstitutional map for the election.

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It's the second one. I saw article where they talked how Florida was the first to pass it, pornhub put time and money into developing what they needed to comply and saw a 90% decrease in traffic because nobody wants to hand over their ID for free porn.

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Communities. They're called communities.

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You mean 48 hours of peace and quite AND I get a million‽ sigh me the fuck up.

That's the beauty of these giant mega housing corpsb You don't. You're completely powerless to do any sort of negotiating, you bend over and take whatever offer they give you or you move. It's the American dream in reality.

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So this isn't aimed at allowing the sale yet. This is just to remove the penalty of possession, this is the first step in being able to do studies on micro doses and therapeutic levels. And yes mushroom shops.

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I'm sure he has a gay cousin he hasn't spoken to in 30 years who he's perfectly tolerant of.

Bush was bad in the way most world leaders and governments are, trump was impeached twiced and faced no consequences.

Figure it has more to do with his celebrity status

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I don't fucking get it, it seems like the whole system is set up for people like Trump to actively exploit it.

Of course the system is set up for the people with money and power to exploit it, who do you think set up the system? It's always been heavily slanted to provide protection to those who can afford it.

Unfortunately any large scale conflict with north Korea is probably going to require just that.

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Because they don't give a shit. They'll milk us all dry till we're living 10 people in a 3 bedroom

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RBG did the same thing. If shed have retired earlier things would be different now.

Nah he made sure to approve the sale earlier this week before he did this so he wouldn't look a hypocrite.

And then they'll be told to make a new one, and it will also violate it, and then they'll be told to make a third, and it will also violate it. And then they'll get to use the current one anyway. They're just following the book Ohio wrote them.

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I know you think you're being clever, but you just come off as such a tool.

69° all year round. It's nice.

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This shows they aren't gonna back down. If big subreddit s stay blacked out, the mod teams will be replaced. Spez seems super salty that Apollo and others have been able to turn a profit, but after all this time he still hasn't been able to make reddit money.

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As much as I hate to say it, I dunno that reducing exclusive is the best play right now with Microsoft locking down Bethesda and anything else they can get away with.

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I'm really struggling to wrap my head around where this line between Government overstepping and justified Government regulation is with them.

It's things they don't like, if they don't like it, regulate it until it disappears.

Yeah they both make a bunch of really anti consumer choices constantly, I never got the diehards who go hard for the console. Exclusive games I can at least understand, but is an Xbox really that functionality different from a PlayStation?

I was a Nintendo kid in the 99s, then had a PS2 followed by a 360, I really only got a PS4 cause the opportunity for a deal came up, and I only got a PS5 cause I already had a PS4.

Admittedly that's probably where most of the fan clubbing comes from, generationally upgrading until you're to use to the system to change.

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We don't want to see them go extinct, but we don't want their numbers to get so high we know they exist.

What's next about that is if they had activity bothered to treat the case seriously and bumbled their paperwork so hard the judge ruled against them.

He lost his 6 month old. I have battled with alcoholism before, I don't think I'd be able to keep up the fight if I lost my kids.

Wait. They can control your AC?

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Speak for yourself, the guys at work call me sasquatch or chewie.

Your first grade reading comprehension is showing.

Would be enough money completely change my life.

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Watched one of them (can't remember who, it doesn't matter.)say that this abortion measure passing is why complete democracy is a bad idea.

Unfortunately no we're all out of those. Try back in I dunno, 28 years maybe.

She was the one who worked with r/AmA and was the liaison with all of the celebrities doing AmAs and was frequently the one actually doing the posting from my understanding.

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You don't give a fuck about but you're here foaming at the mouth about it.

And how is that going to happen in a coupe with 200,000 packed into it?

He still hasn't even admitted fault, he still hasn't even begin to pay repentance.

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It sounded like a mix of the rule set plus the insanity of some higher level spells making coding some things just not possible.

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Cause you're seeing views you disagree with and can't handle it?

Days gone

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How is it for mobile though? All of my web interaction is through my android

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