DeSantis' redistricting map in Florida is unconstitutional and must be redrawn, judge says to – 674 points –
DeSantis' redistricting map in Florida is unconstitutional and must be redrawn, judge says

A judge says that a Florida redistricting plan pushed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis violates the state constitution.


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It'll go down just like Ohio. They were told they needed to redistrict, they drew a map, they were told it was unconstitutional and to redraw it, they redrew it, it was deemed unconstitutional and they were told to redraw it, it was deemed unconstitutional and they were told to redraw it. They then were out of time and used the 1st unconstitutional map for the election.

Yeah at a certain point they need to have a constitutional map handed to them

The issue is that many states task the legislature with drawing the map. The legislature gets to pick who voted for them. If they make an unconstitutional one, they just have to draw more unconstitutional ones until there is no time left. If the Court tried to do it themselves because of the legislature's failure, they can sue because that responsibility was directly assigned to them. They need to take that responsibility away from the legislature in their Constitution. This should happen in every state.

They would sue the courts? Who would even oversee that? SCOTUS has already said they want no part of state election issues.

I should have said appealed. A judge will rule that their 5th map is also unconstitutional and they clearly cannot be tasked with making the map. So the judge makes one that would work or tasks a committee to do it. Republicans then appeal that decision because the constitution or a law specifies that the legislature creates the maps. They appeal up to the state Supreme Court.

See, THIS. Is the kind of thing AI should actually be being used for.

You don't even need AI for this, a very simple easy to audit algorithm could take care of it.

Hell, have it generate a few dozen versions that are all approximately as good, and let representatives (or even better, the actual people) vote on which to use

AI isn't magical, you give it instructions to get an output. It also uses history to base its decisions on. Both of those things need humans to guide it, and those same people making shitty decisions now will just use AI to cloak shit in an the guise of unbiased computers.

Easier said than done.

Mapping is a very unique issue with a whole distinct set of mathematics whose is purpose is to try to make it easier,,logic%2Dbased%20statements%2C%20etc.

In addition to that, we've already seen AI school bus routes that had kids riding a bus until 9pm.

Plainly put, having an AI that can understand districting and create districts based abstract ideas like "equal fairness" is quite difficult :(

I’d rather folks working on AI focus on stuff like making mapping better than on to better ways of ripping off artists and writers.

They do, just to rig it instead. Let's use it to make fair maps.

They know they'd be completely screwed if things were fair, and not stacked in their favor.

Of course, which is why they (republicans) have been working so hard to dismantle free and fair elections. They know they can't win if things are fair.

If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.

-David Frum

That one pisses me off so much. Democrats were working with them on a legal one. Republicans hummed and hawed that doing the assessment of it would put them over the deadline so instead they should just go with the last unconstitutional one.

Ohio doesn't actually care if it's policy is constitutional or not. The way school districts are funded was found unconstitutional back in the 90s.nothing has changed.

I'm glad I left reddit for other platforms where thoughtlessly cynical takes are also upvoted to the top.

What's cynical about thinking Republicans who drew unconstitutional maps in Florida will pull the same shit Republicans in other states have gotten away with?

What else has ever happened? There has never been any sort of penalty for doing this, they just get away with it. What else is there to do but be cynical.