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Open any random page and start reading. Spiral time.

"AI" image generation actually takes a lot of human knowledge and understanding of the models to manipulate outcomes. It is a different kind of effort, but the issues with it are based in human use of the tool.

A year ago almost anyone with the endorsement of Biden would've coasted.

Pritzker is the only name on there with the chops for it. Maybe Walz, but he is DFL so I can't see the DNC even looking at him.

The problem for me is I have watched Derry Girls and just saw Clare.

Militant leftist, in the most basic sense.

But anti-leftists tend to co-opt the term to replace 'fascist' or 'nazi' in their discourse.

What is sad is the American people DID vote for progressive policy. The problem is American politicians represent their donors, and turned their backs on their constituents.

There is no expectation for an elected Democrat to align with their party platform. Likewise no one can or should expect a Republican to break from their party. Any reliance on either is a fool's errand.

I mean about 70% of Americans support at least a public option for health insurance. Yet there is no pathway forward for 70% of Americans with either party.

So it sucks that such an intransigent faction isn't even representative.

I wonder how many of the dyed-in-the-wool DNC supporters would stay home or vote third party if Biden wasn't the candidate chosen at the convention.

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The earliest PS3s could run PS2 games. Those were nice, rare, and expensive.

I wish they'd kept up with the hardware backwards compatibility.

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It's almost as if making something with love resonates.

Sort of. They front loaded the benefits of specific upgrades so you felt more buffed early on. So the new stuff scales more akin to sacred tears for flasks.

Honestly probably a worthwhile change. Hooks players in better.

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If you wany a rural setting you're probably fucked.

If you're looking for a SC kind of 'city' I would suggest perhaps Colorado, or something like Bend Oregon, or Spokane Washington. More isolated cities without large populations and also surrounded by that rural character.


I went to college before the internet was ever considered a valid source for any material. But using the internet made research extremely easy if I could determine the book source for reference.

I went back to college right around that time the internet just became the default source for everything. It was staggering how little information was expected to be known. The implicit ubiquitous access to information was a staggering foundational shift.

...The Portland State Univerity's Library?

The safest possible place with the least possible chance to reach a critical audience for this shit.

Fewer turns? I am almost positive there are two sections of switchbacks across two mountain passes in that 'alternate' route.

Yeah those corpos tipping the scales for progressives. Such a thing.

It is pretty lack luster. I was hoping there would have been at least one more layer of depth that might've let me choose between offense and defense rather than just both.

But to me: duplicating all new crafting materials and filling a lot of places with loot that can be purchased infinitely in the base game is more of a drag, however. Crafting is the original sin of Elden Ring.

Reading the word as 'um' or 'uh' in a sentence makes it easier to read. I think a proper editor of the commentary would have truncated excessive 'like' use as they would a stammer.

The straw purchase of the murder weapon the judge shrugged and tossed on a whim is something that can land you in jail for 10 years.

There was a parallel case to Rittenhouse: Andrew Coffee IV. He was acquitted in his case but the charge of his weapon possession is what got him 10 years.

But Rittenhouse's judge figured hey, NBD, and everybody clapped.

Patrice O'Neal has a good bit on this:


Yes, where Mitt Romney is popular Trump's endorsement doesn't have as much power. This was just as true in 2018.

It is very game specific. Some were innovators for how they pushed the limits of technology of their time, others were held back by that same tech. That alone is a huge marker as to whether a remake will improve or hurt the games legacy.

60 vigor at level 80 is 60 vigor at level 700.

Having played invasions, many many people dont level up health so they're a one shot kill already. It is a comical reality of how people play the game: never levelling their health pool.

We have figured out how to no hit Elden Ring. There's walkthroughs and guides.

We haven't figured out how to no hit the DLC. The walkthroughs and guides for it are being written now though. Once those are all up this whole refrain of difficulty will pass as people will be able to spoil any surprises and feel better about it.

It is weird because it isn't a single player game. It can be if people take it offline, and on PC: there's mods to hell. They can cheat and singleplayer it up all they want. So it is odd to me that people want what they already have and others are mad that they have it.

Playstation players though are a little stuck without more technical efforts to cheat.

Defeated Hitler.

And a lot of his rivals.

And non rivals.

And civilians.

Fascists use institutions to secure and entrench power. They are not restricted by them.

The question for those cheering this decision as a win for the rule of law or the institution is: how aware of this are you?

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"I lit another fire and it also burned!" -Jack

Royal weddings.

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"Renting makes me money."

Okay, work backwards from there.

FFS these people.

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Politician uses leftists to get elected, immediately backs off leftism once in office.

"Maverick" my ass. This isn't a break from the left, it is a stomping down of the coalition that already had to fight tooth and nail against the Democratic Party pushing Conor Lamb.

Lula's Brazil had Bolsonaro handled within six months. Banned him from running until 2030 over his January 8th coup attempt in 2023.

The failure to respond in 2021 doomed us all.

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I once worked for an organization that maintained a 10+ year old single excel file with no discernable backups for regulatory data.

The bar is low.

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At first I was all, "Oh fuck this nonsense here."

Now I just want to see this crazy kid fly.

Pretty standard perspective for a politician that has been in office since the 90s.

When you really haven't felt accountability for decades, it probably feels intimidating. He might have to, you know, represent these opinions from his constituents somehow.

They're measuring job offerings against unemployment claims rate. If there's toilet scrubbing jobs out there and you don't qualify for any benefits: that's a humming labor market to an economist.

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The maps printed out at my county permit center arent as pristine as those maps off dead bodies in a warzone.

Casualties are the estimates over 300k, not dead.

Shrinkflation isn't just for meatspace products.