
4 Post – 647 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Excuse me, but if you see a butterfly there, there is something seriously wrong with you...

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True story, the US is a state founded by immigrants.

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Yes I do... cuz I do a lot more in those 10 minutes than my colleagues do in an hour.

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Yeah... they call it that cuz the same principle applies to vehicle engine cooling.

Air cooling is not as effective as water cooling, but just take a look at beetle engines made more than half a century ago, they're all air cooled and still up and running. It's all in the design, if it's good and overengineered, it will pracatically run forever.

Too bad nothing nowadays is meant to run more than 5 years.

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Gimp developers be like πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†.

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It's legacy, white spaces weren't allowed as characters on most FTP software, which is how the warez scene shares it's releases. It used to be underscores, but dots are closer to a white space regarding separation (space wise), so most release groups use dots nowadays.

Generally, a white space as a character in filenames and directories is "frowned upon" in many operating systems, Windows included (somewhat). It makes writing scripts and software more comlicated because it's used as as a separator for giving command line/terminal options to commands and binaries (programs).

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Not having to tear my own skin and the AC running at -20C in order to feel comfortable.

I love the winter, thank you very much ☺️.

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To be fair, this is asked on a Sims group.

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Not a true American 🀣... I don't even live there 🀣🀣🀣.

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Wow, didn't know poodles were that expensive.

I'd just get a street dog, costs nothing and will be your best friend ☺️.

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Can't beleieve I had to scroll through that.

To be honest, sometimes it's just easier to use Windows, for compatibility sake. Sure, I can install Office or Photoshop through Wine, but some software can just be a pain in the neck to install and use on Linux.

This is the main reason why I dual boot and will most probably for a very very long time. I just don't have the time to tackle with these things ATM, real life is more important.

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Congrats 🀝... oh wait... god damn it, which hand did you use? 🀦

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Geeks are usually the first ones that populate any kind of a social network.

But, I would have to agree that I don't think that the fediverse will become anything more than what it is now - a place for geeks to exchange info and their Linux desktop setups.

This is mostly generalized, but I seriously doubt other communities will get popular on Lemmy, like let's say DIY audio or something similar. They have a good thing going on reddit, free hosting, no one cares who actually pays the electricity bills, the platform is free (as in beer)... not everyone cares about freedom as much as people on the fediverse do 🀷. I'm sorry, but that's just how things are.

On the other hand, Lemmy is a perfect place to share info and data that might be illegal in some countries (piracy and sharing pr0n vids that are sold on other sites), so i can see niche things like these thriving here... set up your server at home or in China/Russia, set up a reverse proxy... pratically, you're off the grid regarding copyright claims.

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LTT... don't know why, just can't stand him...

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Stick to Void. Everything else will look slow. Haven't moved since I started using it.

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Oh, yeah 🀦...

I'm like a neon light sometimes, take me a while to light up.

It's called patina πŸ˜’.

Some of the devs around Linus are getting warmed up to the idea of a microkernel. Statistics have shown better boot times and better overall performance. As they put it "guess Tannenbaum was right all along" πŸ˜‚.

Anyway, it should just be a matter of time now. Linus doesn't like the microkernel idea because it risks stability for the sake of modularity. You maintain the entire code base with a monolithic kernel (drivers, FS, everything), while with a microkernel, you just maintain the kernel, everything else is modular, maintained by someone else, thus, things can go bump in the night. The former is better for stability.

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And there is nothing wrong with that... as long as people are happy.

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Nope, looked for like 15 minutes, can't see it 🀷.

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I can mount an RJ-45 connector to a cat5 cable in less than 25 seconds.

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Apparently, people have a lot of free time... and money.

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Yeah, armpits... forget them from time to time.

No worries, you're perfectly normal πŸ‘.

Signed: The guy with ADHD... probably... not diagnosed... have no idea 🀷... maybe it's the drugs...

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Wow, just WOW πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.

I wish there were more teachers like you in schools. Inspired people, in general... that's what's lacking in society nowadays πŸ˜”.

Third world countries: We must πŸ˜”...

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OK, just the pest ones then 😁.

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Yep, it's called math.

I was generally surprised at how many people can't do simple math without a calc, like multiply 7 x 8.

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There are still no flying cars.

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Ummm... kinda confused... if there was an enema in there, yeah, I'd know what they're for, but this kinda leads me to think in another direction.

The Doritos is also an odd one out πŸ˜‚.

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What? 🀨

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come again 🀨

Holding back packages can do that. Not in sync with what the AUR has to offer is just asking for trouble.

WTF man, this is like the 5th wholesome post 🀨.

I was waiting for my cosin the other day at a bus stop... he arrives, he's eating a burger. I asked how much he paid for it, he said $3. I just came back from a computer store and bought a 32GB flash drive. Guess how much that thing cost me... you guessed it, $3.

So, basically, a flash drive that I'm gonna use in the next 3 or 4 years is the same price as a burger that I'm gonna eat and shit out in the next few hours or so.

IDK about everyone else, but that seems whacked to me.

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Well, that's not nice... my mom would never fuck a turkey... not on thanksgiving anyaway.

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Is it weird that I don't use any of these streaming services and just use my own library via FTP (if I'm not at home)?

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You got that shit they sell in 5 gallon containers? Yeah, 2 of those please.

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I though this was just a problem around here (I live in a 3rd world country... not exactly, but close to that). Shit, I mean, I can't afford simple things, like cheese or vegetables... they're so fucking expensive now πŸ˜”.

EDIT: A short story. I got together with my cousin the other day, he was eating a burger and I asked him how much he paid for it, he said $3. I told him that I just bought a flash drive for $3, 32GB and I will use it in the next 3 or 4 years, while he'll shit that burger in a few hours...

I mean... tech has gotten so cheap, while food is so expensive now. You could get a brand new 240GB SSD for the price of 2kg of cheese around here 🀨... that is just... weird if you ask me...