Store run to – 291 points –

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Ummm... kinda confused... if there was an enema in there, yeah, I'd know what they're for, but this kinda leads me to think in another direction.

The Doritos is also an odd one out šŸ˜‚.

Look sometimes I get anxious and snacky when Iā€™m torturing people in my basement

Does the Tabasco go on the Doritos? Or in the enema funnel?

Pfttt. Fucking new guy thinks Tabasco goes in the butt funnel, what a nerd.. . Everyone knows you use bear spray with the little red straw for butt stuff.

Well you are certainly a bullshit artist..... everyone knows you want snacks on the trip home from getting your rape kit , not during.

diazepam can be a suppository, for siezures