7 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thanks for your sacrifice. Reddit is not the future if they get too big that our user input doesn’t mean anything to them anymore.

I’m glad. Amazon doesn’t let workers unionize even though their work conditions are bad. I always see these truck/van drivers running to their next stop

Lol you’re making me feel better about me moving away

Sometimes the site goes a little buggy. Sometimes i get 503 but i just wait, refresh, or i heard someone say too they have lemmy and kbin account and use the other when one is down xD I think it’s still adjusting to having so many users

Keep in mind though that kbin is actually newer than lemmy, (only a month old?) so it truly is more barebones than reddit. The developers are working hard though :) 2 days ago, becuase of the server load, I couldn't even stay logged in on kbin, it was that buggy, but a day later it was stable

I've done my duty and voted haha

If you wanna see other kbin servers you can join, there's a list here looks like it's in the US and has less people?

Is there an easy way to mass subscribe to many magazines on a new server though? I don't know how ernest added so many for, but it would definitely help new members not have a tough time.

I made an account on a newer server for lemmy - - and I have to say, having to manually add communities really just feels like an unneccessary step, and harder to do considering you'd have to search communities/magazines from both lemmy ( and kbin (not sure if there's a site to search for magazines besides

aww that's kind of a bummer then, I'm a little sad since I thought this made it equal to reddit's search. I don't really care for reddit becoming good for stuff like tiktok/youtube shorts, but I like it a lot for being able to search easily for real people's inputs. I thought there was no con for federation since the content is shared, but the decentralization seems to make it harder to search that content in the fediverse

The teacher would also out helen keller’s hand on the teacher’s face so helen could feel throat vibrations, the way the lips moved. Because of that, helen could actually talk (even though it sounded a little strange). You can youtube her speech

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Glad you were able to find it :) I think one thing they could add for kbin is the ability to list like in a panel like reddit, the magazines you subscribed too so you can navigate to them more easily. Right now I have to search for the magazine I wanna go to each time.

Also at first I did the aame as you and selected to only show my subscribed for my feed, but later I realized since it’s still small, there’s not enough content yet, so now I just use the default All for my feed to get new stuff like every 30 min or so

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Actually, there are more cases of domestic violence than false accusations. How come we’re not worried about false accusations of robbery when they happen at the same rate as false accusations of sexual assault? Trust me, there are not karens lurking in every corner trying to make fake reports.

In our society where sexual assault is underreported, and one in 4 women experience domestic violence, why are you putting a comment that wouldn’t help this society improve on this front?

There is some hope though. I think those naysayers were simply the loudest because when I go to some subs like r/pics, r/askmen, r/apple, people are supporting the strike. On r/apple, people are even made and saying yes, reddit’s threat to remove mods is mostly a bluff as they can not replace what was 5000 subreddits of mods in a timely manner. On r/askmen (which I usually dislike but today I’m happy with them) people are wanting them to extend the blackout. On r/adhdmemes, their poll is showing overwhelmingly indefinite blackout.

On r/pics most people love the new mod rule put in place to only post pictures of this one public figure

I don’t mind it and it’s helping me who’s trying to transition off reddit feel more at home

yes and even though it's suuuper unintuitive, the site is still very new, so we can keep it on our list of features to improve

I think there needs to be an easier way to see communities/magazines across aggregators because I see the lemmy browse sites for communities won't show any kbin magazines, which I think will only hurt the point of decentralizing but being able to access all the content in the fediverse.

I'm not sure if kbin actually suffers the same way, because I'm on which I'm guessing just already has all the current lemmy communities added. But if there's a new lemmy community, and no one added it to (how would they find out?) then no one will find out if this lemmy community blows up and becomes really popular right?

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I think that is true that most people will not leave reddit. I’m in a subreddit called redditalternatives, and lately not many people are posting in it anymore. It definitely feels like a niche thing, but I think it’s okay. Reddit won’t last forever, and in the meantime, we can be seeing if fediverse is the way forward. This isn’t the first time reddit screwed up and it won’t be the last.

They’re also I think trying to become like tiktok and give lots of forever scrollable content, but I think tiktok/youtube shorts already fill that niche

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I think number 1 is important so it’s easier to move. Otherwise we could feel centralized to one instance rather than feeling free to federate

okay the only thing is, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to keep making instance names that don't start with kbin.___ because then if kbin/lemmy really do take off, it would be so hard to google search for them. You can't do the site:kbin.* search if those instances with different names make magazines/communities and you can't find them with that google filter

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Pardon me asking, but where is the link to the original poster’s article?

Is there a way to save a post you like (like on reddit)?

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It could help too if maybe on the sign up page, if an instance is getting full, they suggest some instances that are less full to join. That way people can be guided without having to do research on their own (before they’ve even decided to commit to the fediverse)

I do think you are overreacting a little bit about people being potentially invested in the fediverse/invested in trying to find a different home to replace reddit. It's not a bad thing for people to care and be unhappy about the way their reddit forum is being run. Without any emotions at all, there can be no actions or changes done anyway. How would people have transitioned from diggs to reddit if some core users weren't upset enough to test the waters with reddit?

People want to avoid and use reddit less because they don't approve of the way the company is running their product. If you don't feel uncomfortable using reddit, that's great, and you absolutely should just use either/both the way you enjoy it. However, it seems like your argument is that no one should be unhappy to the extent they stop using reddit, and I feel like everyone can have products they don't want to buy anymore due to their internal ethics. It's just a human thing to do to.

Alright so I went on lemmy cuz I'm using both xD and I can finally see what you meant in your earlier comment. You said do
![image](__image_url__) right? eg. ![image](

and I'll give postimages a go :) I just used imgur since I knew about it

  1. maybe the thumbnails will get better. kbin is very new still I think, so the site is more barebones atm probably compared to lemmy
  2. What do you mean by community? Like the magazine?
  3. I think microblogging is more like a Tweet, I think kbin is trying to integrate more with Mastodon which basically does tweets.

By the way if you want to add a Thread, which is reddit's "post", then I think you do it by Add a New Article. I was confused cuz there's no Add a new Thread, but I'm guessing you can do it with Add new link, photo, video, or article. Article means a text only thread I think.

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I think the instances themselves don't feel much different (for example the UI for and is like exactly the same), but I feel like maybe there needs to be some quality of life tools to help a new instance succeed with more ease.

  • Like it's hard to know that the instance exists, so it'd be nice if the UI makes signing up for one as easy as possible,
  • One big con at the moment too is it's actually kind of hard for me to find communities in a small instance. The large instances somehow people already added like all of them, so I can search for pretty much all of them. I think to encourage joining new instances, ideally should give the creator an easy way to like just add every single community across different aggregators. Maybe even a bot that just automatically does this so it doesn't have to be updated, or at least give the creator of that instance that option if they so choose
  • Give easy way to migrate account. For example today I just learned about a website with a list of the kbin servers, and thought maybe I should move from to put less strain on it. However, I made my account with my gmail, and I prefer to be lazy and just log in through gmail. I can't make a new account on say with that same gmail account actually, so I'd have to use another email account, and I didn't want to do that. Also in my 2 days on kbin, I made a community, and if I just abandon my account, I don't know who would be the "mod" of that community now. There's already some data I'd like to not have to start over on

Building up either is great :) They actually share the same content since they are in the same federation.

nice :) im making a lemmy account on and will wait until they approve my account to give it a try! Might use both kbin and lemmy for fun haha

Currently it's more work probably than it should be to do this, so for newer people, it's recommended they stay on large instances like or to have the communities searchable.

If you're on a newer server, you can add the community you want.

Click Search (the site, not search for the community)
enter the whole url of the community you wanted - eg.
Click enter and wait for a bit until it's able to find the community and you can hit subscribe button.

It's easy to do, but nothing on the UI helps you find the communities without extra knowledge, so if you're newer, it's a better experience to stay on the larger servers

oooh, so nice, thank you! I will use that. I didn't even know we can put that wild card *
I tested with " site:lemmy.* reddit "

The only thing is, I think not every lemmy instance is named that way. I think these are also lemmy servers -,,

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I like your idea :) Has anyone contacted the 3rd party app developers to see if they want to make any apps or bot scripts for this fediverse?

How do we request our data?

If you can, stay patient :) if you can’t bear how it’s empty, I say it’s totally fine to go back to reddit or use both!

For me I’m usually selecting Show the feed of all communities, since I’m realizing there’s new content across the fediverse maybe every 30min to an hr, rather than like on reddit tons every second.

I find every post being made has a lot of engagement and fun convo - especially about reddit migration - so at the moment I tune into everything.
Just now there was a new post from the Memes mag, and earlier I saw some from foodporn

Are they just not working for now or something? When I tried these, nothing was found.

For kbin, for now I just type the name of the lemmy community, and that will show a bunch of communities/mags and where they're actually from like "nostupidquestions" gives,,,, It seems if I try putting "@nostupidquestions" there's no search results

I'll put a picture of what I get when I search on lemmy

Omg that sounds great! Thanks, I'm not that familiar with that google search filter and the possibilities we can put :)

Edit: I tried it, but I'm not sure yet, I think it adds a lot of entries I wasn't expecting, but it's still another great option to do the search. I tried it with: < desantis "join Lemmy" OR "powered by kbin" >

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Thanks :)

Oh yeah I saw the people at Lemmy are swamped xD I’m sure the developers in kbin are swamped too though…200 new issues

url like this? I typed

I don't know completely what you mean. I'm on kbin, so currently for me it shows a blue link "image" but it doesn't seem to do anything when I click it. Wonder if it looks different on lemmy

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maybe kbin is too young to be able to do what you're describing? I'll put a screenshot of what I can see (desktop for

(btw will you type exactly the command you put, maybe with the code `` option)?

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I can think of the community/magazine "memes" :)

Edit: oh my bad, I completely didn't realize you specifically said Videos

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