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Joined 1 years ago

I mean, who was searching for that before the game released? I imagine you'd see the same trend with basically every game immediately following release. Not to downplay the issues the game has having, but this is like a "duh" kind of thing.

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You keep saying "it doesn't hurt anyone". But, I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who this mod would help? Like, what kind of person is so put out by this that they would seek outside help to have it removed? It's very difficult to imagine a version of this that doesn't involve some pretty hurtful stuff.

Nexusmods is very clear that they will not platform mods that promote any sort of hatred. You may say this doesn't do that, but I think it's pretty clear that this would do nothing except foster hateful discussion. It's a harmless disclaimer that can already be disabled without a mod. The only reason to host a mod for this is to promote the idea that it's wrong and encourage the types of people that think that to do what they always do, be hateful. It's inevitable, and it breaks Nexusmods ToS pretty obviously.

On the topic of making them "look weak": I think it's very clear that if you're the type of person that wants this content, then they do not care about your opinion and do not want you to use their platform.

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My partner and I just played through this together in co-op and had a great time. We thought it was a good game.

I read the whole discord drama stuff, and I'm more on Crema's side. I think they've made the mistake of trying to talk to a fanbase like they are just a group of reasonable people that will understand and empathize if you just lay out the facts. But they aren't. They're just going to pick apart anything you say and relentlessly shit on you because they are, collectively, not able to be reasoned with.

They released an MMO in its final state, minus some Kickstarter promised stuff, that they have said they will deliver. They tried to monetize the game how they felt was best, it didn't work out, so they've moved on and left a functioning, small-scope MMO. You can argue the quality of it or whether you agree with their decisions, but they made what they said they were going to make.

And they are still releasing small updates to a community that is, frankly, awful. The subreddit is just a hivemind of asshole armchair developers.

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Either snes9x standalone app or the snes9x core in RetroArch. Dealers choice. If you just want to play SNES, go for the standalone app. If you're looking to get more into emulation as a whole or you want RetroAchievements, get RetroArch.

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My husband is 30 and can't understand this. And not every pot is meant to be stored in one, large, precariously balanced stack. There's a whole cabinet there. You can spread them out...

In this case, Carroll can start taking possession of his assets herself. She does not seem particularly sheepish about that. For some of these people, they can hide their assets, but Trump's are publicly known. I can't say what will happen, but there's some teeth to this one. And Trump couldn't argue with the damages amount because he'd risk losing one of his other cases that hinges on his assets' worth.

Idk that I would call it a Metroidvania. It has no map and it's completely linear.

But, it is a super well made game. I loved it.

Trying to finish Final Fantasy 16 this week. I'm about to start the final quests after I finish up some side stuff. It's kind of crazy how different the side quests at the end are compared to the beginning. They're so much better with a ton of character development.

Also working my way through Pikmin 4. Loving every second of that one. It's just kind pure joy in game form. So colorful and fun.

Will probably try to max out my season pass in Destiny 2 as well, if I have time. The game is about as boring as it's ever been, but I'm too deep to stop now. May as well play until Final Shape then hopefully call it a day on that one.

This thing looks like a beast. I have the first Odin, and it's a very competent device, but not a powerhouse. They basically threw all the specs at this one and made meaningful improvements to the rest of the hardware. I'm pretty excited to get one.

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I don't really understand this. It's like streaming PS5 games but exclusively from a PS5? If you're internet is good enough for streaming, why wouldn't you just download? Seems like such a niche thing. Always better to have the option than not, just seems like a strange addition.

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On the flip side, I've never used the touchpads in a game outside of Aperture Desk Job.

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There's tons.

  • The entire series of ACA Neogeo games.
  • The Sonic the hedgehog ports are awesome.
  • Castlevania Symphony of the Night has an excellent port with controller support.
  • Arkanoid vs Space invaders is not classic itself, but it's based on classics and it's great.
  • Dragon Quest 1-6 all have good ports, but they are portrait, which turns some people off. Still great ports though.
  • Final Fantasy 1-9 and Tactics all have good ports
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker
  • WWE 2K23
  • Unpacking
  • Friends vs Friends
  • Prodeus
  • The Legend of Tianding
  • SCP: Secret Files
  • Souldiers

For me, not a great month. Interested in Prodeus, but not much else stands out for me personally.

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Butwarden. Always Bitwarden. Just like almost everyone else in here it seems like.

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Posted today and already out of date. At least on the top pick. The AYN Odin2 is out already, and it's a huge upgrade over the original in every way. The Odin Pro is still a good device, but the Odin2 is so so much better.

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They did, yes. Getting pretty common these days. Early Access with a preorder of a higher priced digital edition of a game. Seems relatively harmless to me. I would never pay for that, but I think if it means that much to you, it's not hurting anything.

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Emudeck also installs EmulationStation. You can choose to access your games and not by integrating then into Steam. Just like Retrodeck.

I'm trying out the Pixel 7a after my Galaxy S21 died. My only major complaint is how slippery it is. I have a case coming, but damn this thing is like the hardest phone to hold I've ever had. I never feel like I have a grip on it. But for the money, it seems like a super nice phone. Feels very premium, and after turning animation scale to .5x in dev settings, it feels very nice.

I liked Liftoff the best as a dedicated client, but ended up on Wefwef. It just seems to work more consistently.

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Big range. My main issue is just convenience. I have a PSVR2, and it's just a pain to use. Like, you really have to dedicate yourself to using it. It has never felt like something you just do spur of the moment. You can't just sit back and relax.

I'm playing

  • Pikmin 3 Deluxe - Finished the story and started the side missions. It's been super fun. Such a huge leap over 1 and 2. I played 2 immediately before 3DX, and I didn't care for it. The dungeon structure didn't do it for me, but 3DX has been wonderful, albeit very easy.

  • Final Fantasy XVI - I've been very slowly trucking along through this. I took a break after I had a family tragedy recently and wanted to focus on happy games while that was happening, but I'm getting back into this and hoping to finish soon. Really liking it. It's fun, the story is good, the characters are interesting. It's just a solid game. Wouldn't want every FF game to be this going forward, but I'm not upset XVI is what it is.

  • Destiny 2 - Just leveling the season's battle pass mostly. I don't play D2 hardcore these days. Just to the story and hop off. The story for the season has been over, so I just hop on for a little bit each weekz turn off my brain, and level a few times while listening to a podcast. It's my comfort food game, though I think I'm the most disinterested I've even been in this game.

Biped, Temtem, Portal 2, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Borderlands, Destiny 2, Escape Room Academy, any Telltale (or similar) game is fun to play together.

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What's the monetization like on this? I knew this was one of Sony's GaaS. I think $50 is a good price, but what is the ongoing cost for content?

Well, I'm on my ROG Ally at the moment because of Game Pass, but I just finished up Cocoon. Can't recommend it enough. If it has a story, I couldn't tell you what it is, but as a puzzle game, it's fantastic. I think it strikes that balance where you feel smart without it being frustrating. Portal does that too. This was my favorite puzzle game of the year, easily.

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This game was really good, but had some BRUTAL difficulty swings. It would be nice if they tweaked that a bit. Really my only complaint from playing it.

I feel like it's more convenience than simplicity that's the issue. Though, I'd argue that the whole federation thing is way more complicated than what most people would likely tolerate. I tried to explain it to my husband, and it was even hard to explain succinctly. Like, I'm sure someone has come up with a way to say it, but it's not as straightforward as you make it sound. At least, I don't think it is.

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This looks like a fun AA action game. Like in that Darksiders tier of games. I don't know if they intended it to aim higher, but I like those kind of games, so I'm looking forward to this.

I don't really consider any of that pay to win. I'm not sure what you're "winning". You're just describing buying content. Buying expansions and seasons gets you the content contained in those expansions and seasons. That's basically how every game works. Paying to skip content or getting preorder bonuses isn't pay to win. Destiny 2 is not a free to play game. You're basically just saying you have to pay for the game...

I tend to play on my AYN Odin Pro, but I also like my RG351V for certain games and my ROG Ally has VRR, which is neat for getting the weird refresh rates to match old consoles.

I'm on an Ally, but similar stuff.

  • Planet of Lana - It's Limbo but less depressing.
  • Tinykin - A platformer with a dash of Pikmin. Like, a very small dash. Some reviews way overplay the Pikmin aspect. It's more of a collectathon platformer, and the Tinykin are more or less just abilities you need to collect in every level. There's no strategy and you're not at risk of losing them unnecessarily. There's enough to collect everything in every level. I loved the game, but it's not Pikmin.
  • Pokemon Luminescent Platinum - It's a BDSP (specifically BD) mod that makes the games Platinum with some additional QoL stuff like a built in level cap so you don't get overpowered, additional moves and Pokemon, and just a ton of stuff. It's very good.

For bsnes, accurate uses more resources to emulate more accurately. Some emulators aren't as accurate. They aren't exactly 1-to-1 compared to SNES. That doesn't mean they perform worse. In fact, it often means they perform better. But running better (or different in any way) means it's a less accurate emulation. The other versions of bsnes and snes9x are less accurate emulators, but require less resources.

From a practical standpoint, I'm not sure you'd even notice the difference between any of them. Snes9x takes significantly less resources than bsnes though. Unless accuracy is what you care about snes9x is the better option.

If you can do an emulator or mod your switch, there's a really good BDSP mod called Luminescent Platinum that adds a ton of QoL stuff, mons, NPCs, and Platinum stuff.

One day I need to get around to trying Banjo Tooie. I've always wanted to at least give it a shot. I finished Yooka Layler, so surely it can't be that bad.

He also has great written guides on his website.

They are shipping the orders from crowdfunding now. When that's done they'll ship orders from their website. So, I guess it's technically a preorder. But the devices are being shipped now, just in a specific order.

I've had mine for a couple weeks. It's killer. The SD8G2 is an absolute monster for emulation and gaming, especially with the active cooling.

It's not competitive. It's cooperative. It doesn't even have a pvp mode.

And even if it had a pvp mode, 3 days isn't going to change anything long term. It's such a minor issue. It's just another thing for people to needlessly complain about.

It's running Android and they don't have a streaming app for Android. I guess they could make an exclusive app for it, but seems like a lot of work for a super tiny audience.

This looks really cool. It's been on my wishlist for awhile. I don't normally play these kinds of games, but it looked so cool in the trailer. I may jump in on the Game Pass version.

Final Fantasy XVI God of War 3 Remastered Remnant From the Ashes (with a friend) Ace Attorney Chronicles Destiny 2

Kinda just slowly working my way through all that. I tend to bounce around games a lot.

I've let my 4 and 6 year old nephews play with some of my handhelds, and the Miyoo Mini seemed about the right size for them. The Nano may be too small even for kids that little.