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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, I was going to move now that I have a steady job but now we just got the news that my dad's condition is worsening, and, since it's just my parents and me, I'm gonna stay to help. Thank goodness for remote work.

Thank Mr skeltal

I have a strange feeling about the story for this game. Here's my prediction:

Lucia breaks out of prison with the help of Jason and an outside character. Lucia and Jason then go on the run turning into a Bonny and Clyde story. Doing heists and robbing people to make some cash to get away from the cops. But then, they rob the wrong person or they were forced to rob the person by the other character and are forced into the drug trade. Maybe the other character was a narco that either Lucia or Jason knew. The FIB or DEA catch wind of this and since Lucia and Jason prove to be very good criminals, they then rope them into taking down the drug trade by robbing and pulling heists.

This goes on until they both eventually find a way out or plan to pull "one last heist" that'll free them from both the narcos and the FIB or DEA. But then, whoopsie, turns out either Lucia or Jason had some ulterior motive for tagging along with one another. While Lucia or Jason was in prison, they struck a deal with either the narcos or FIB to either escape the country or wipe their record. The catch? They had to bring the other person in, kill them, or just generally betray them.

Then the final act would be one of three options. Lucia kills Jason, Jason kills Lucia, or they both fight the narcos and FIB together Bonnie and Clyde style. Either way, bullets are gonna be flying.

The end game would be only Lucia or Jason are left alive and free of both the narcos and FIB. But, Maybe they became a crime Lord in the drug trade thanks to the other person dying or the FIB unknowingly.

Based on how Rockstar makes their stories, I predict one of the two is gonna bite the bullet by the end.

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I've been working on a video detailing a video game I'm making and for one of the sections in the video I talk about Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. For those parts I tried downloading some footage for it but it always came out blurry and low quality so I decided to record my own footage. I kinda regret that decision because I forgot how long that game is. So now I'm playing through this 30 hour game to get a few seconds footage from different chapters in the game.

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"Can you survive a throat slit?" "Is being stabbed in the back always fatal?" "Can you survive a neck break?" "How much blood loss is fatal?"

I'm doing research on wounds my characters experience in my book and seeing what I could inflict on them without instantly killing them. Don't worry, they only experience this as a plot point to highlight how strong they are. They'll survive whatever I enact on them.

I'm a storyboard artist/3d generalist. Basically I draw all day, everyday for short films and TV shows. I find it pretty awesome because A) I love to draw and now I get paid to do it which is, from what I understand, very uncommon for artists. B) I'm helping shape a story from basically beginning to end. C) I also get to do silly voices sometimes when they need someone to fill in.

But, a big downside is that I'm sitting and staring at a screen around 6 to 7 hours a day which destroyed my eyes and I get leg strain sometimes from sitting. I want to get a stand up desk eventually.

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Would Lights by Ellie Goulding count because that song slaps

A few years ago aliens were supposed to reveal themselves on July 18th and we were supposed to become part of a galactic federation.

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I have two types that I love but rarely get to see. First is when I dream entire movies with a beginning, middle, and end. Bonus points if the movie is insanely surreal and sci-fi. The dreams I've had like this I still remember even after such a long time. And the other is dreams that have music in them. They're the most interesting songs but I can never remember how they go after I wake up so I'll never be able to hear it again.

...what?...well then it seems I wasted 12 hours for nothing...

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I've always wanted to learn the violin since it goes well with the piano but there's no way to practice quiet.

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Be rich enough to enjoy life instead of slaving away in order to afford rent and food. Not INSANELY rich, but well enough off.

Yep same. I know how they grew up, what they like and dislike, their personalities, basically everything. On the other hand, they just assume I do nothing but play video games all day and have no other interests. Couldn't be farther from the truth.

Unity development. I'd love to work with someone that knows Unity but no one I know knows what C# is.

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I try to be when I can muster up the courage to speak. I've always been taught to treat others like how you want to be treated and since I can't handle people yelling and screaming I try to avoid that altogether. Even if you're mean to me, I'll try to be nice or I just don't say anything.

I remember listening to a metal song while I played my Xbox 360 back when i was in high school. Even back then I never knew the title since I stole it from my sister's computer. Recently I've been racking my head against the wall trying to find it again and I kept googling one lyric I remember but it coming up as Purple Rain by Prince which was way off from the songs genre. I tried everything from trying to recreate the song on the piano, asking friends, googling and more googling. Eventually I just gave up until I watched a youtube video about metal songs without the metal. And, by PURE COINCIDENCE the song was in the video.

It was Walk by Pantera.

Nice! Feeling glad for you, pal!

Final Fantasy 7: Remake. I now understand what all the fuss was about and why it's probably the most famous out of them all (I might be wrong on that). I haven't played the original so this was a great introduction.

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Anne and Sasha, makes sense

I used to be a huge nerd about the Elder Scrolls universe but I admit it's been a hot minute since I've played Skyrim so my overall interest has waned a bit.

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The fly agaric mushroom. I wanna see if it makes me taller.

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Basically everything. Telling a joke that I love. Showing excitement for something I love. Doing my silly voices; especially my batman and girl voice. Taking my shirt off. And so much more. Damn social anxiety and confidence issues.

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Do not, I repeat, DO NOT sell that mini NES. You. Will. Regret. It.

Still here. All my spent on lemmy is just browsing my subscribed communities by hot and the occasional comment here and there.

Hell yeah

You have a point. I forgot how good the story is for the game so yeah, I guess not really wasted; more savored

To have either a healing superpower or flying superpower. For two different reasons. For the healing superpower I would be able to heal anyone who needs it no matter who needs it regardless of how serious the medical condition is. Got a serious disease? Say no more, got a broken leg? Easy. I'd live on top of a mountain and be that wise old person that people make a pilgrimage to see. As for the flying superpower I want that just to see the world. See Europe, Asia, Africa and not have to pay for a plane ticket. I'd try to keep a low profile so I'd be mistaken for a UAP or the mysterious flying figure.

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I recommend having no job and having the feeling that you're wasting your life and feel like a NEET. That always helps me stop playing games

I just finished the ff7 remake and the dlc, I've always wanted to get into the final fantasy games but never really had the means to or another game got my attention first. I'm glad I finally gave it a shot, now I know why it's so famous but damn is it long.

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Drawing. I really like drawing people and coming up with my own stories. Some big, some little, I just like being able to put what I see in my head on paper so other people can see it.

You're gonna have to watch that mod count. I had to axe a bunch of my mods because the game kept crashing every few minutes due to scripts and visual stuff

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What really sold me was the building part. Building roads and maxing out all contacts was the caveat that really made me stick with it. After all that was done I found the game to be very relaxing, just taking a nice walk in nature. It might have been due to covid but walking and driving is what made me finish the game.

Turn on a video on my phone to distract my thoughts then lie on my stomach

Trash Taste is really the only podcast I listen to while I'm working. I like it because I like the creators who make it and they talk about gaming and anime. Just a fun podcast that caters to what I like in my free time.

I'd pay off my entire immediate family's debt firstly. Then I would speak to a lawyer and accountant to protect myself and my family. Then, based on the accountants advice, I'd set it up so my parents can live where they want to live or travel somewhere and renovate their entire house where they can live and no longer have to work anymore. I'd get my sister a house wherever she wants and no matter the size. I'd get myself a secluded house where I can live on peace and a car so I can work in peace and all the moochers can leave me alone. If also invest in starting my own creative studio where I'd be working on my own game and hiring artists, voice actors, musicians, and programmers that I know. And, since all that wouldn't use the entirety of the 100 million, I'd also use a good chunk of the money to help all those affected by the canadian wildfires because that just sucks what happened to those people and they don't deserve it.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Cold moved to my tonsils and I still feel sore but I still feel mentally better knowing both my parents are over their sicknesses

I've been using Monster ever since I randomly chose it during a Mario Kart race while on a school trip. There were 8 of us playing Mario Kart DS and I wanted to stand out.

Well sorry to say I won't be participating in the Canadian invasion. It's a little bit out of my way but happy invasion my fellow Canadians