What is the movie like thing that has happened to you?

Monster@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 129 points –

For example, I once saw a man throw his hat down in anger. He didn't stomp on it which was kind of a let down.


In the early 2010s, Cape Girardeau, MO was chosen as a location for some of the filming of Gone Girl. I lived there and it was the talk of the town. People were running into Ben Affleck at the local Andy's and shit.

Meanwhile they put out a casting call for extras. I didn't care about it but of course my girlfriend and her cousin went psycho about it and signed us up. We waited in line with at least a thousand other people only to finally get up there, and all they did was take a headshot and send us on our way. The girls were all disappointed that there wasn't anything else to it while I the introvert just laughed about it.

Until I was the one they called back. Not only that, but it turns out they picked me to be a stand-in for Boyd Holbrook. I spent a week hanging out on David Fincher's set, occasionally doing work while trying to avoid getting in trouble for doing things like accidentally sitting in Rosamund Pike's chair. Then one of the assistant directors' mother died and he had to leave, so they "promoted" me to production assistant. At one point I was sent to look for and found David Fincher's missing iPhone.

Fucking surreal man. But I've got the 20th Century Fox W-2s to prove it.

Is Fincher a kind person? He’s certainly talented. Thanks for sharing this story.

Unfortunately I didn't get to have a conversation with him. But he did seem nice.

Walking home from the bus stop, this much younger little kindergarten girl who I could tell had a crush on me, turned to me and said, “you drive me cookoo bananas!” then hastily turned into the street without looking where she was immediately hit by an oncoming car (which slammed on their brakes at the point of impact) and launched literally like 5 meters.

I can still see her flying through the air in slow motion in my memory.

The neighborhood Mom who hit her was inconsolable.

Best part of the story (and the only reason I would relay such a tragic event in this thread): she was somehow almost unscathed and was at school the next week no worse for the wear by all accounts.

She more than earned the nickname, “Fender Bender” given to her by the mean kids.

Glad she was okay, damn. That story made me remember Stacy from Wayne's World

Commuting home via train. It derailed. I didn't really notice it because I had my headphones on and read a book. It was a slightly bumpy ride, but that sort of stuff happens, right? I only realised something was off when people started smashing in the windees and breaking open the doors, climbing off and running away.

I packed my stuff, hopped outside and looked at the train. Sure enough, it was fully off the tracks.

I've never been in that small town before and had no idea how to get home. So, I did the only reasonable thing I could think of: Finding the nearest local pub, drinking a pint of beer, having a smoke and figure things out from there.

Met a sweet couple about my age over there who were on the same train and lived in that area. We had a lovely chat, a few more pints and then they dropped me off at the bus stop from where I could get back home. We became close friends.

The camera shows the wheel break from the track, throwing the hero and the henchman to either side of the room. It cuts to the carriage in chaos, with people panicked at the motion. Then it cuts to you to break the tension.

Checks out.

I do tend to have a calming effect on people. Mostly because I can't be bothered by anything beyond my control, so I just think "Eh, fuck it" and proceed as normal.

Why were people smashing windows? Is it dangerous to be on a train that's derailed?

They just panicked and lost their cool. It's way more dangerous what they did instead of waiting inside until emergency services arrive. By the time I hopped off, the entire area was swarming with paramedics , fire brigade and the guards. I was the last person on that train

Are you Simon Pegg?

Why, what's the reference I'm missing? ^_^

Ah, lol, did you refer to the Winchester? I guess many people in Ireland act that way, too. That's where it happened. A healthy "oh well..." attitude.

The Winchester, yeah. I wouldn't have thought of it if it weren't a meme that you partially quoted!

edit: Clarification.

Fair. It wasn't intentional on my end, it's just a not uncommon attitude in GB and IE, I suppose. ^^

Had a shotgun put to my head and marched into a house of gang members because I dared to try to pick my sister up from a party. Got yelled at and threatened, and left without her.

Came back a little while later to try once more and found ems/police/fire all over the place. That same person with the same shotgun blew someone elses head off after I left.

I had a friend with me, we elected not to stop the second time. A day later the police questioned us, we were subpoenaed to testify, and both got threatened by gang members for years.

Good times.

...and what about your sister (he asked, trepidatiously)?

She was fine. She left after the shooting and got a ride home. We don't talk anymore. She accused me of raping her when we were kids while she was in a troubled teen facility (I got to fly to Utah and talk to a room full of shrinks as a teenager!) got my whole family believing and accusing me... Until 10 years later when she did the same to our dad.

I feel for her, she's had it rough but I've almost died, been ostracized and demonized by my entire family and the emotional shit that came with it as a teen. But she can get fucked.

She later (several years) went on to get arrested and convicted of selling coke, as well as conspiracy to sell. Got out, invited the police in while she had meth out on the table after calling them about methallucinations.

Well, this wasn't a fun story at all.

Hard agree, and what's worse is that I didn't then, and even now 30+ years later don't see it as a traumatic. I know it is logically but I don't feel it.

Things leading up to it were that much worse, and the later years didn't start to get better until recently.

It sounds like you lived through some rough situations; it is a tough climb out but I am glad to hear things have gotten better for you. Keep climbing, friend!

Not a movie, but there was a period of time when my parents' house had them living upstairs, my older brother, his wife, and their young son living in the converted basement, and me temporarily staying in a guest bedroom after I had just gotten out of the Army. And we all worked at the family pizza restaurant together.

It was the perfect TGIF sitcom scenario.

Also, true story, shortly after I moved out one of my younger brother's friends moved into the guest room because of drama at home and our family gave him enough structure to straighten up and complete high school. It is exactly what would happen after my character got written out of the sitcom in season 4 and a beloved guest character got promoted to the regular cast...

At least he didn't have to play your character while everyone acts like nothing is different.

I was walking through the city, watched as a man in a suit in front of me (I was walking behind him for a couple of blocks) picked up a briefcase beside a newsstand and got in the passenger seat of a waiting black car which drove off.

I'm in a spy movie, I guess.

In the 1960s the CIA used to leave instructions for their agents inside the buttholes of dead pidgeons.

Their logic was that ANYONE could pick up a random briefcase, but who's going to pick up a dead bird.

They stopped doing it when some guy picked up the dead bird. The CIA thought a russian spy figured things out. Nope. Turns out they followed the guy, and did survielance on him for roughly an hour, as they gathered intel on how dangerous this guy was. They found no criminal background. So they stormed the house with armed guards. They found the dead pidgeons butthole covered in semen. The guy had no clue he just picked up government secrets.

You MF. You were telling the truth about the pigeon sex story. And you didn't even tell me!

I mean.....I directly said this was the case.

There's also a post in my recent history where I asked if anyone wanted to put my hot dog in their mouth, and posted a picture of my gooey covered weiner. It got many downvotes.

Pocket dog?

Well I should HOPE nobody puts it in their pocket! Then it would get all linty, and you couldn't enjoy the meaty salty flavor in your mouth, as it squirts it's gooey topping down your throat.

Goodness! I hope he didn't get a papercut from those instructions.

Had an emotionally painful, self-esteem crushing experience at the hands of a high school girl that left me bitter and angry. Reconnected with her 15 years later and set about trying to hurt her the way I hurt. Wound up falling in love and getting married.

That's some Hollywood bullshit right there but we've been married going on 15 years.

Damn bro, all part of her plan, she's going to let you down even harder this time! Jk

Already anticipating that deathbed "syke!" after decades of marital bliss.

Yeah but jokes on her. Because you've got evidence that she's been sleeping with her husband the whole time!

That could just be part of the long game you're playing! ;^)

My ex wife was going to quit her job. She had the papers printed in her purse, the conversation ongoing in her head. She is the right-hand of the boss, keeping the company afloat and they have a friendly relationship, like knowing each others family around Christmas dinner ect.

Her boss asked her out at lunch to talk outside of the office in a nicer environment. She took the opportunity to give her resignation at the same time but first she had to listen to what her boss wanted to say.

He told her that he's been very lately diagnosed with throat cancer, too late to do anything about it. Doctors gave him 6 month to live. He then started to cry.

Her resignation papers stayed in her purse that day...

Once i had a bike accident. The car was parked and the driver opened the door milliseconds before i drove by.

The bike smashed into his door and i went flying onto the other lane, where luckily no cars were driving at the time.

The movie like thing was that i landed rolling a few times and ended up on my feet without any injury or whatsoever. The bike was trashed, as was the car's door. The driver was also pretty shocked about what happened. I was just wondering why nothing happened to me.

Ok, i was young ( 26 ) and I'm sure my body wouldn't be so lucky nowadays.

You might be a ninja!

I had a similar experience (at a similar age but only one flip) and instead of a door, I stopped short to avoid an unexpected car and did an involuntary front flip over the handlebars of a mountain bike with the handlebars still in my hands. After I landed on my feet, the bike swung over my head (through the force of its inertia, I’m guessing) and landed on the back tire in front of me in a full wheelie position while I stood behind it. The driver just looked at me with her mouth wide open in shock. We had a laugh and continued about our days unharmed but shoook. I can’t even believe I did that. I certainly wouldn’t be able to do that if I tried.

Yeah, I'm sure that, without training, trying to do something like that on purpose, is bound to have you fail spectacularly.

In my case, i would probably jump too soon, before the door opens.

Drives me crazy how so many people don't check for traffic, pedestrians, whatever before opening their door. Glad you weren't hurt!

Nowadays with mobile phones it's even worse. I see people walking around with their undivided attention on what they are doing on the phone. Other people usually walk around them.

Other people usually walk around them.

I don't, I am the mean asshole they have to walk around. I see them imposing costs on me and I don't accept.

On the lunch long time ago, I was complaining to my colleagues about surprisingly expensive pizza: "20 euros for the pizza! In some countries you would get a blowjob for that kind of money!" Few minutes later, another colleague joined us and I immediately told him: "This is 20 euro pizza!". He answered: "What?? Did you get a blow job with it?" One female colleague noted: "I see you both visit similar kind of .. restaurants".

That sounds straight out of Seinfeld, I read "Did you get a blowjob with it?" with Kramer's voice hahahaha

Standing in a convenience store when a car comes crashing through the front, and broken glass flies all around all the customers including me. None of us got hurt, but it was scary AF. Car was being driven by an elderly person who confused the brake pedal with the gas pedal.

I had something similar happen to me. The steering knuckle on my first car broke and took out the brakes in the process. I hit the brakes and emergency brake as hard as I could but my vehicle turned sharply to the left and drove into a pool store.

However, there was a car between me and The pool store, so I hit the car and the car went into the pool store.

That was some scary fucking shit, fortunately no one was hurt and the damages were fairly minor.

You were just playing billiards but with cars.

Oh, you meant the other kind of pool...

I was at Goodwill one time and I swear to you I heard a conversation almost exactly like this at the jewelry counter.

employee: hello how's it going today?

customer: pretty damn terrible

employee: oh, uh... well I hope it starts getting better soon

customer: it never does

Sounds like somebody had a case of the Mondays.

Sounds like a typical interaction in New Jersey.

I had sex once.

I saw a lady slip on a banana peel irl outside of the Disney store in Dublin, Ireland. I didn't even know it was possible. I felt really bad bc I couldn't go help her up because I was laughing so hard and had to go into the Disney store so it wouldn't look like I was laughing at her. I was just more shocked that it actually happened.

Once I worked a double with a coworker I had a small crush on. Towards the end of the shift, my sister called me. She was staying in a rural area on the other side of the state. She had started to drive home, and something had popped her tire. She had no spare, and no where was open... and she had an international flight in the morning. I told her, yup yup, I'll go get her.

As soon as I got off my call, my co worker insisted that she go with me. "You're going to need a co pilot." After some back and forth, somehow we ended up taking her car even. That was at 8pm. It was really nice at first. I learned a lot about her. She told me about her fiance, and her upbringing in the south. We got to our destination at midnight, and both of us were bushed. We asked my sister if she could take the wheel for the way home. We both fell asleep.

My sister hit a deer at around 2am. We were still about 90 min from my car. Who do you call at 2am to drive that far to turn around and drive all the way back? I started making calls. We were dropped off at this truck stop; I am trying to be strong for these ladies; one of whom just had her car totaled and one of whom is my literal baby sister. One of my friends made the drive; and Ive got stories about her (which also might just be movie esqe). In any case, I took my co worker home, and then handed my keys to my sister gingerly, because she had some stuff to do at her house before my dad took her to the air port. She made her flight with 20 minutes to spare, at 830 am. My car was the first one she left in working order that night.

I spent the next month helping my coworker get around while my sister was abroad. Didn't get the girl, but that's the story of my life. This had stakes, and acts, and a second act turn!

My first kiss was in the rain.

Was the other person hanging upside down in a red and blue spandex costume?

Oh I wish! Although she would have probably asked why it wasn't pink and black.

My second partner, I was with for about a year and a half. Our last kiss was in the airport, before they left the country for a year. We were both crying inconsolably. Their dad drove me home, the rain pouring down.

Then their ex followed them to that country and I was suddenly broken with after months of lovely video chats from afar. Ruined me for a good couple years.

Ouch, that's definitely a movie plot. You failed, though, by not getting on a last-minute flight and chasing after her.

Ehhh it definitely worked out for the best—I’m married to the perfect person now hahaha

Walked out of the shower with a towel around my waist, facing a tweaked guy with a gun. Took my wallet and ran out of the apartment. Good times.

Wtf? You were supposed to chase him out a window, down a metal fire escape into the rainy alley, past a bunch of Chinese food vendors, into traffic where you nearly get wiped out by a car that honks at you and you briefly lose sight of the guy...

Maybe like 20 years ago, my partner and I were at a couple-friends' apartment on a hot sweaty summer day. The four of us sitting in a small circle on the hardwood living room floor, smoking a bowl.. Nothing but the sound of the flicking lighter, and the squeaky hum of the ceiling fan providing us with some margin of relief from the heat. Ahh...

Then boom. The ceiling fan's loose screw squeaked its last squeak and the whole fixture fell, heavy-ass motor assembly and all, exactly in the middle of our circle. One of the wooden blades nicked my friend on the way down for a bloody eyebrow. But the heavy middle part, which could've killed any of us, landed right in the middle of our little arms-length bowl circle. This wasn't one of those skinny modern fans you install by yourself.. The thing was freakin' heavy.


We snatched a few Neighborhood Crime Watch signs from our rural neighborhood.

If anyone happens to have a recording from 1998 of when the Daily Show came out to rural PA and interviewed the state troopers and crime watch committee about it, we've been trying to find that recording for years. It was definitely during the Craig Kilborn years and I believe Steve Colbert was the field reporter who did the segment, but I'm not sure, because all those Daily show guys looked the same to me back before they got famous.

Jay Leno also did a Headlines bit on it, but that's not nearly as fun.

With digitization the way it’s going, for example Jon Oliver’s show releasing all of their content on YouTube, you might get lucky by reaching out to the studio itself. There’s gotta be some nerd who’d find your story interesting enough to comb the archive for you.

I did find a site dedicated to finding all the lost episodes, but they haven't found mine yet. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I used to have one, but someone taped over it with Oprah.

About 15 years ago I was giving a presentation at a technical conference. This was me giving a presentation in front of a room full of about 50 other engineers. At this point in my career this was still pretty new to me, so I was nervous. It was getting time for my presentation and I needed to do a last minute nervous pee before I did my presentation.

I went to the bathroom, peed in a urinal, and then went to wash my hands. I pushed down the bathroom faucet and it exploded sending up a geyser of water about air a foot or two into the air. Now had I really been on a TV show, my pants would have been soaked in the crotch area, but luckily in real life I stepped back and didn't get wet. However, this was the perfect setup for a young nervous engineer giving a technical presentation to be thoroughly embarrassed. Luckily I'm either not on a TV show, or I'm not the main character.

My husband had to evict his coke dealer at the apartment building he worked at.

The most movie-like event for me was when I got a job working on a cruise ship and they sent me and a bunch of other people out to Baltimore for training. When I got there, my luggage never came down the coral thing and I ended up missing the bus to the training facility. A couple others had the same issue and the company had us stay at a hotel nearby the airport for the night. It was me, another guy who was gay, and two girls. We all had dinner together and then went to our single room and the girls were arguing over who's tits were better because one had implants and the other didn't. So they asked our opinion and had us feel them up at the same time to compare.

I honestly couldn't tell the difference. They were both awesome.

I literally had the Talladega "Yep. I'm flying through the air—this is not good." moment but mine was after i high-sided my motorcycle. lol

Only real crash I've ever had.
...So far.

Ha, I had a similar feeling when I went off a jump snowboarding that I literally asked my buddy if they made bigger overnight on the chairlift up. As I'm in the air, thought "yep, they definitely made it bigger. Holy fuck, I'm still in the air, I've never been in the air this long." I actually landed it for like a second, then I completely ate shit n broke my wrist. Fun times!

Snowboarding is so fun. I can't wait for this season. I just wish it wasn't getting so expensive—like everything else.

There's one family owned hill in Tahoe called Diamond Peak that I still frequent. It's unfortunate because it's not the greatest hill in Tahoe (by fucking far) but hey, they let kids 6 and under ride for free, and while it is still expensive, it's much less than their corporate counterparts. It's also nice that I can bring my kids and not go broke. Most of my old stomping grounds have been bought by Vail and the like. It's a shame because I would like to take my son to Squaw, Alpine Meadows, Northstar, and Heavenly but they are just way to God damn expensive now. I got a gondola pass for my wife recently at Heavenly. SEVENTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS. Mind you, that just gets you to mid mountain and no skiing/snowboarding. Those used to be $15 before Vail came along. They're also charging for fucking parking now too. They've sucked all the fun out of the sport for sure.

Man... That adrenaline dump when something very bad is happening: senses shut off, you get "pre-death clarity," and time slows down as you try to figure out a way of making the inevitable less painful...

Too bad the recovery time for those few micro seconds of superpowers is like a week!

Imagine if you could activate it at will. That would be wild.
I'm not sure what use it could offer but it would be interesting.

My old house had a steep backyard and I managed to flip the riding mower. It hit a tree and up up. It took forever and I remember thinking -"hold tight and keep the mover between me and the blade".

Not exactly, but when I was a kid, I slammed the receiver of our rotary phone because I saw Tom (IIRC) from Tom and Jerry do it. I got scolded obviously. lol

Kind of a lame example that depending on who you are may make you go, "Uhh... yeah? Duh?" but...

Y'know how Hollywood has been using the same library of stock sounds for like half a century? Wilhelm scream tier stuff? Like, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard one of those stock baby noises, or that ape screeching, you know the ones, I'd have a good chunk of change by now.

And if you ever encounter real world examples of some of these things, they never sound quite like those recordings. This is in large part because Hollywood loves pairing sounds of specific creatures or objects with footage of completely different creatures or objects that in reality sound nothing like that (e.g. no, bald eagles do not make that noise at all). So these sounds become reified in your head as "the sounds fake shit in movies make". The acoustic equivalent of what fruit flavored candies are to actual fruits. Does that make sense?

All this to say, it's really disorienting when you encounter things in the real world that actually make these noises. Particularly if you aren't regularly used to being around them.

For me in particular, it's roosters and horses. My mind is conditioned to assume that the stock noises for these creatures I hear in films and the like are, I dunno, extremely cherry-picked noises from some specific breed or species of the animal that aren't the ones I'd commonly find around me. Not the case! They really do sound like that! To a spookily accurate degree, too. Being around them feels like someone is pranking me with a soundboard, I almost can't believe it's real.

It's a bit depressing that sound design of film has disillusioned me to the point I'm shocked to hear that roosters in real life actually sound like roosters in movies and on TV, but nonetheless here we are.

I know what you mean. When I visited Hawaii, I was unexpectedly woken up by a rooster crowing in what was surely the most rooster-crowy way possible, right as the sun was appearing on the horizon. When I realized what was going on, it felt a little surreal, like you're describing, even though it's a fairly simple/common thing.

Hawaii is exactly the place that made me write this comment.

Once I saw a car flying off the street in an accident.

It was going at good speed on the Autobahn, came off the road a little to the left, and the driver lost control. It went over to the right side crossing all lanes at once, then bumped the guardrails there a few times, started to spin and finally jumped up high and off to the right.

All the people in the car survived.

You know when a scientist/expert warns people about a disaster and they don't believe him and a short time later they actually suffer from that disaster?

Well. I was that expert. I do disaster response planning for a living.Told a large public company that they are at risk of a certain scenario. They told me that they don't believe it would apply to them and basically kicked me out.

Two weeks later they were on national news for it.

Not that it would have changed a thing - projects we do take months and do not prevent a disaster, just deal with the risk much better.

But still. Felt surreal.

What was the scenario (if you don't mind saying)?

Sorry, it would be easy to identify the customer then, so sadly I can't.

Been in several car accidents. Rolled a car down a hill. Was hit by a car and went over the bonnet, roof and landed on my feet behind the car bruised but OK.
Got run over by another car dislocated my knee and my heel burst open, the lady in the car gave me about 20 chocolate penguin biscuits for the shock, then I got on a bus and went to my mates house for a joint.
Done illigal bridge swings off of railway bridges and damns and abseiled away from the cops.
Climbed onto the roof of a moving steam train dressed as Indiana Jones walked along the carridge then climbed back in through a window, scaring the crap out of the people in there.
Then met the girl of my dreams, had kids settled down (a little) and lived happily ever after.

In college, rowing for state championship. Sitting in the bow position rowing against the best team in the state. You're not supposed to look out of the boat because you need to keep your head inline so as not to upset the boat. But because I was at the front I could see the other boat peripherally. When the gun went off and we started rowing I expected to see the back of their boat disappear, but it didn't. And after pulling for a couple hundred meters they were still there. We were IN this thing. We weren't losing.

To explain a little about rowing. The coxswain basically communicates with the stroke, the person right in front of him, the strongest rower that the rest of us follow. But he has a bull horn, or at least back then that's what we used. So he communicates with the whole boat. If he calls a "power 10," that means we are supposed to take 10 harder strokes to pick up some speed. A good coxswain knows when to call these. Obviously you can't pull harder 100% of the time or you'll burn out. But this time he was calling them more often than usual sending a subtle message that we were in the race of our lives. You can also here the other boat calling power 10's and we were matching them. The boat started to have what we call "swing." This is when the rowers are all in sync producing a sort of harmony. The boat feels like it's going faster. Like it's up on plane (not a real thing in an 8 man racing shell).

As the race proceeded, we were neck and neck. At one point the boats got close. Our oars, nearly made contact with their oars. But it wasn't our boat that was off coarse. It was theirs. We held the line as they corrected. They were supposed to beat us, but we were right there. We could hear the excitement in the voice of our coxswain. The finish line was approaching. We were all fighting from hitting the wall. Pushing harder than we ever had, knowing we had a chance. We heard the call from the other boat for a power 10 but our coxswain did not call one. I could see the back of the other boat pull slightly ahead and I thought, this is where they play their trump card. Ten strokes passed by and still nothing from our coxswain, we knew the finish line was coming up but nothing. At this point there is nothing else going through you mind. It's just raw focus. Like tunnel vision. Then it happened. Our coxswain called out, "Power to the finish!" And then something like, "Row like hell! We've got this!" In my peripheral vision that boat was still right there, just like we were still at the start line. They had one of those old timey metal flag things that would rotate 90 degrees making a ching sound, then again when the next boat passed. It had gone ching-ching rapidly almost like a cha-ching, because we had crossed the finish line so close to each other. Then the moment we had been waiting for. He called, "Let it run," meaning we could stop rowing the race was over. He kept us going straight while we all collapsed, laying backward in the boat, oars spread on the water haphazard. I could hear a guy in the other boat dry heaving. After a moment, when it momentum was spent, we were all just sitting there looking at each other asking the rowers on the other team, who one. No one knew. It was a photo finish. We had to wait for the results. It felt like forever. Our teammates were on the shore yelling something to us. There was some chaos we didn't understand and I realized then, this was just like being in the movies.

I did a summer contract in forestry, up north, in the mountains, middle of nowhere. We had to get into an area that was beyond a pipeline blockade - meaning a group of indigenous leaders were blocking a pipeline from being built on their land.

The higher ups negotiated with them while we spent days off gaining bad reputations in town.

When we were allowed through, they welcomed us individually and explained their reasons for being cautious. They told us that people dressed as (or actually were) cops tried to convince them they were on public land and force them to leave, they had people pretending to be blockade protesters who came in and tried to burn down their buildings, they had people blow up their signs, they had helicopters drop off equipment and workers beyond the blockade in the night. Taking all this with a heavy pinch of salt, we got through to work.

Not an hour after we started, black goddamn helicopters showed up. About ten of them. They hung out all the first day, there were fewer the second and only one for the next two. And they were low, I could feel the wind from the rotors at times.

I don't know why. We discussed it over plenty of drinks without coming to any good conclusions. I don't know if they thought we were with the blockade and wanted to intimidate us, or why the pipeline people didn't talk to the forestry people to figure out we were just labourers. As it turns out that kind of thing does happen in real life.

A bunch of us took big shits in the open where they could watch.

Was in an expressway pileup and man you sense of time just does go wack. I had somewhat the effect when I was young and we used to walk on the train tracks and we turned around to see a train coming and it seemed like it was ontop of us and we literally lept to the side and actually it was pretty far away we were just surprised by it. got all dirty and scratched up for nothing. Had time to get up and look and see it was a way aways and wait for it. Okay the last thing was not preciesly a movie thing but im just talking about wierd time perception things they sorta immitate with slow motion and such.

I somehow got the highest possible score in an English exam without properly studying for it, and I ended up getting voted as the class rep after a single speech.

If The Thing happened to me I would be dead and a grotesque alien would be using my body parts