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In the same vein as your response, I’ve heard people say that they start dreaming in the other language, too, and understanding it. Being a monolinguist myself, I can’t speak with any authority, but my understanding is when you stop thinking about what you say and you’re just saying it, combined with the dreaming in it, is a good identifier.

People who say that they speak whatever random number of languages but it’s only memorized sayings…? Yeah, that’s not* the same thing, you guys.

Edit: I’m married to a Puerto Rican who works in interpretation and translation, just for my credentials here. In one of our last minor tiffs she did mention something about me not learning Spanish and how she felt some kind of way about it… but, hey. Languages are difficult, and there are plenty of relationships where a partner didn’t learn the language and it’s not a big deal. I’m busy and stressed out with work.

No, but that same dude launched chicken tenders at a crowd over the weekend.

I mean, terrorism doesn’t require anyone getting hurt or any significant amount of damage. It’s to strike fear and disrupt. This… does just that.

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He has to satisfy the guys they fronted him the billions he needed to buy and destroy Twitter.

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They hadn’t bribed him enough that time. It should be blatantly obvious to everyone that he will do or say anything anyone wants if they pay him enough. He’s bought, and that’s a huge national security risk. No security expert would ever willingly provide him with a security clearance, but here the brain dead half* of Americans go with attempting to re-elect the guy who sold Israel’s nuclear secrets for 2 billion dollars after leaving office.

Election workers are afraid, some are quitting and being replaced with stooges. We can say that these campaigners are also shaken. You and I can’t put ourselves in their shoes and understand how this may affect them psychologically. Look at the news reporting that Trump has been shaken and is possibly losing it after each attempt on his life.

META: Also, FlyingSquid responded to me!!! Ahhhh!!!

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The ROI is the destruction of a social media platform that enabled global protest and solidarity movements toward equality and equity of the lower and middle classes against our global elite; anti hijab movements, women’s equal rights in Muslim countries, black lives matters in western countries, the revolution in France over the retirement age, to name a few.

Edit: and let’s not forget the impact this has had on growing conservative movements, increased foreign interference in US politics, and the weakening of western democracy.

As he fucking should. He explicitly destroyed an approved religious statue on government property because it didn’t fit his religious beliefs. He* committed violence against the ST for religious reasons.

In tiers of ‘hate crime’ I wouldn’t put it up there with setting a cross on fire (which has other religious connotations) or fire bombing a church… but, fuck. We should all just respect each others’ equal rights to worship as we see fit, and if the government is going to permit one ideology to put up religious iconography on their grounds, then they must include the other religions.

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Holy fuck is that depressing… former Olympian contender who was exiled from her home nation due to her political beliefs… became an Uber driver in Miami and then a food server in Los Vegas, at 50, before she choked to death at her solo apartment and was only found because her place of employment reported her missing. Holy fuck.

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Radiate the body before sending it to the crematory. That way you can test radiation levels when you get your urn back.

I regularly show this episode when anyone I know starts talking about timeshares. He does really good write ups and I highly suggest everyone watch this one, even if you already are on the Timeshare hate train, it’s a good watch.

Hey, man. I’m blue, through and through, but don’t touch my right to get fucking wasted in the middle of the day, or morning, at an airport. You down to tussle? Because I’m throwing hands.

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They’re very specifically weaponizing impeachment with overblown and exaggerated situations where anyone in the Biden administration that does something they don’t like or is a race or minority group that they dislike is attacked and the target.

The more they weaponize Impeachment the less bad it looked for Trump to be brought up on what everyone who isn’t a cultist knows were high crimes against the US and our allies.

Keep your eye out, they’ll probably target a very specific transportation secretary from GA for misusing taking paternity leave “when the country needed him…”

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His role in Barbie has me sold.

Good thing, and good news, they are actively doing something about that.


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Playing by the rules and showing those that made them their flaws, is also a legitimate strategy to force corrections.

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You’re failing to see that the oath is BETTER served by the original commenter’s point:

if I get close to violating the state law, even with the federal protection, I can lose my license and possibly go to jail, then the uncountable other women I could have helped with less severe problems don’t have a doctor. I would do more harm to more people by trying to perform this abortion.

And that’s the point, it’s fucked either way.


Hey, that looks like a long-bed MTV from the US Army. Wonder how that got in the photo…

Sounds like removing threats to our democracy is ‘official presidential business’.

That’s a good POV, play him hard to accept what you want through reverse psychology. I watched, while getting more and more drunk, the last debate. Trump didn’t act out when the mic was muted. Why would I expect he’d act out now when it was unmuted? Sure, given the opportunity he’ll railroad you, but that doesn’t help Harris. That just makes him look better to his base. She needs to be able to defeat him on his inability to answer questions or keep himself on topic. His wonderings and absurd statements. Call his ass out.

Exactly. I’m not an Olympian… I’ll never see the money that goes into a campaign to compete there. But, how crushing is my future at 50 going to be? If this Olympian contender got treated that way? How is my (dying) middle class, unfit ass going to survive in our dystopian future?

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My favorite memory in video gaming of a waterfront town? FFVIII and the* little water town in the middle of the fucking ocean with its turbines surrounding it. Ahead of its time, but super quaint and fun. People get fucking* defensive about change when they get older, and have enough money to speak with it.

I’ve got a crusty old peer in my office. Entirely separate lane, department and team than me… who has up and decided since I’m the new guy, in the exact tier level as him in an entirely different lane (think operations vs logistics)… I’m his subordinate. And the guy will yell at me and dictate what I’m to do… nah, old man. That’s called work place violence and if you have a problem with my work ethic or behavior take it up with my boss, like I did with yours. One more incident and I’m making an EO claim.

This is the shit he needs. Our older generation needs to catch up with the times and understand that you can’t be weird around the younger women in the workplace, or minorities, or the new hires, etc.

Back in 2009 or so they started fielding this item, they had it at Buy 1, Get 1 Free. Broke college grad me working at a coffee shop would walk across the parking lot and purchase this every fucking day.

I’m living at my office now, halfway across the state from my wife and dogs. I still get this with 2x burrito supremes when I don’t use a hot plate to cook something in the break room.

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What if they gender swapped their clone?

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Apparently he’s been doing interviews with fringe right wing conservative podcasters and YouTubers, too. He’s had a hard push to try to win over younger voters, that already listen to conservative media.

How is it unlikely with 34 counts, though?! Some super rich white guy 2-tier system vibes here

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John Stewart did a good piece last night about how Trump is regularly reusing the same old lines but targeted toward Harris instead of Biden. Starting at 11:24 in this link: (removed: see below commenter for link.)

Its uncanny.

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Was it entirely NOT politically motivated, though? Has there been anymore word on the shooter?

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Yeah, and that scifi movie where they’re in space!

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Who blatantly tried to stage a coup, in front of the entire world, and the majority of his stooges are going to jail left and right for corruption.

With digitization the way it’s going, for example Jon Oliver’s show releasing all of their content on YouTube, you might get lucky by reaching out to the studio itself. There’s gotta be some nerd who’d find your story interesting enough to comb the archive for you.

“Russia, if you’re listening…” he can say whatever he wants, no one cares. They’d rather complain about Kamala flip-flopping, which makes sense that she would change her stances to gather more support… or that she’s just a continuation of the current administration.

They’re already taking aim at Out Of State abortions, you think they won’t stop women from emigrating to Blue states? As they continue to solidify their power, they absolutely will bring the SCOTUS against free travel between states in order to protect their sinking population.

There are many diverging paths to THMT.

I watched this one in the last two weeks, would recommend for sure. They even go into detail about how public hitman requests aren’t a thing. Like other commenters have said, the ‘industry’ is primarily gangs, mobs, corporate or governmental agencies and all of them have their vetted, go-to guys. Not general public, and if you, as a normie, think you’re talking to one? They’re a cop, %100.

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Or the other ‘Chris’. The muscly white guy, you know the one.

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Did he get muscly and white recently?

The googling part is news to me, hopefully we find more info as we go. I know everyone’s holding their breath waiting for a big reveal of something.

I know the D&D community is pretty big here, but how would you as a DM rule this?

Fireball is a fire explosion, less force but more fire, in my mind. Compared to how this is just a splash of liquid fire.

Me thinking to myself I’d say this would have cone fire spread with a high(er) probability of causing burning, but lower upfront* fire damage. The DOT might not be too insignificant, either.

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