177 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Basically Activation and Blizzard with their sexual misconduct, harassment, and otherwise. Their CEO defending it. The allegations of toxic work environments, etc. It's just not a company I support, despite the fact that I was a huge fan of their games. There's a lot more information out there, but I don't feel like going through it all. I'll remove my post if you want.

Maybe I'm just being salty? I don't think so though.

Edit: Sorry Chris, if I am out of line or didn't provide enough info in my original post.

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Oof, figures. I guess everybody is going to jump on this train. Like they have the mentality of my HS teachers... It's not that much... Sure 8 other teachers also assigned me "not that much", and now it's very much much. A double positively you're getting fucked.

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Did they completely blow him off or something? Hard to know what's really going on in a still image. That image does make me feel a little sad though.

You probably can, but I'm lazy ;) I like it. Got the family one so everybody in my house can use it. We listen to a LOT of music on youtube music in my house, and a few of the others like watching cooking shows and silly junk on youtube. There's some pretty decent content. You can get by with ad blockers and stuff, but since I use the music app in my car and at work I prefer not to deal with all that.

For most people, there's probably not much reason to pay for it.

Edit: Not happy with the constant price hikes though. It seems like the bump the price by a little every year or two.

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Fuck Blizzard

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They'll keep jacking up their prices, because of inflation, but they won't pay their employees to match, nobody will. They'll make more, we'll make less, and we'll pay more for services we use, further increasing their profits.

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No doubt. What gets me is something another person pointed out. You can get almost any premium streaming service for around that price that offers a lot more content than a single music streaming service.

They'll probably be the next to jack up their prices though.

I pay a lot for youtube ad free, but at least I get more than just music with that. For a little more than what I'm paying for that you could subscribe to more than a few movie streaming services.

I'm paying $20/month for Disney+/Hulu/ESPN ad free for my entire family. I'm paying about that for youtube family plan.

My yearly wage increase sure as shit isn't coming close to matching inflation, but that won't stop companies from extracting more and more money from me while paying their employees less because "the state of the economy"... And then they make as much or more while we make less, and pay more.

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This price increase sucks though.

Yes it does :\ Lucky for us it doesn't seem to affect the family package. They raised the price on that last year.

Here's hoping they don't raise the price of that plan too.

No doubt. I agree. I try to stay out of things for that reason, but this was big news for a couple years and is still going on. As a gamer, it was unavoidable. The number of reports coming out of that company is concerning. But I do try to separate art from the artist when I can.

I still have a job. I survived layoffs... for now. My workload has increased, but all is well, and I'm thankful for that.

I grew up poor(ish), have been close to homelessness in my life more than once. So I'm not stranger to going without. Fortunately for me I can afford price hikes like this without even taking notice. I feel I am privileged. It doesn't make me any less angry though. I don't mind the price hikes on services due to inflation, but those same companies will lay you off and refuse pay raises. Last company I worked for told me I was lucky to get anything at all. But they increased their prices, didn't suffer a single loss, and they still used it as an excuse to fuck their employees, and their customers. At the end of the day they made more because of it, not less. I don't care about pay raises for myself, but the people under me absolutely deserve more.

Hoping for the best for you. Take care!

Oh that's great! Thank you! I was struggling to find something new that hit the spot. Appreciate it!

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I don't think so. Where did you see that?

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Yeah they keep changing the structure of the plan. Music used to be a separate package I think? That was years ago.

I wouldn't call it fluff though :P I (initially) got it specifically for the music, and that's what gets the most use from my family :) I guess that doesn't make it any less fluff for you though. I agree that it should be a separate package.

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Interesting idea :) Gonna have to think about this one.

Not sure this song qualifies, but it does feel like he's expressing his frustrations to someone.

Kane Strang - My Smile Is Extinct

I was randomly listening to this, thanks to you, looked over and my daughter was tagging it. She likes it, so do I. Thanks!

What trips me out about this song is that it's something I liked a while back and added to a youtube list (apparently).

The thing I don't like about youtube lists is that if a song gets deleted, it only ever shows up as a deleted song in your list. There's no information about what that song was, who sang it, etc.

For that reason, I stopped using lists in youtube. Instead, If I like the song I will bookmark it. Even if it got deleted, the bookmark has enough information to find the song again (band name, title, etc).

I thought I stopped using those lists years ago, but I was checking them recently and found this song that was posted 7 months ago. Weird. I must have added it to one of my lists and then completely forgot about it.

Anyway. This song is awesome, and that perm...

Nice, I haven't heard that one yet. Thanks! BEES!

Probably my favorite band of all time

I second that

Yeah, I can't disagree honestly. The Disney+/Hulu/ESPN ad free bundle is like $20/month usd.

GWAR!!! Thank you for that.

Me too! I love finding music like this randomly :D

Learning python could be handy if you ever wanted a career change into a software developer :)

lol yeah I might post a lot on Friday or if I'm drinking usually ;) I'll be out of town this weekend so probably won't post much.


Loved that anime! Great stuff.

Nice! That's a new one for me. Gonna have to dive into that rabbit hole.

Absolutely! Glad you liked it!

Nice one, I have been listening to this song from them a lot lately METTE - Mama's Eyes

I need to listen to more of their stuff

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Oh, you are the best! I'm thankful to that Bee (Berson? What did we decide again?) for showing you them because they're new to me too. Not sure how they slipped under my radar. Thanks again!

Yeah, you are right, there isn't much there yet. I hadn't poked around much so I didn't know. Dang! That song you posted has me excited for more!

Are you talking about the video where she is dancing to the song Lemon? Just looked that up and watched it, good stuff!

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Nice one, thanks for that!

He has some really good stuff. For a while I was listening to this song way too much Kendrick Lamar - King Kunta

Hope you didn't jinx yourself with this, fun times that would be ;)

I'm with you 100%

Me as well, anything in particular that you like? Types of music, etc. I'll dig through my play list if you want.

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Timespinner: A really solid Metroidvania - very similar to older Castlevania games. It's on sale for just under $6 USD. Great deal. I got a solid 28 hours out of the game and loved it (tho, if you race to the end it isn't super long but still good for the price). Don't sleep on it for that price if you like the genre, and are itching for that old school Castlevania feel. An actual hidden gem IMO.

Broforce: Not a hidden gem, but a hilariously fun side scrolling shooter like Contra that you could play with a few friends (and levels going up and down, not just running to the right, plus destructible environments that you can use to kill your friends for laughs). $3 USD, hard to pass up even if you only play it for one drunken night with your friends. We all had a lot of fun with this. Maybe too much fun.

Toukiden 2: This game has been sitting at full price for years. I could never understand why. It's a Monster Hunter style game with a full open world for single player, but multiplayer gameplay for boss battles similar to MH. I had fun with it for a bit but I have been waiting for it to go on sale so I can play it with some friends. Significant sale at $23.99 USD compared to the usual $60 USD and it doesn't happen often. It's worth looking at. I enjoyed the few hours I played a lot, but I couldn't tell you how good it is overall. Reviews seem good.

Grim Dawn: Others have already mentioned this one. It's the successor to Titans Quest, and perhaps the spiritual successor to Diablo 2. Supports mods, which is great! Stash enhancements, character editors, etc. It's an ARPG game similar to Path of Exile and Diablo. Story is decent, there's some cool mechanics and choices matter type stuff, but even with those you can still play with your friends. You can get the game with expansions (totally worth getting) for around $21-$25 USD. Great deal and you'll be supporting a great company, Crate Entertainment takes care of their fans and keep supporting the game.

Oh nice, will have to check that one out. I still have almost all of my KMFDM cd's from the '90s still. I can't imagine them without En Esch, but will give it a try!