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Joined 1 years ago

But you could add some truck nuts behind every train car and some bull horns on the front.

Or just at least mid coffee. I live in a coffee producing country, and I've tried everything from really expensive coffee to bottom of the barrel, both local and from abroad. The only cup of coffee I sipped and spat out was a Starbucks in Houston.

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If as much as 10% of Instagram signs up for threads they'd be as big as twitter. Threads could gobble up a lot of the incoming population of the fediverse and once they have enough people, defederate from everyone else, limiting the available content to non-corpo instances. Defederating from threads is of paramount importance for the well being of the fediverse.

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Yup, 1/5th of fascists know they're fascists.

OP didn't cut off her mum because of her identity, they did so because their mum didn't respect them or their wishes. Have a good day, dude, you're a lost cause.

Not very polite or reasonable ngl

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I had 1 goal. 7y ago I tried to buy an express ticket to thoughts and prayers but the gun jammed. Good thing too, .22 HP probably would've only blown my face off. Made a deal with myself, get better within 7y or try again. I'm back in the gym, doing therapy, finished my degree, and getting to know myself better. Still between jobs but... Hey, can't have everything. Trying to emigrate but that's a bit beyond the horizon atm. That's the next goal.

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Not spanish, correct me if I'm wrong: conservative/alt right majority was narrowly avoided by socialists and there might be a second round of elections soon?

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  1. Remember that no matter what you do, as long as you don't try to stop corporate polluting, you might as well just be doing it for morality, not for the planet's biodiversity.

The one thing I hate about the sub feed is that I can't seem to filter out shorts. I have no interest in shorts, and they make up more than half of my feed.

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I enjoy the simplicity of weightlifting. Make sure your form is good, count reps, count sets, take note of the weight lifted. All of that keeps my mind occupied for 2h, no room for it to wander into topics I'd rather not think about atm.

I also find some measure of joy out of knowing I'm lifting more today than I was last week, it's simple and measurable progress. No room for subjective bias, unlike other things I'm trying to improve upon.

It also has the added benefit of tiring me out. GAD and ADHD make for horrible bedfellows, they've made nights sleepless for me more often than not, so I'll take any help I can get.

Edit: otoh, I hate cardio with a passion. Its boring and does nothing but make me sweat and lets my mind wander. I've tried everything, from music, to audiobooks, to podcasts. Plus, I feel like I run loudly, like my feet are made of lead, and I don't like being loud.

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Had a psychiatrist tell me that, didn't like that guy much ngl.

Self righteous might fit the bill.

I'm SzPD and not from the states. Had to go through Houston last year on a connection flight, when I first saw those tablets in the airport I thought it would've been the bees knees. Thing is, those things are so overloaded with useless shit (like ads) I just wanted to talk to a waiter. So many clicks to get to the main courses on offer, and there wasn't any available space for notes, in case a costumer had a specific need (allergies for example). Plus, signal was so damn slow it took a while for it to load the dishes' pictures.

No contact ordering has potential but it needs UX designers on top of the whole thing in order to make it more convenient and faster than just telling the waiter what you want.

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Honestly OP, I'd look into third party controllers. I'm assuming you're gaming on PS, but if you're gaming on PC, 8bitdo makes bang for buck xinput controllers. I got the pro (I think, has paddles round back) and it's held up through Rocket League, Elden Ring, Fifa, and For Honor. No drift issues just yet.

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Yeah, I can only remember what I read about how the attitudes of the men on the frontlines of the first world war changed after the leaders obligated a dehumanized view of each other following the first christmas truce. This very well could have the opposite effect.

Giant Steps. I usually work out to metal and punk but Giant Steps is groovy af, and is busy enough to let my mind focus on the exercise instead of whatever everyone else in the gym is doing.

Because the same people profiting from this system bankroll the media and politicians. And when those kinds of things are discussed in media, it flies over people's heads because media literacy isn't really common.

Or a weirwood grove in a horrible timeline where the North became suburbanized.

I'm a long time Android user but have rarely gone further than changing the launcher regarding costumization. Can anyone ELI5 the benefits I would have, as a regular consumer who uses his phone to just text and browse lemmy and the internet from time to time, and is just starting to learn about FOSS?

Not like I would be able to install this, I think. I'm on a Redmi 10 atm. I just want to learn.

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We got the moves - Electric callboy. Popped into my recommended when it released, with me having 0 knowledge about the band or what they're all about. Just saw this dude in a weird costume and apparently it's techno? Not the kind of music I like, gave it a try anyway. Then it got fucking wild. Not a day goes by without at least one EC song since then.

Worst thing is I know better and still cant keep my damn mouth shut

Smh, kids these days. Clay tablets are superior!

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Well, yea, but it didn't look like a shovelware game's upscaled N64 cartridge cover art.

Word of warning: the key word for many ADHD (and other mental disorders) is the word "often". Most people forget where they left their keys or wallet, most people ramble from time to time, and most people feel rejected from constructive criticism from time to time. When it happens so frequently it becomes a hindrance to day to day life and significantly decreases performance and quality of life when compared to other, seemingly "normal" people, that's when it might be time to book an appointment with the doctor.

Disclaimer: IANAD. Just ADHD, GAD, szpd and depression.

Thanks! There's still dark days but I've learnt healthy ways to deal.

Has your SO tried books? Ebooks or audiobooks could be helpful. They could try reading a book they are already familiar with in english, that way they wouldn't have to put too much effort into getting acquainted with characters and plots, and focus into pronounciation, grammar and slang.

For a time I felt like that. There was this girl with I had been friends with for about a decade. She had been there through my best and worst and put up with my shit. Then I got worse, kinda pushed her away, and we stopped talking. For a while I felt like I missed her (in reality I had feeling for her), but with some time I realized we also grew apart because we grew into different people, and that's fine. I missed the feeling, not the person, and the feeling likely won't come back.

Cleared it up, thanks! So, going forward, how's it looking for the socialist party? How is the whole thing gonna play out? I'm entirely unfamiliar to how the spanish political system works. If it was similar to my country, elected leader (do you guys have a president?) would be locking horns all term long with congress and getting absolute jack shit done.

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Used to swim when I was a kid, was pretty good too apparently. Coach wanted to put me in a pre-15 y/o (10-15 y/o) competition when I was 6 or 7. Got cold feet and dipped out. I dunno if I could take it as an alternative though, I've done it now and again but it feels like running. I prefer HIT and even that I don't love.

That "big rock make sad voices go away" bit had me hollering ngl. Very relatable.

Hunt Showdown with my mates, really loving this event. Had been burned out of the game for a long time but it feels sorta new now.

Crusader Kings 3, loving Tours and Tournaments. Hadn't played much ck3 till now, I miss some features from CK2 but, I'm sure it'll get there eventually. Not like CK2 was perfect out of the box.

Project Zomboid: doing a TLoU inspired run with a bunch of mods on apocalypse settings. It's pretty hard, but very fun.

Rimworld: always there when I need it. Currently running a mafioso vampires run, pretty fun, but I think I'm ready to move on.

Oof, sounds like a tough situation, man. Little guy has a lot of growing up to do, still. How long ago was his last psych test? 'cus I do the shutting myself up in my room. Shrink tells me it's because of my szpd. If he's got that, that would make his emotional situation a tad bit more understandable. It usually starts showing up after 11 years, and is expressed more often in males. There's little more to do with it other than CBT, if the patient thinks it ought to be fixed.

Speaking of CBT, might be something worth looking into. Haven't tried it myself, at least, not guided by a professional, but I've heard great things about it. Best of luck, man. Glad to hear you're trying your best to help the kid, too many ND kids go without.

Second to last paragraph hit home, ngl. I have adhd, gad, szpd and depression, my mum has adhd and probably either BPD or depression but refuses treatment. For a while there during the pandemic we were like oil and water. So, I can relate to your step kid.

We're doing much better now, but it took some time. Not sure where the rift is between your step kid and your partner, mine was values with my mum. It took boundaries being drawn by me for our relationship to get better. After it got better I started going to therapy, and my shrink hasn't suggested a better way to deal with the situation so, yeah. Not sure if this is any help but, yeah.

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Same. I'm usually not for cutesy stuff, quite the contrary, most of the media that I consume is violent (games like doom, music like hardcore punk) and absolutely dress like it, but I fucking loved She-Ra.

Atm, Niagara. Like it much better than the default one.

Also, music. Paying attention to the lyrics helps with learning new words, though ig metaphors, similes, etc., would be tricky, if not an even better learning experience.

Woah, way more info than I thought I would get. Thanks! I'll look into it.

Mr Samuel Streamer is my daily bread. Funny dude. Never miss a video.

Thanks for the thorough explanation! I'll keep an eye on this.