2 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I get that it is 'humane,' but I get scared when I see humans developing and organizing highly efficient ways to exterminate humans, such as gas chambers.

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It's perhaps stupider than that. The guy couldn't take getting made fun of on Twitter, so he bought and killed it.

Reaffirming that it is time to leave reddit behind and move on. What kind of evil shitheads do this to breastfeeding mothers and their infants?

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Considering we are eating a god right in front of them, they are remarkable civil about it all. I'm not a fan of religion either, as I've seen it bring out the worst in people. I wish there was more patience, understanding and empathy in the world.

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DnD is kind of a cross between improv, telling stories, and a choose-your-own-adventure, from what I gather from my spouse who runs games for a living. Playing Baldurs Gate 3 was really eye opening and I think the game helps one understand the appeal of tabletop RPGs a bit better.

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He's in the meat closet.

Think about the reasons behind your feelings. If it is shyness and some anxiety around the social aspect of it, that's one thing. If there is a deeper reason why you might feel uncomfortable with these people or why they might reject you, that's something else to acknowledge. Good luck.

In a way, you respect yourself by not sinking to their level.

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Looking at that picture and double checking that I am not having a stroke.

My favourite subreddit was r/stupiddovenests.

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They tint the light yellow orange. Blue light can make it harder to settle down and sleep. Kind of like the nightmode for your computer screen but in real life.

It feels like being safe, and wrapped in a cocoon of warmth. That you never have to regret.

He's just renting.

Eat the rich

I agree completely with the emphatic comments about not asking for medical advice on the internet.

As an aside... some of you big guys are wearing your belts really tight and strangling your assholes into hemrroids to desperately keep your pants up. Consider switching to suspenders for the love of God. It can make a huge difference in the health of you asshole vasculature, stop the itching and bleeding after a few months. You can wear the suspenders under your shirt it you don't like the style.

Insult to injury. What a smug usurping little scab.

Yes, I think your comment captures my showerthought. It was an excercize in empathy. I do realize that the love for a sacred animal is significantly more profound than the way I feel about my dog. That being said, I do have respect and love for my dear canine companion, which causes an inhibition for eating him.

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I think it boils down to "and ye harm none, do what ye will."

Bird needs to invest in some family planning

Science is neutral, but can be used for evil.

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And keep trying until you find the right therapist/therapy that works for you. There is huge variation in quality and effectiveness.

It was just a showerthought, but this platform turned it into an interesting discussion. How amazing.

I have read that it is important to create content for Lemmy, in order to feed it. This has been my first post, I think. Better to get it done than put it off. I am glad people have been able to discuss.

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That's really good to know! Thanks!

Brainspotting has been lifechanging for me. Took me decades to find it though.

Sunwise and widdershins! Only heard the term when I met some witches. IRL witches! It's a thing.


That's really social and positive.

Ok, that makes alot of sense. I'm like the person who watched the movie and think I know what the book is like (but really the book is much better).

Yes, I hear you. 👍

You are right, I'll delete my comment. I didn't realize that homeopathy meant those crazy people that use ridiculous dilutions. I heard that it's improbable that even 1 molecule of 'active' ingredient is left over after they dilute and dilute.

This must be because it confuses the wolves in sheep's clothing. Keeps predators off her trail. Maybe she owes someone money.

"Sorry to inform you, sir, but there are shit scads of people self-educating with black market meds."

Look at any university around exam time. People get desperate and do misinformed/stupid things all the time. Taking unpersribed ADHD meds is not an exception.

I think there are inside jokes that only the tabletop DnD people catch too.

It does not spark joy. Don't let it take up your precious real estate. Out it goes.

Username is now kwanker

What kind of vacuum did you upgrade to, if I may ask? I am in need of a good robot servant.

I'm sorry about that.

I used to eat the communion wafer, so maybe that's the source of my misunderstanding! Always cool to learn something new, thanks.

I too like cows. They make sense to me.

The eating-a-human thing is symbolic. I take it as a reminder to have respect for the sacrifice made by the animals that died to make the food we eat. They support our life and so a level of respect is called for.

People think of Jesus as an avatar, like god playing a computer game on earth. So in that sense Jesus is video game god.

I hate the whole hellfire thing. It seems very manipulative.

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