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Joined 12 months ago

You're wrong Alito, Congress can definitely make rules and laws to regulate you. They have the explicit authority to do that.

"The court can be trusted to self-regulate"

That's bullshit. With your unethical bribes being accepted and the bullshit rulings you've been making have proven you're an incompetent corrupt court.

31 more...

Yeah people need to stop acting like they're the most hardworking people out there. They definitely are not. Especially when you can be CEO of multiple companies and no one bats an eye.

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I'm not sure I like this. I sort of get not allowing religious symbols to be worn, but you're forcing people to dress in a certain way. I don't think the government should be able to do that

28 more...

Sure hope the cop is getting criminally charged. That's insane

The police complaining about something being bigoted? Are they that blind? Or do they really only care when it effects them...

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They better not intervene m, unless they're going to compel UPS to meet the union's demands

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We don't need to give these fascist fucks like Desantis a platform. Their opinions aren't valid at this point.

If you can charge the fee you can tell me about. Sounds pretty simple.

There needs to be an age limit for these positions. Sounds like she should have retired 25 years ago.

Awesome, fuck this shit. Scotus shouldn't be allowed to do this

Union busting should be punished by handing ownership of the company over to the employees

Put the fucker in jail. If any other average person did anything even resembling this they would immediately be in jail no question and Trump should be treated no differently. He's been given too many chances.

I would assume companies like this store any data you give the. What's going to stop them?

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We should sue the government because of all the tax cuts for the rich if this is how conservatives feel the need to act

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It's the corporations. Force them to stop price gouging everything. This is why capitalism doesn't work for the people. Just the rich.

I never felt like there was much of a point for them. It was annoying for my family because we always had to buy specific clothes for school

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What's the point of putting up fake listings? I can't imagine you'll get any money from that

12 more...

It's probably about control I would guess. The capitalists need people to do work for them so if the population doesn't know much about their own bodies I would guess it's more likely they'll have children who will grow up to be workers.

I believe most clients allow you to limit the upload rate so I would set that to something that is less than your max upload rate so that it almost never causes an issue. The limit of torrents it more limited by your network and what your computer can handle.

If the more "moderate" republicans were actually interested in doing anything then they would forget working with the crazy people and work more with democrats on actually passing a budget. Clearly that isn't their goal

God this is so frustrating to watch. Republicans don't have the majority at this point. They've lost a portion of their seats to the absolutely most insane people. And they weren't really sane to begin with.

I don't use a VPN and the list that comes up for me here isn't remotely accurate

Why does he keep doing it then?

Ukraine defending themselves is terrorism? Makes sense to me that they would attack war ships like this

I hope they strike anyway. I'm tired of this shit. Corporations are never held accountable

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I mean I kind of agree with Trump, but I would like to see someone under 50 maybe?? Like someone who isn't ancient, you know?

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Well if course not. Gotta pay those stock holders

No, it those shouldn't either. Which is why I'm conflicted here.

I agree, there are plenty of other people from this generation capable of running government. It's time for these people who have been in power for over 30 years to retire.

I suppose if the storm was that bad they shouldn't have rescheduled it anyway. People really shouldn't be driving in that kind of weather.

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Ah, so he's essentially been disqualified at this point. I suppose a conviction will make that certain.

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Makes sense, just drags Airbnb down. I suppose if your only goal is to do hurt Airbnb then it's doing something at least

Robert is a democrat??? What???

Jesus Christ, now the government is directly doing it

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Agreed, fuck capitalism

Ah, I agree though. These companies should be punished harshly for this.

Using similar logic we should be able to use for that. It's a load of bullshit. The government is constantly giving money directly to rich people, but God forbid we do the same thing for regular people.

Ban them or something, us Americans need to fuck off