Conservative groups sue to block Biden plan canceling $39 billion in student loans to politics – 603 points –
Conservative groups sue to block Biden plan canceling $39 billion in student loans

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We should sue the government because of all the tax cuts for the rich if this is how conservatives feel the need to act

i should sue for all the ppp loans that were forgiven. how unfair is that. rich people got loans forgiven yet you or i cannot.

Most PPP loans didn’t even save any jobs

Went directly into the business owners pocket to buy swimming pools, boats & exotic cars.

I think the main issue is that the people who are sueing student loans, can afford to.

Using similar logic we should be able to use for that. It's a load of bullshit. The government is constantly giving money directly to rich people, but God forbid we do the same thing for regular people.

This is legitimately a good idea. Does anyone know a lawyer that would take that case on?

Aren’t they conveniently exempt from lawsuits?

Not anymore, if this is how the courts what to run things