4 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Huh, so this is what happens when you passive-aggressively diss your customers' reviews and tell them "no, it isn't our fault our game feels dated and like a step down from what we had before, you guys are just playing the game wrong"...

Nothing went wrong. Reddit knew from minute 1 they weren't going to negotiate this change (not in good faith, anyways).

Add to that, like everyone else is saying, the fact that they weren't actually pushed to change thier minds in the slightest by users when push came to shove; because yeah, some of us left, but a lot of us participated, said they weren't gonna back down...and went right back to Reddit when all was said and done.

(Not saying "the protests were a total bust" because, from what I understand at least, this happened to Digg in the past, and it wasn't immediately overtaken by Reddit. It happened in waves of users over time until it got eclipsed. Pretty sure it was bad policy change effecting users after bad policy change that made everyone start to pack up too, not just one. Part of me is hopeful that history is repeating).

But to circle back, basically the attempt was doomed to fail because the decision was made absolute long before any talk of protesting it was even a thought in anyone's mind.

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I mean, it's Epic. I doubt they were thinking

No. It's got nothing to do with "Haters being Haters". The camel's back just finally broke.

Frankly, it's something that I'm surprised didn't happen sooner. People got tired of excusing Bethesda's many blunders since they joined Microsoft (because after that, they should have no excuse for mediocre...anything, especially on the technical side) Bethesda also got too used to people giving them a pass and going "oh, silly Bethesda!" when they saw a severe bug or just bad/mediocre mechanics, where if it was anyone else, they'd be rightfully upset that they paid fully AAA price and the game was a broken, bug filled mess (sometimes with bugs that date back to Morrowind, at that), and is finally feeling that burn others normally get. It was cute (apparently) in 2006 with Oblivion, it's no longer cute in 2023.

It's also likely to do with Bethesda's attitude. Them responding to criticism about some planets being empty and boring to explore with things like "it's not boring. When Armstrong and the gang landed on the moon IRL, they weren't bored" or just passive aggresively in general to negative reviews with actual critisms of the game instead of taking the critisim to heart and striving to maybe add some content to them as an update (or DLC, but them charging $70, then asking for more money to fix a problem in the base game would bring em more heat than anything) being some examples.

Or the fact that, instead of fixing severe bugs or optimizing their game, they're introducing this Creations thing and basically doing what i said in parenthesis above.

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She had the gall a week later to chase me down the street begging to speak to me and apologizing...i was still being followed for 1/2 mile.

I would have heard her out if i was you. Not because I'd take her back or believe a single word that comes out of her mouth, no, no, but the sheer audacity of doing that + the desperation to get you to listen...nah, whatever fiction she came up with HAS to be some Oscar-worthy writing instead of the whole "it was a mistake!" if she borderline stalked you to share it, and then thought for a second she still had a shot with you after.

That, or her (non-existent) balls are bigger than her brains.

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None. I prefer native packages. AUR usually has me covered and hasn't broken my system...ever, really. Yet, anyways. (Well, it might have broken my Manjaro install, but it is Manjaro, so i probably sneezed wrong)

....but, if I had to pick one? Flatpaks. Outta the three, they've given me the least trouble and just work right out the gate. Still prefer native packages tho

Paying for the sex? If she isn't an escort or if money wasn't discussed at all, she's not getting paid jack.

Paying for the taxi ride home is another story and is probably not gonna break the bank.

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EndeavourOS, or vanilla Arch Linux by using the Archinstall script that comes with the iso file (or the old fashioned way of following the Arch Wiki and doing it manually through the command line, if you're up for it). Personally, I'd go with Endeavour. Not only because I'm lazy, it's rock solid in general, and easy to install via the GUI installer (by comparison, the Archinstall interface is...passable, IMO), Archinstall can sometimes fail, and it can be...weird with what it leavws out (ex: I tried Archinall and XFCE once. Still had to install the user dictionaries post installation. Never found out if it still does that in the newer iso's).

Do keep in mind that Endeavour is on the light-ish side, you might need to install a couple of things to make it feel more feature complete, and also you'll have to use the terminal for updating the system, installing stuff, and maintanance--tho nothing is stopping you from grabbing Pamac of the AUR (which is set up and ready to go on first boot) and doing stuff through there instead like you did in Manjaro.

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So, what I wanted was a faster, rolling-release, easy-to-use with easy installation of Nvidia proprietary drivers

EndeavourOS. It's Arch-based, so it's a rolling release, the install Nvidea driver option is right on the boot menu when you first install, it's easy to use (and easy to install) and has a Wecome tool to help you navigate if you're not used to Arch. And, at least in my experience, it's fast

There's some drawbacks tho. It's on the lighter side: good if you wanna pick and choose what you wanna have on your system, not so good if you want something that's ready to go OOTB. Another thing is most of the action takes place in the Terminal, hence the "terminal-centric distro" thing. That's easily fixable tho, since you can either re-enable your Discover shop (KDE), the Gnome software center's already good to go, or just install Octopi or Pamac if you really don't wanna use the terminal for stuff.

Give it a go if you. It cured my distrohopping and basically ensured I'll never go back to Windows (long term anyways. Temporarily, well, sometimes you gotta).

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  1. welcome to Linux. yer a Penguin now, Harry! Yeah, I remember the whole "kid in a candy shop" feeling I got when I first started lol

  2. hope you have better luck with your Dell than i did. Treated mine like a baby, and suddenly? The shell around the screen and board cracked. Ya think repairing it would be easy/cheap, but alas, somehow....(not trying scare you just, becareful with it, cheap or no)

procedurally generated ain't all bad, but for this game it was not the move. As soon as I heard about "100+ planets" i kinda lost hope in the game. What they should've done instead was make A Solar System. 8 or so planets to land in, explore, and do quests in, and go absolutely ham on those 8 planets to make them as intesting and diverse from each other as possible. The rest would be moons or space stations you'd find exploring space. IDK, this could just be me, but i feel doing this alone would have improved the game significantly

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Can't speak for everyone, but I'd love to see more personal projects done by others posted on Lemmy--whether it's something god-teir or mediocre (because well, what you may call mediocre, some might call pretty good. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and all that).

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As someone else put it perfectly in another comment: it's just porn. It's not going to affect the life of the person viewing it unless said person lets it.

IMO, tho, as with most things things in life, just doing as the Greeks did is a good rule of thumb: you doing this in moderation? you're good.

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That is...true, actually. The longer I use Linux, the more I'm like "....but what if, man, what if I ditch Arch for Fedora or NixOS or give Pop_OS! another chance (and i very well might when Cosmic launches)?" And sometimes I do...and then always come crawling back.

Going back to Windows full time ain't even crossed my mind for a hot minute. Partly because i have a spare driver running it for emergencies (that i barely use anyways, only because Windows literally runs one important app that I need, that I can't run on Linux), and partly because going back means being stuck with Windows 11 again, and I really dislike Windows 11's design choices, personally (and Microsoft in general, but i digress).

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Gotta disagree. Even with following a handful Linux groups on here, there's several other topics and discussions that quickly dominate my feed, from games, to music, books and comics, to pets doing adorable things, to anime, and TTRPG stuff (...and Star Trek. Now that's something i can't seem to escape on The Fediverse and makes me feel just a tiny bit left out because I'm not really into lol). Then again, it's up to you what you see since the user is in full control of what they allow or block in thier feed.

So curate until you barely see any Linux, if that's what ya fancy.

the reviews of Elex are mostly positive

Yes, and Piranha Bytes is small AA German game studio with a staggering 33 people as of 2021 (according to wikipedia) that have always stuck to their lane and made very niche games in the background that are basically only appealling to their audience. They know damn well who they're aiming at with their stuff too, because they're not trying to change the formula much as of Elex 2 or grab as much people as possible.

You can compare that to Bethesda (that according to inside sources, wants to act like a AA when they're acctually AAA in manpower, budget, and project scope), with it's 450 people on staff and different subsidaries that work together with them as needed, to Piranha Bytes, but that'd be disingenuous as all hell.

Eh, easy mode is for those who need or want to use it. Ditto for hard or impossible modes. Adult, teenager, troglodyte, don't really matter what ya are

As much as I dislike Epic...nah, I wouldn't wish them that fate (to be bought out and then discarded in the Google graveyard)

Yup, that's the word for it. Initial burst. Definetly not the last.

That's gonna be fun for the new mods to deal with lol in fact, i think they already are.

Reddit had years to build up its content, and Rome wasn't built in a day (something i feel a lot of people easily forget, and not just in this case) so in some ways I can't blame them for not moving. It's like you said tho, the best way to hurt Reddit is to post good content elsewhere, and IDK, I feel like that could have been better than just bitterly staying.

That's not for us to decide, i think. Lemmy might be a whole different beast, but if enough people come in and bring the Reddit expierence to Lemmy, it just might. Maybe not a 100% replacement, it'll never be a 1:1 replacement after all, but just enough.

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It looks like he's having fun there lol

That's cool and all, but this person is (I'm assuming) new-ish to Linux and hasn't developed their opinion on "what distro/DE/way of doing things works for me" and "what do I want/don't want in my system", which IMO is extremely important's their system, and what works for you (Gnome + Arch) might not jive well with em. That's the beauty of Linux: it's up to the user to do as they will. Maybe let them get their feet wet first before throwing something that needs to be babysat and occasionally maintained at them as a better option, just saying.

Also, that Arch has "the superior package management system" is an opinion, not a hard fact.

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Oh, no, I didn't mean it as it's something that has to be done, tho rereading my comment i can see where that's implied, I meant it more as:

Paying for the cab fare does not suddenly make the person you slept with a prostitute (that's what i got from OP's comment. That as soon as money was added into the equation, he's suddenly with an escort), hence "that's another story".

It isn't a must on your part to cough up cash for the other person at all, but I dunno, I feel like the least you can do is offer to pitch in if it's not gonna inconvenience you and she's not being rude about shit (in this case, it's hard to tell for me if she was); but that's a me thing. When you're raised to offer your help when you can and you lived in the not-so-nice parts of town most of your life...yeah, I tend to ask anyone that's with me if they can make it home alright and offer to help somehow if I'm able to. I understand if people can't or don't wanna do the same, tho admittedly, I sometimes forget that it's not like, the standard response, you get me?

No one anticipated a game that people have been waiting and hyped for for 20 years at least AND that people knew what to expect because of its early acess/beta that came out two years before release to be successful...


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While I am impressed that No Man's Sky pulled a 180 in the end and I doubt they'll repeat the same mistakes with this, a dose of some skeptism is always healthy.

Also, doesn't hurt to check what the thing looks like at release--we just had The Day Before pull the ol' switcharoo on people, after all--and how it plays when it's out before making a purchase (looking right at Cyberpunk the game vs Cyberpunk the game that was pitched to people, amount of "it's better now" is gonna bring the game that was hyped up before release/used "Work in Progress" as a shield to life. Not without a complete rework. Could also apply to the above The Day Before too). By all means, believe that the devs learned, I really hope they did, cuz as a Fantasy junkie, this looks like something I'd really enjoy...but also be at least a little cautious in what you're gonna throw money at

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Holy massive oversimplification, Batman....




Outta all the words you could've chosen, you went with the two that people throw at heavy Conservative and Heavy Liberal places because it makes them sound worse than they actually are (and, i'm going to guess, because they don't know what either a facist state or a communist state actually look and function like). Interesting.

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Could probably be me being ignorant, but how does this look "run down" exactly? It looks like a Walmart, and them looking like this is not strictly a US thing. Walmarts look exactly like this in Mexico too, and from what ever little I seen of em, also look the same in Canada.

But to answer your question, no. Not all shops in the US look have the Walmart look.

The screaming Opossum

Yet another "Time to reccomend EndeavourOS" reply.

Seriously tho, EndeavourOS is a pretty solid distro, and not that different from what you're currently rocking (Manjaro is based on Arch) except actually works as an Arch based distro should, unlike Manjaro. EndeavourOS's a bit on the light side tho, and it comes with no GUI Add/Remove Software outta the box, but if you don't like using the Konsole for that, nothing a "yay pamac-all" (or "yay pamac-all-no-snap") and a bit of installing the packages you want/need can't fix.

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Endeavour is as close as you can get to pure Arch with a GUI installer + pretty neat QOL features OOTB (reflector to update mirrors, the AUR's already installed and ready to go, etc). 90% of what applies to vanilla Arch applies to Endeavour when it comes to fixes, and the community is super helpful and friendly in my experience. It's kinda light on stuff when compared to other ready to go Linux Distros, but hey, that just means less pre-installed apps you either never use or have to uninstall

Manjaro is an Arch based distro that kinda sucks at being an Arch based distro (essentially, the updates are held back by a couple of weeks for better and worse, WIP packages sometimes slip through to the repos and can cause problems to your system, and you can forget about using the AUR--or well, you can, but the AUR and Manjaro are nortorious for not playing nice with one another). Troubleshooting the thing tested my patience personally, because like someone else here said: it basically found a unique way to break itself every time I updated the system and I just got....tired, eventually. Manjaro also comes with basically everything you could possibly need pre-installed and then some, so that's neat if you're not in the mood to hunt down all your apps.

If you're cool with using the terminal to update, install stuff (or you could also install pamac or Octopi, nothing's stopping you, and it works) and troubleshoot, try Endeavour. You can make it exactly like Manjaro without the defects with a bit of work if you want

If you don't mind being extra careful with what you install (really that's standard practice, but hey, I've never found a WIP package anywhere other than Manjaro, so make of that what you will), are willing to tolerate constant mild to severe breakage, and just using Flatpaks and appimages over the AUR, go with Manjaro

That was...stupidly easy lol Thank you so much!

You don't believe someone that's a narcissist and egocentric as all hell can't also be smart about thier public image? You should reconsider, because that's pretty much what happened. And he isn't the only one. Personally, I've always lived by a simple golden rule:

All those billionaires that wanna convince you that they're "cool and not like the other billionaires", they ever pull a Jimmy Carter and build houses for the poor, becoming a lecturer at a university, or do any other humanitarian work that requires them to physically bust thier ass working hard like the rest of us? No? Then they're no different.

If you don't wanna take the overwhelming documented evidence that shows he was always like that and didn't magically become unhinged one day tho, by all means, believe what you want.

Could be just them sharing the wiki with em (which is a great companion to ANY Linux Distro. Arch or non-Arch, a lotta the stuff there can be very helpful), but...feel like it's a bit early to be doing that IMO. "Start em young" and all that, sure, but also let them learn, fail, and get into messes themselves first, ya know

It really depends. A lot of them are hurt in some way shape or form and in a desperate situation like qooqie mentions and get pushed back into a corner over and over until they violently lash out, and a lot of others have a genuine disdain for other people or a warped personality/prespective on something (like Elliot Rogers and his entitlement to a girlfriend/sex) and rather than try and quell it or get help, they let it fester until they eventuallty also lash out.

The end result is the same. Either they get inspired to do heinous actions because there's no other option in their head to stop whatever they precieve as a problem, or they look at someone else that did them before and think "they had the right idea" and emulate them.

Thank you for your contribution. Mod Authors in general are GOATed for what they do, but the ones that do tiny things like these are some unsung heroes, IMO.

Dunno if I'd consider myself "younger" anymore (who am i kidding, i ain't THAT old lol), but...

If we count really old games: the OG castlevania's. Didn't grow up during that era, but thanks to handmedowns, i got to play pre Symphany Vania when i was super young. Love them, wish i was better at them tho. The collections are sitting in my steam library, and maybe some day, I'll beat at least one of the classics.

For something more recent(?) tho, i love me some Touhou. fangames, offically made games by Zun, fan games in the style of Zun, ya name it....but MAN do i suck at the actual bullethell Touhou games. i can make it past two or 3 stages, but then the boss destroys me and I'm like "I CAN choose continue, nothing but pride is stopping me...but also, if i can't manage this far without continuing, how bad is the rest gonna be??" and wuss out lol

The alcholic is already in a habit. What i put was not written with the idea of an addict in mind, simply that the act (porn) is not some evil, rotten thing that should be avoided like the plague, but should instead be treated as a neutral thing and viewed with moderation--should a normal, non-addicted person decide to do so at all.

Also, that you used that specific example for your comment, considering I actually did put the bottle down a while ago because yeah, boiling it down, it pretty much was destroying my relationships and not doing my already weak ass immune system any favors, made me crack a smile NGL

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Go for it, I say. YMMV, but Pop!_OS for me was a headache, just didn't play nice with my rig. I'd go with Endeavor over vanilla Arch, just to make the install process simpiler.

For the terminal, you can learn how to use it at a basic level, I believe someone here already posted some commands. Write those down and what they do, or use Endeavor's Welcome Screen, and you'll be alright...or you can just install Pamac (yay pamac on the terminal. Go with pamac-all or the one that says no snaps) or Octopi, or re-enable the Discover Store if you wanna go with KDE or Gnome software and have a GUI menu for all that. If you feel lost, Google, the Arch wiki, and the Endeavor forums are your friends. The Arch wiki especially is super detailed, and can be applied to Linux in general.

Transitioning, i feel, YMMV. Again, i had a pretty bad time with Pop!Os and I wasn't a big fan of adding PPAs in general. It's nice not having to deal with any of that, personally. And up-to-date packages means my stuff isn't behaving oddly for the most part (there's breakages, small and big, but that's with all distros. Something is bound to screw up sooner or latter) Only thing I mind is constantly having to babysit the system...but that's the nature of rolling releases (by babysit, i mean updating is a daily thing. i know i can leave it for a week or two without upgrading and it'll be fine, but outta habit, I do a system wide update (yay in the terminal, or through pamac if ya got it) before shutting down for the day.) but I haven't found a stable release I vibe with, so I put up with it

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Instead of laugh, I'll clap because it looks pretty good. We all start somewhere, and this ain't bad at all

Thanks for the good vibes, internet stranger. Also for spitting straight facts: world always seems to be "falling apart, for reals this time" every other decade since....forever, and yet we're still here doing the best we can.

From the lil bit that I actually played of it: it does take several steps in the direction of the older games, with a more parkour friendly area that brings to mind OG assassins creed (like, it's meant for you to move around from building to building), significantly reducing if not outright removing the RPG mechanics of the previous 3 games (thankfully, IMO), and even a bigger emphasis on stealth. It brought back social stealth as well, but just like in Valhala it just feels...there? Like it feels tact on instead of there for a reason--could be I'm not using it right tho. Albiet, it IS hampered because of both the limitations with the engine (that was built for the RPG games in mind, and that playstyle) and the fact that AFAIK, this was basically a DLC for the last game originally, before it became its thing. It's tied to Valhalla's DNA, even tho it really shouldn't be, basically.

Dunno, I feel the Devs REALLY wanted to make it more than they did, but didn't have the resources to do so. Regardless, IMO it's a solid first step that, while nowhere near perfect, can continue to become better with sequels if this is where the series goes from here. (And prove that "going back to the roots" can bring innovations to something, not regressions)